View Full Version : Accident Reporting and Policy Wording

27-04-2011, 07:13 PM
I'm just reviewing my policies. On my original accident/incident policy it said, 'After every accident, however minor, I will: Complete a report in my accident book'.

I no longer think this is right. I'm looking after a very accident prone two year old who tends to bump himself or do something every time he is here! I completed an accident form when he pulled down on the back of the ride-on car and hit his face with it giving himself a thick lip and when he fell on the deck and gave himself an egg head/graze. :eek: Today for example, he fell on a toy and there was a slight red mark. I wrote this in his diary that goes home but didn't do an accident report as such.

Just wondering, what do you have on your policy? I'm struggling to word what I mean. Some accident warrant a form, others don't but how do I put this in the policy IYSWIM? I do diaries for the preschoolers but the school children don't have written diaries.

27-04-2011, 07:46 PM
I have.... In the event of a minor accident e.g. a grazed knee, the child will be given reassurance and general first aid. The details of the child/accident/action taken will be entered into our Accident Book, the child's parent/carer will be informed and asked to read and sign the book on collection of their child.

In the event of a major accident etc etc etc...

I only write in the book if the accident leaves a mark, I put other accidents into their daily diaries just so Mum is aware.

:) Karen