View Full Version : Wedding negatives help !!

It's a small world
15-04-2011, 07:44 AM
Hi not sure if anyone can help. I've been married a few years now (11 years)A couple of years ago we got letter from our photographer to say they were retiring and would we like to BUY our negatives. I replied yes but didn't see why I should buy them when we spent a fortune on the day n they didn't get half the photos we asked for (although the ones they did do were good) anyway they said I should value my wedding photos n pay for the negatives . After several arguments ( think they were just after money really ) we paid as I wanted my negatives incase I wanted pics on the future.
Sorry I'm waffling. Thing is I got my negatives but nothing else) I've tried several places but no one will develop them for me without a letter stating they give permission for them to be developed. Problem is photographers moved to Scotland and I have no way of contacting them for a letter. Anyone no where I can get my negatives printed without any letter ir anything just the pics?
Sorry for babbling n long post x

15-04-2011, 07:59 AM
Fake a letter............. I DID NOT SAY THAT!!!!

15-04-2011, 08:05 AM
Fake a letter............. I DID NOT SAY THAT!!!!

I did not say that either :D

15-04-2011, 08:06 AM
I did not say that either :D

Oh what a thought - I did not say that either :laughing: :laughing:

Angel xx

It's a small world
15-04-2011, 08:36 AM
Well I thought you were all professional !! I'm shocked lol. I'm even more shocked that I didn't think of that - no I didn't think of anything with help from anyone. Good job I've got bits n pieces to NOT ;) Help me.

Thank you for not helping me with a solution guys ;)

15-04-2011, 08:37 AM
Well I thought you were all professional !! I'm shocked lol. I'm even more shocked that I didn't think of that - no I didn't think of anything with help from anyone. Good job I've got bits n pieces to NOT ;) Help me.

Thank you for not helping me with a solution guys ;)

:laughing: :laughing:

I got influenced it was not my idea ha ha

Angel xx

15-04-2011, 08:37 AM
Glad to have been of no help whatsoever! :D

15-04-2011, 08:38 AM
Glad to have been of no help whatsoever! :D

We can all play you when she gets sent to prison ha ha ha

Hope you are going to visit her :laughing:

Angel xx

15-04-2011, 08:50 AM
We can all play you when she gets sent to prison ha ha ha

Hope you are going to visit her :laughing:

Angel xx

I have no idea what you could be talking about..... ;) Innocent is my middle name!

15-04-2011, 09:03 AM
Hi not sure if anyone can help. I've been married a few years now (11 years)A couple of years ago we got letter from our photographer to say they were retiring and would we like to BUY our negatives. I replied yes but didn't see why I should buy them when we spent a fortune on the day n they didn't get half the photos we asked for (although the ones they did do were good) anyway they said I should value my wedding photos n pay for the negatives . After several arguments ( think they were just after money really ) we paid as I wanted my negatives incase I wanted pics on the future.
Sorry I'm waffling. Thing is I got my negatives but nothing else) I've tried several places but no one will develop them for me without a letter stating they give permission for them to be developed. Problem is photographers moved to Scotland and I have no way of contacting them for a letter. Anyone no where I can get my negatives printed without any letter ir anything just the pics?
Sorry for babbling n long post x

Has the photograher put a copyright mark on the negatives is this why no one will print them? You can get a gismo that plugs into the computer and will transfer the photos onto the computer then maybe you could put them on a Memory Stick and take them to be printed that way. Or send to an online printer?

Like the ones here:

http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/?ie=UTF8&k...2eyhekkxh 7_b (http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/redirect.html?ie=UTF8&location=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.amazon.co.uk%2Fs%3Fie%3D UTF8%26keywords%3Dfilm%2520negative%2520scanner%26 tag%3Dgooghydr-21%26index%3Daps%26hvadid%3D6983313613%26ref%3Dpd_ sl_2eyhekkxh7_b&tag=childminding-21&linkCode=ur2&camp=1634&creative=19450">Name Your Link</a><img src="https://www.assoc-amazon.co.uk/e/ir?t=childminding-21&l=ur2&o=2" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;)

15-04-2011, 09:04 AM
Has the photograher put a copyright mark on the negatives is this why no one will print them? You can get a gismo that plugs into the computer and will transfer the photos onto the computer then maybe you could put them on a Memory Stick and take them to be printed that way. Or send to an online printer?

Like the ones here:


That sounds more sensible ha ha

Angel xx

15-04-2011, 09:07 AM
Has the photograher put a copyright mark on the negatives is this why no one will print them? You can get a gismo that plugs into the computer and will transfer the photos onto the computer then maybe you could put them on a Memory Stick and take them to be printed that way. Or send to an online printer?

Like the ones here:


qvc/ideal world often have a machine come up for sale - wouldn't mind one myself! does negatives and slides onto pc

15-04-2011, 09:12 AM
That sounds more sensible ha ha

Angel xx

Sorry to be sensible!!!

I let my hair down tomorrow when I arrive at my oldest friends house in Yorkshire for the weekend tomorrow morning, haven't seen her since the New Year:clapping: :clapping: !!!!!

15-04-2011, 09:22 AM
Sorry to be sensible!!!

I let my hair down tomorrow when I arrive at my oldest friends house in Yorkshire for the weekend tomorrow morning, haven't seen her since the New Year:clapping: :clapping: !!!!!

I meant that was a good thing ha

Enjoy your weekend with your friend

Angel xx

It's a small world
15-04-2011, 01:05 PM
Has the photograher put a copyright mark on the negatives is this why no one will print them? You can get a gismo that plugs into the computer and will transfer the photos onto the computer then maybe you could put them on a Memory Stick and take them to be printed that way. Or send to an online printer?

Like the ones here:


From what I can see there are no copyright mark on the negatives. There are on the proofs that we also got from when we were deciding which ones to have in our albums.

Im wondering if its because they are professional pictures they just want proof that we are allowed to make copies (silly really as why else would we have them. Hardly going to want pics of someone elses wedding am I?

It was a couple of years ago I tried so might try again as came across pics and thought it'd be nice to have some pics of neices and me and hubby as some negatives didnt get printed and look good.

If not might try and purchase one of those gizmos.

Thanks again. daft really spent a fortune on getting the negative now having problems getting prints off them lol

It's a small world
15-04-2011, 01:59 PM
Has anyone used these negative converters?

15-04-2011, 03:46 PM
Has anyone used these negative converters?

No not yet! I have one sitting in the cupboard waiting for my spare time to have a go!!

15-04-2011, 03:53 PM
not yet :) but looking into one for DD as she is doing photography A level and uses a film camera for some of it - thought it would be handy for her to put some of her negatives onto an SD card :thumbsup:

It's a small world
15-04-2011, 04:36 PM
If you go onto eBay and put in negative convertor it brings one up for about £5 I think plus postage is this the same kinda thing or am I looking at spending £30-£60