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25-04-2008, 11:28 AM
cant concentrate on my stupid NVQ 3 at the moment, nothing makes sense!! I thought i had answered the question properly but now need examples I just feel so frustrated that my whold day dedicatred to this is going down the pan!!!!

Why oh why did I even begin this?????

Feel bit better now.

Thanks for listening


25-04-2008, 11:33 AM
What are you stuck on - maybe we can help

miffy xx

25-04-2008, 11:42 AM
The influences on how children develop and what these might mean in the cintext of the children youare working with

health status
genetic inheritance
social, cultural, environmental, fiancial and family background and circumstances
disability and sensory impairments
play opportuniteis and nvironment

doesnt help the the plumber just set the fire alarm off!!

25-04-2008, 12:30 PM
Gender - A is 2 years old and comes from a household where girls are not particularly valued, although she is very well cared for and always nicely dressed etc. Her learning and development is slightly delayed because she is not read to at home and while she has lots of toys, her parents do not actively play with her.
When A is with me, I try to spend one-to-one time with A, sitting on the floor with her and reading her books, which she enjoys. I also provide props and role play ideas so she can take her learning further. In the past I have set up othe ractivities relating to the books she enjoys most eg. after reading 'The Very Hungry Caterpillar' (Eric Carle), we did some food tasting and A was confident enough to express her opinions on her likes and dislikes. I also provide themes which emphasise to A that girls and boys can achieve equally well eg. themes showing 'Peolpe who help us' as men and women, of all religions and cultures.
I show utmost respect for her family's wishes and have learned that they are happy for me to do these activities with A and I hope by feeding back what I am doing, it might encourage them to play with her in the future.

Just made that up - is it something like that you need?? :D

25-04-2008, 12:57 PM
sarah - i have pm'd you.


25-04-2008, 04:46 PM
Are you sorted now Jasper?

miffy xx

25-04-2008, 05:20 PM
I have answered that question thanks to Sarah, and have given up for the day now. I just feel so annoyed as I had all day and it just disappeared before my very eyes iyswim, as I couldnt get my brain to function.

On the upside i did email an observation off to my assessor today so hopefully she will like that!

i know i pm'd, but thanks again Sarah!


25-04-2008, 05:27 PM
Very welcome happy to help xx