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View Full Version : This site is addictive!

23-04-2008, 10:12 PM
I'm wondering if there is a name for an addiction to this forum? Possibly forumitis? This is the 4th time I have been on here today! The problem is you all know too much and are giving me so much useful information to get my business started that I can't help but keep coming back! And you make me laugh too! :laughing:

23-04-2008, 10:18 PM

I really do not have any idea what you are on about

Ask the others - I dont come here much so wouldnt know haha

Angel xxx

PS Glad you are enjoying it here but the time to complain is when you do not do anything else ....4 times in a day is nothing

Wait and you will see what I mean !!

23-04-2008, 10:27 PM
So I'm only in the early stages of addiction then? Hubby thinks I'm 'sad' (he won't say that when I'm running a successful business!) and the kids keep moaning cos they can't use the computer themselves! Maybe I should get my own childminding laptop - yeah then I could take to every room I go in and could be on here all the time! :thumbsup:

23-04-2008, 10:27 PM
Think I may have hit the submit button twice, don't know how to delete! :eek:

23-04-2008, 10:27 PM
My dh who is currently snoring on the soaf takes the micky out of me because when every I get the internet cable I am loggin in to the forum. It is not an addicition though it id ( I believe) more a self help group!

23-04-2008, 10:29 PM
Well wait till you rush home and put the pc on and rush to see what you have missed

Or you get up at the weekend and have to just have a " quick look " here before you even get dressed

My hubby knows im mad and sad so no difference to him haha

Yes it def does get worse ....... but its great fun haha

Angel xx

23-04-2008, 11:41 PM
yea it is so addictive hun i agree, was always on here ... basically all day haha ... i still coem on everyday .. when can but not like use to .. prob coz im out studying,shoppin, clubs or relaxing lol or now stressing as workmen to do kitchen due mon grr

24-04-2008, 12:25 AM
cazz addicted is instead of going to bed at 1.24 you come on this site to see who may still be mad enough to still be logged on

24-04-2008, 06:15 AM
Happily there is no cure for this addiction

My hubby has just bought himself a computer because I am always on this one!

miffy xx

24-04-2008, 06:36 AM
There are many members who bought lap tops just so they can be on here researching while working! :eek: :laughing:

24-04-2008, 09:48 AM
Yeh i have the addiction, and have my own personal laptop so i dont get moaned at by everyone else in the house lol.

I love this site and your all so kind and knowledgeable1!!!! i dunno what id do if i didnt have you lot to fall back on at times, as it is a lonely biz and it is hard to find advice as a childminder in regards to issues and things

Thanks for you all being here1!!!!!!

24-04-2008, 12:23 PM

I really do not have any idea what you are on about

Ask the others - I dont come here much so wouldnt know haha

Angel xxx

PS Glad you are enjoying it here but the time to complain is when you do not do anything else ....4 times in a day is nothing

Wait and you will see what I mean !!

Angel? Thats a name I don't recognize, do you come here often? Hee Hee!
:D :D

24-04-2008, 12:26 PM
Its definately a great site!!!

24-04-2008, 12:30 PM
It is not only addictive but it is also a bad influence. I've loads of paperwork to do but I log on to the computer and then get waylaid by the forum!

24-04-2008, 12:36 PM
I'm addicted..........

I've got 8 children having quiet time, we're watching a DVD!

Been an awful day.........I normally have 8 children at once in the holidays and because it school strike day I'm up to 8, however the garden is out of bounds (drainage work!).

I never realised how much I used the garden!

So now I'm all stressed, pizza and salads have all been eaten......I'm having my quiet time too!

Oh the joys of having a laptop :D

24-04-2008, 12:46 PM
I've only been on here a few days but love it. Still staying in the back ground really but have got so much info from you all.
Planning my child minding buisness is why i need the computer is what i tell hubby & my 15yr old:littleangel:
Between myself and my DD its a race who gets on the computer of an evening:laughing: :laughing:

Love Lisa
xx xx xx

24-04-2008, 07:09 PM
i cant help coming on here its so good , it helps to have people to share things with even if you i need to moan , ,share ,talk ,listen or for some advice its nice to seee whats going on :) x and have a laugh :) x

24-04-2008, 07:15 PM
I only come on first thing in the morning, an hour or two at lunchtime and an hour or three in the evening. So not much at all :o