View Full Version : What do you have on your walls?

14-04-2011, 09:09 PM
I have lots of bare space on the walls in the playroom and not quite sure what to put up. Any ideas?


Pixie dust
14-04-2011, 09:11 PM
I don't have a playroom :( but I do have some of mindees work on the wall and photos of them at their level.

14-04-2011, 09:12 PM
Mucky handprints
saw paw prints but I am not sure how....:rolleyes:
lots of pics of kids creative works
probably more snot and germs
mirror tiles and roll

14-04-2011, 09:13 PM
oh and blu/white tac... TONS of blu/white tac - some of the cheap rubbish that I have tried before refuses to budge off the wall however its will never have anything else sticking to it every again either.... its actually beginning to look quite decorative....

14-04-2011, 10:40 PM
A framed picture I had in my bedroom as a child with a woodland scene of an animal hosptial with rabbits etc. It is by Margaret Tarrent.

A poster of the Owl and the Pussycat poem that was my childrens.

A map of the world, a map of Great Britain, a clock.

On the doors I have postcards that have been collected on outings. They are of all sorts of things, the Houses of Parliment, The Queen(requested by a mindee) Three Tibetian charactors who have lovely interesting craggy faces that the little ones spend hours looking at!, Elmer, a Pig, a Giraffe, Elephants.........

miss mopple
15-04-2011, 06:17 AM
I have one of those office dividers against one wall that I use for posters
A cross stich picture called 'playtime'
A low level mirror that babies can use to pull themselves up on
A Tidy bookshelf
A corkboard for displaying artwork
A lovely little hand painted sign with 2 pegs on it that says 'this weeks masterpiece'
A plaque that was made for me with a picture of a bus with me driving, and all my mindees sitting in the back looking out of the windows
Oh, and I have painted a tree on the window that we then add things to according to the season

15-04-2011, 06:22 AM
Yeah pipsqueak same as mine Snot and Germs!!!!! exspecially this holiday if they havent got chickenpox its coughs and colds!.
Also got a big notice board on my chimney breast for this seasons displays, photos of my mindees and their names on the inside door.try not to have too much clutter around the playroom walls thats why i have a huge notice board:thumbsup:

mrs robbie williams
15-04-2011, 06:34 AM
yep same as, plenty of snot and germs :panic: but also posters (from the good old 99p shop) healthy eating, abc, body parts etc. Big noticeboard full of artwork. Various bits of sellotape, blu tac :blush: love the idea of the tree but dh would go mad if i painted a tree on patio doors :laughing: :laughing:

Chimps Childminding
15-04-2011, 07:57 AM
Love the idea of the tree! Would love that on the patio door, only trouble is I have painted things on there before and I have so many lo's that love to "lick" the windows, or blow raspberries against them (usually just after they have eaten) that they are forever having to be cleaned!!! :D

I have posters of whatever "theme" we are doing, childrens works of art (untils we finish that theme then they get put in their folder or sent home) so at present rabbits and easter eggs, clock and some mirrored stickers with the moon and stars stuck up in one corner!