View Full Version : Major problem

15-04-2011, 09:11 AM
I have been looking after a 2yr old and after her parents taking her on holiday for a week I received a call from mum saying that her ex partner (childs dad) had taken the child and was not giving her back - all to do with them taking her out of the country - blah blah. I told her to keep me informed and that we would sorted out the missed week on the childs return. I have now had a text message saying that although they have her back there is a "battle" going on and they are uncertain of days and that I should "full her slot"

I replied that she will still have to give notice of 4 weeks as per the contract and pay for those weeks whether they are to be used or not. Just want to make sure with you guys that I am right and that the notice period will still need to be paid.

I am beginning to lose my rag with this childminding lark, maybe its because I have not had the best experiance to start of with, this is the 2nd set of parents to muck me around in the last 3months and I have only been registered since November!!!! Feeling like I wanna throw in the towel!!!

15-04-2011, 09:18 AM
stick to your guns hun, rules is rules....4 weeks notice

bless your heart, big hugs xxxxx

15-04-2011, 09:19 AM
No you are right and they should give notice in writing and pay the 4 weeks notice., though I think i would copt the texts and keep a record and accept that for now. it would seem the family have got themselves into a bit of a pickle!

I always take a 4 weeks fees deposit when parents sin a contract now because I was fed up of the parents who seemed to think they could get away without paying notice.

They pay it before I sign the contact and I keep it, if they don't take up the place they forfit the Deposit and if they stay, as long as fees are paid up to date the Deposit pays the 4 weeks notice.:thumbsup:

15-04-2011, 01:43 PM
Stick with it hun, there are some good ones out there, my first family still owe me money but the next ones are FAB.

I would stick to the rules 4 weeks notice, this is your job and your income and if they were taking their child to a nursery they would have to pay and it is not your fault their situation has changed.:thumbsup:

15-04-2011, 01:45 PM
As long as they have signed the contract stick to it, we have 4 weeks notice for a reason, sometimes I don't know why we bother will all the paperwork, parents never stick to it do they?

Good luck hun hope you get your money

15-04-2011, 03:25 PM
I would write them a letter accepting their verbal notice and include an invoice for all monies owed including the 4 week notice period - you should also give them a date to pay by.

You have no way of knowing whether what they are telling you is true - they might just want to end the contract without paying you notice.

Telephone your insurance company too, explain the situation and see what they advise.

Miffy xx

15-04-2011, 11:17 PM
Unfortunately I didnt take a depoist, but I think I will have to in the future!!!! Mum said she would phone me, but hasnt!!!! I am going to call tomorrow and if I dont get an answer, then I will contact NCMA Legal team, send parents a letter, giving them a full breakdown of the amounts owing and then give them 5 working days (as per my late payments policy) to pay if they dont then I will send them another letter explaining that I will be taking legal action

God I just dont unstand some people, I wouldn't and couldnt do that to someone, they owe me £405!!!! Think I need to grow a set and stop trying to be nice and accomodating to everyone!!! Just because you work from home ppl think they can screw you over - its a business, my business and I have bills to pay and a family to support too!!!

16-04-2011, 07:42 AM
God I just dont unstand some people, I wouldn't and couldnt do that to someone, they owe me £405!!!! Think I need to grow a set and stop trying to be nice and accomodating to everyone!!! Just because you work from home ppl think they can screw you over - its a business, my business and I have bills to pay and a family to support too!!!

And for some reason it's always the people you get friendly with and do the most for that screw you, at least in my experience. :(

Hope you get your money x

16-04-2011, 08:06 AM
You have learnt from your mistakes and thats whats so good about this forum. Other people post their mistakes and you can think " oh, I hadn't thought about that !!" and then change things BFORE they cause you a prob:thumbsup:

Hope you get sorted out and don't loose faith. They are not all bad out there :thumbsup:

17-04-2011, 06:12 AM
And for some reason it's always the people you get friendly with and do the most for that screw you, at least in my experience. :(

Hope you get your money x

Totally agree!

17-04-2011, 07:57 AM
Totally agree!

Yep very true 100%!!!

18-04-2011, 02:56 PM
Don't give up stick to your guns. I have learnt from past mistakes and now have 5 children on my books all of them pay monthly in advance I won't work any other way. I give them a statement every month telling them what they owe me and on what date to pay. If I have had days off apart from holiday(which is very rare) I deduct the fees off the following month. I will never work unless I have been paid already and tell the parents that if they don't pay on the date then I will not care for their child sounds harsh but I tried nice and it gets you know where . I learnt that for some reason certain parents don't see childminding as a serious business and that its your wages that they are not paying you. How would they feel if their complany decided not to pay them it get my back up:angry:
Rant over
some parents do appreciate you like they should ! I would !! we are looking after their most treasured possession and deserve respect for doing a great job

26-04-2011, 06:38 PM
I'm so pleased as I've already written into my Contract and my Payments and Charges Policy that payment is a month in advance. I figure then that if they decide to clear off I'm paid for the month anyway. I'm also very daring and state very clearly that if they don't pay/terminate within the terms, I won't hesitate to seek payment through the courts. I intend to do my absolutely best when I start childminding (soon please God!!) - but I also need to get paid for it. It's going to be my one and only income and I've not really got a choice about missing being paid. It's awful that some parents, some, don't seem to think about the effect on the childminder who clearly has their own family and expenses to sort out just like they do.

26-04-2011, 08:53 PM
And for some reason it's always the people you get friendly with and do the most for that screw you, at least in my experience. :(

Hope you get your money x

Oh this has happened to me, bent over backwards for a family that I looked after for 2 years and the mum did nothing but lie all the time, in order to get discounts and out of paying 4 weeks notice.

Hope you get your money x