View Full Version : early drop off policy with a charge..

22-04-2011, 10:59 AM

Looking for a policy for early drop with a fee.

Has any one got a policy or no where I can find one for this.
I have a parent who thinks its ok to drop off half an hour early free of charge.

One of my parents has made arrangements with HER BOSS to go into work early for 3 days next week without asking or checking I can or would do it. what a dam cheek! she text me last night asking if I would but as yet not texted her back, so flippin mad.

This parent also made a fuss that she didnt agree with paying half fees for holidays

Some parents take the mick dont they...


24-04-2011, 07:57 PM
I think you need to have a word with these parents face to face. A policy won't cut it if you aren't prepared to follow it through and say somehting along the lines of 'I'm very sorry but you are early, please make sure you drop of at contracted times only as I have preparations to make for the day/maybe over my numbers with other children/don't wish to start any earlier than X o'clock.

Hope it goes well!

24-04-2011, 09:14 PM
I would tell her no - that's so cheeky.

And I wouldn't answer the door to a parent who was early either!

Miffy xx

24-04-2011, 09:18 PM
You need to remind these parents of the rules (if you haven't got any make a list and stick it somewhere you can see it when on the phone or texting)


Be strong and they will respect you, be a doormat and they will wipe their feet

24-04-2011, 09:20 PM
I'm not a childminder but feel your frustration! I too would text back with a polite 'no'. Are you able to not answer the door until agreed drop off time? Perhaps then she will get the message.

24-04-2011, 09:30 PM
be a doormat and they will wipe their feet

I like that! :thumbsup:

Miffy xx

24-04-2011, 09:43 PM
I have in my fees policy and in the paperwork that the parents are given that I charge from the time that they arrive to the time that they leave the house. So I would be charging the extra half hour for the parent that regularly drops off early - at an overtime rate!. Same with a late collection. Other minders would not open the door until the contracted time.

If you use a NCMA contract you should have a section that says "hours childminded outside contracted hours - £__________" . If you have filled this in or crossed it out you need to re-do you contracts to charge extra for early drops.

If you are not happy to do the early mornings this week then say no you are unable to do it. However I agree with Minstrel you are going to have to speak to them individually and explain that it is your business and you call the shots not them.

Good Luck

26-04-2011, 05:57 PM
I actually wrote my own drop-off/collection policy in which I state that when dropping off if you're early - the front door won't be open! And if you're late, I may already have left to take my daughter to school. It also states if you're late that you'll get charged an extra hour. And if you're late after 6pm, that extra hour is at time and a half.

I haven't started childminding yet but I'd definitely not open the door, or, if I did, I'd say is this the time you actually want to drop off? If she says oh yes I can't get to work in time otherwise, I'd have us re-do the contract with an earlier drop-off time so she always was on time.

In the policy I also put in things like not letting a child go to someone who appeared drunk or drugged, that parents where to come to my front door to get/drop off the child, that they would be required to sign the daily register every day - stuff like that. Also that if they didn't turn up and I couldn't get hold of them and I couldn't get hold of any nominated alternatives i'd have to call social services - tried to cover everything.

But sounds like you will have to have a word with this mum and tell her that she can't drop off early like this - you're not ready and you've not had time to conduct your daily safety checks and set up activities when she comes this early. Hope it goes well.

26-04-2011, 06:04 PM
Wow Hollyberry you really are well organised, good luck when you start
