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View Full Version : How can I include 12month old in baking?

28-04-2011, 09:34 PM
Ds loves baking and a few week ago I started doing 'baking Thursday' every week. I also have a very energetic 12month old who won't sit still for a second. I am really struggling to include her in the activity.

We have been baking at the kitchen table (instead of kitchen counter) and the baby sits in her high chair so that she can see. I have tried giving her bowls and spoons to play with but she isn't very interested and throws them on the floor. I have also mixed up some gloop from whatever ingredients we are using and put it on her high chair tray but that doesn't interest her for more that a minute or two either:(

She seems to think that as she is in the high chair she is going to be fed and starts banging the tray until I give her something nice (nicer than the gloop that is) to eat. This keeps her happy but doesn't really help in terms of including her.

Does anybody have any good ideas?

The Juggler
29-04-2011, 07:30 AM
if she doesn't want to sit still let her get on with it hon, can you give her some toys to play with on the floor whilst you mix and bake? Same as any other child who doesn't want to join in with an activith.

Or if you need to have her in the highchair so you know she's safe, then some playdoh or crayons to play with in the high chair??

29-04-2011, 08:04 AM
if she doesn't want to sit still let her get on with it hon, can you give her some toys to play with on the floor whilst you mix and bake? Same as any other child who doesn't want to join in with an activith.

Or if you need to have her in the highchair so you know she's safe, then some playdoh or crayons to play with in the high chair??

Totally agree, we did baking yesterday and one of our youngest (12 months) was not interested at all, we sat him on the floor with some toys where he was happy for about 2-3 mins, but curiosity got the better of him and he came and joined us. He then wouldn't leave and had great fun.

29-04-2011, 08:49 AM

I think you are both right and maybe I have just got too caught up in trying to be inclusive!

29-04-2011, 05:54 PM
I put my 12 mo on the floor....happier watching the washing machine go round. ( child lock on)

29-04-2011, 06:07 PM
We have started sitting on the floor to do the mixing in the bowls (i have laminate flooring) That way everyone can see i.e get up nice and close :D It works really well and i find that even those who aren't normally interested toddle over to see what all the laughter and mess is about! I also make sure that i have enough wooden spoons for one each and it really helps with turn taking xx