View Full Version : medication policies

17-04-2011, 09:09 AM
when i was on my first aid corse yesterday the trainer said that even calpol now can only be given to a child if it has a dispensers lable on with the date relavent to the time needed to give it.
i cant fine any relavent posts, as im not with ncma i cant get in to the relavent page to view this.
can some one pleases let me know what it says as will need to review my policies thanks

17-04-2011, 09:53 AM
The requirements state that you must have prior written permission to give medication to children.

They do not say that medication has to be prescribed by a doctor... it can be bought from a Chemists shop on advice from the Pharmacist.

Parents must give you dosage instructions including when it was last given so you do not overdose the child.

Some medication is kept in case a child needs it during the day such as inhalers, Epipens, teething gels, nappy cream and sometimes Calpol if the child is teething or is liable to raised temperatures which might happen at any time.

If you keep medication like this you must have prior written permission to administer it but as it has not always come from a doctor it will not always have a dispenser's label.

This leaflet confirms the requirements -


Hth :D

18-04-2011, 03:34 PM
thanks very much, i will have a read as soon as i finish today

27-04-2011, 12:15 PM
I was told this too back in October. I informed parents with written info that i asked them to sign. Now even when the parents buy over the counter meds they ask the pharmasist to print a label with the childs name & dose on it. So far i havent had any problems and they have all done that. I just wanted to make sure that i was covered.


28-04-2011, 11:10 AM
In my medication policy i have stated that i will administer non-prescribed medication such as calpol, nurofen or teething gels, but only with written parental permission stating the dose and times and it must be signed before and after the day is out as with any other medication and also put in my medicine book.
Incases with inhalers i ask for spare one to be kept at mine and this is also written down in my medicine book and signed for.