View Full Version : Policies and Procedures?!

20-04-2011, 01:28 PM
Right, I am trying to get started on my policies and procedures. I have done loads of looking around at other peoples, bmca and the info i got at my briefing session but i'm STILL having issues lol

From what i understand a Policy is WHAT you will do and a Procedure is HOW you will do it. The problem is that all the one's i have looked at seem to mix both bits in together and i'm having trouble separating the individual parts. Plus, for most things the policy and procedure are one and the same?!

So....after waffling what i'm asking is can/should the policy be a few lines set out almost as a statement of intent and then the procedure list the steps?

Such as for Equal Opportunities my policy would be:

We live in a multicultural multilingual and multiracial society and it is only natural that children in my care should have access to this rich heritage in their early years.

I will endeavour to promote equal opportunities and recognise that no one should be discriminated against due to their race, gender, class, culture, age, religion, disability or linguistic diversity. I aim to promote equal choices along with supporting and enhancing positive self esteem and achieving ones full potential.

Then my procedure:
*I will treat every child (and their family) as an individual
*Will provide an inclusive setting where all children (and their families) feel valued, welcomed, trusted and respected.
*All children will have equal access to an appropriate range of facilities and activities

I think you get my meaning lol Sorry for doing a HUGE post but i am struggling to get this straight in my head and i didn't think I was this dense lol

Thanks alot for reading and any input would be appreciated :thumbsup:

20-04-2011, 06:31 PM
It sounds like you have them under control! I think possibly you are over-thinking it.

Just write your feelings on the subject in words that parents will understand.

Don't write too many or nobody will read them.

Hth :D