View Full Version : How do you organise your paperwork?

16-04-2011, 12:02 PM
I think this is the hundredth time I have thought about this and it's not the first time I've asked you guys about this over the last 3 years!

How do you organise your paperwork to make it as easy as possible to find stuff and to show Ofsted?

I used to have hundreds of folders, then i organised them under the 5 every child matters headings, then i culled a lot of my stuff and put it all in one file given to me by County - BUT i'm still not happy!!

I just want it to be very very easy for Mrs O to find everything!

What do you guys do with it all?!

16-04-2011, 02:52 PM
I have lots of files for Ofsted too and I have spent the last few months trying to organise them so that they are easy to access.

obviously you need files for your portfolio of evidence (mine is alphabetical now), risk assessments, policies and procedures, course certificates etc...

Then I have a file showing how we have improved since the last inspection. It covers inside and the garden.

Most of it is photos with brief notes saying how the resources etc enhance outcomes for children so it's very easy to flick through.

I also have a professional development file where I store my SEF and plans for the future.

Then there's my daily diary and daily file which sit next to me all the time.

The planning, learning journeys and other files sit on a different shelving unit now because they are not directly related to the running of the business. I think that's where I was confusing myself before ... I was trying to have too much evidence in too many different places.

Hth :D

16-04-2011, 03:09 PM
I have lots of files for Ofsted too and I have spent the last few months trying to organise them so that they are easy to access.

obviously you need files for your portfolio of evidence (mine is alphabetical now), risk assessments, policies and procedures, course certificates etc...

Then I have a file showing how we have improved since the last inspection. It covers inside and the garden.

Most of it is photos with brief notes saying how the resources etc enhance outcomes for children so it's very easy to flick through.

I also have a professional development file where I store my SEF and plans for the future.

Then there's my daily diary and daily file which sit next to me all the time.

The planning, learning journeys and other files sit on a different shelving unit now because they are not directly related to the running of the business. I think that's where I was confusing myself before ... I was trying to have too much evidence in too many different places.

Hth :D

Thanks Sarah! I like the idea of a file showing improvements. I think it's my portfolio that causing me the most stress! is yours one file or several? i wondered whether to organise it like the eyfs - requirements, and principles

16-04-2011, 04:21 PM
Hmmm mine was in ECM order for many years.

I looked at the EYFS statutory requirements and it wouldn't have worked for me because there are too many and some would be full and others half empty.

Then the ECM website disappeared with the coalition Govt and while ECM is still an important part of the SEF and Eyfs generally I thought it might be a good time to have a re-vamp.

So I took everything I have, typed a long contents list and put it into alphabetical order. It is now in one big file called 'my portfolio of evidence'.

It took a few weeks but I am really pleased with the result and I can find things much easier now.

I must get it proofed actually it's nearly ready to sell I just keep getting sidetracked with other things :rolleyes:

Hth :D

16-04-2011, 04:39 PM
I have five of the ncma purple cases. One has old paperwork for children, second has my portfolio and my eyfs folders showing what and how i do it and some of the sheets to help from the may 2008 pack.

Third has medical book and current children files in it and fourth with the plans and Learning journeys in.

Fifth has any back up stuff, like the brochures and information leaflets you pick up and training course stuff if i think it might be useful in future, although apart from things like Active learning book and some of the other publications around working with boys, helping children with disabilities, i am thinking i might clear a lot of the leaflets about 'frank and drugs' and bullying out, because i havent used them in 8 years and prob wouldnt be my first port of call if i needed something like it, given the access to internet etc so readily available.

julie w
16-04-2011, 11:40 PM
Hi sorry to show my ignorance, but what do you mean by your portfolio? What do you have in it? Thank you.

17-04-2011, 06:45 AM
Hi sorry to show my ignorance, but what do you mean by your portfolio? What do you have in it? Thank you.

My portfolio is my evidence file for parents and Ofsted.

It is also where I keep all the paperwork about myself and the way I run my business.

It starts with information about me, my children, the house, routines etc and continues by mentioning in brief every policy, procedure, business opening and closing times, things to bring for parents... everything I can think of that might interest or inform others about the way I work.

It is backed up with evidence - info sheets I have written for parents on various subjects, copies of my insurance docs etc.

It links to my welcome pack for new parents so as I update one I can easily update the other.

Hth :D

17-04-2011, 07:55 AM
My portfolio is my evidence file for parents and Ofsted.

It is also where I keep all the paperwork about myself and the way I run my business.

It starts with information about me, my children, the house, routines etc and continues by mentioning in brief every policy, procedure, business opening and closing times, things to bring for parents... everything I can think of that might interest or inform others about the way I work.

It is backed up with evidence - info sheets I have written for parents on various subjects, copies of my insurance docs etc.

It links to my welcome pack for new parents so as I update one I can easily update the other.

Hth :D

Why oh why oh why....when Im having a paperwork stress session did I read this thread only to find out about something else I havent done :blush: :blush:

All my things seem very higeldy pigeldy compared to everyone elses :panic: :(

17-04-2011, 08:59 AM
Why oh why oh why....when Im having a paperwork stress session did I read this thread only to find out about something else I havent done :blush: :blush:

All my things seem very higeldy pigeldy compared to everyone elses :panic: :(

Nooooo! Don't feel like that! :panic:

I have been childminding for 17 years and I have built things up over years and years of developing my own practice.

You cannot possibly expect to start working and have everything in place it's a gradual learning curve.

Just take it one step at a time and it will all come together :D

17-04-2011, 01:08 PM
Hi sorry to show my ignorance, but what do you mean by your portfolio? What do you have in it? Thank you.

I am glad you asked that beacuse I was just going to ask the same:laughing: !!

I have a mission to get my to do list completed over the coming bank holiday weekends !!

c x