View Full Version : I think it's time you left!

27-03-2011, 04:46 PM
Guessing you can tell from the title that I am not a happy bunny?
Had my long overdue inspection on Friday.
I won't bore you with the details, but I am cross and will be going through the 'procedure' for complaints.
My paperwork was spot on. Thanks to this wonderful forum. There was literally nothing missing. Got the impression she was a bit annoyed by this and made a comment on how I was extremely organised. I thought that was the point!!!!!
I want to take this opportunity to thank Pauline and all you guys on here.
Put simply, you rock and I am soooo grateful to you.
Mrs O seems to think I have 'too many books' in my house:laughing:
I wanted to point out that my 13 yr old son is gifted and talented [top 5 per cent of the country] and has just taught himself to play piano. But I smiled sweetly. If my son is the product if 'too many books' then clearly I am doing something very wrong:angry:
I really don't feel that she read all my lovingly prepared stuff properly, and many times she simply didn't listen/hear me.
She commented on how calm I was and again felt that she was trying to goad me.
I had done my SEF. She hadn't read it:angry:
I could go on and on.
I got a 'good' with lots of outstanding bits. [not sure what bits as I didn't let her finish]
Now I know how Pipsqueek felt [i feel for you hun, I really do]
I will not let the self-righteous old trout stop me from doing the best job I can and I certainly won't be lowering my standards to those of my local colleagues who say 'OOh I wouldn't have all that mess in my house' and 'I don't know why you bother' I don't do that:angry:

27-03-2011, 05:09 PM
I thought you were going to say you showed her the door!!

How can you have too many books? My sons are homeschooled and I've been through college and uni and am now studying again so our house is absolutely filled with books!! Wasn't there a study recently that showed children who came from homes that had few books rarely did well at school? Hmph!

As for the rest of it just feel secure that you do your best for your mindees hunny. I'm the same and have reams and reams of paperwork, have play-park for a garden and a playroom rather than a lounge with a box of toys. It didn't go down too well with some other minders who all thought I did too much!

27-03-2011, 05:16 PM
I did show her the door!
I'm not peeved because I want to be better than others.
I just wanted my care and passion to be acknowledged. I don't think it was.
I have spent the last 4 yrs with other [not all] childminders laughing in my face because I bust a gut. They have the same grade as me.:angry:
At least I didn't lie to Mrs O.

27-03-2011, 05:20 PM
Omg you are dammed if you do it right and dammed if you don't.
Congratulations on surviving your inspection and getting a good grade:clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
Debra x

Chatterbox Childcare
27-03-2011, 05:34 PM
Well done you - hope the reviewed inspection goes better

27-03-2011, 05:41 PM
Top end of good or low end of outstanding seems to depend entirely on who inspects:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

I would like to see them thoroughly check everything using a check list so it's not possible to get lower than you deserve because they didn't notice it or bother to listen

I would then allow a tiny extra mark allowance for things that you do that other people don't eg teach french or something

If people got a good I would inspect every four years unless they requested earlier, people with outstanding I would inspect every five years and people with satisfactory every three years again unless they requested earlier

I would allow a requested inspection six months after original inspection because most people stuck with a grade they don't deserve have either improved everything within the first days after an inspection or were wrongly graded by an inspector in a bad mood or not used to judging childminding settings

What do you think?


27-03-2011, 05:41 PM
I'm sorry it didn't go as well as you'd hoped - will you wait for the report or start the complaints procedure straight away?

Whatever you decide, I wish you luck - I know I would not have been happy if my hard work had not been recognised.

Miffy xx

27-03-2011, 06:04 PM
I did show her the door!
I'm not peeved because I want to be better than others.
I just wanted my care and passion to be acknowledged. I don't think it was.
I have spent the last 4 yrs with other [not all] childminders laughing in my face because I bust a gut. They have the same grade as me.:angry:
At least I didn't lie to Mrs O.

I hadnt meant to infer this was your reason, and it certainly wasnt mine, sorry if I have somehow caused offence.

27-03-2011, 06:17 PM
I did show her the door!
I'm not peeved because I want to be better than others.
I just wanted my care and passion to be acknowledged. I don't think it was.
I have spent the last 4 yrs with other [not all] childminders laughing in my face because I bust a gut. They have the same grade as me.:angry:
At least I didn't lie to Mrs O.

I felt exactly the same about some of my colleagues, I now have (if it is confirmed) and higher grade from my inspection last week, but the resentment from others is very clear. Two of my friends got outstanding and one of them was a complete work of fiction and the other woman who has had the same grade as me for years does nothing!

I was very lucky this time with my inspection, and it went amazingly well, but i know of another minder who met Mrs Pernickity unreasonable last week too!

Good luck with your complaint!

27-03-2011, 06:28 PM
My heart goes out to you hun and I know just how demoralising it feels but like you say you want your heart and soul of this job to be acknowledged.

It took me a while to get over and you will to0 (go for it with the complaint - I will stand right next to you) because deep down YOU know what you are and the children and parents know just how darnes good you are.

It sounds like the woman was a PIA:(

sending a huggy (())

27-03-2011, 06:29 PM
Just wanted to send you a hug ((())) I totally understand when you say "other CM's laugh in your face for busting a gut", hubby and I have this constantly, but fortunately we had Ofsted inspectors who could see it. you can't help having a passion for for what you do :D Do complain and I wish you luck, because it is just not fair. I ask you, who can have too many books???:laughing:

27-03-2011, 06:32 PM
However, congratulations on the result.:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: Might not quite have been what you wanted but ....

The Juggler
27-03-2011, 06:36 PM
oh hon, hugs. def. take this up as a complaint. what was she doing moaning that you were doing too much :panic: :panic: :rolleyes: honestly, we can't win:(

27-03-2011, 06:42 PM
Blue moon, I didn't take any offence huny. Sorry if I came across that way.
I do however, take offence when I know so many childminders that lie, do nothing for years until Mrs O is due and then run around like idiots for 2 weeks and constantly tell me that they don't bother doing this or that.
Well I DO bother.
And I will continue to do so.
I spent at least half an hour telling her about children I have cared for that have been on SS radar. One on the 'at risk' register. I told her that I had spoken to the headteacher,made extensive notes about inappropriate comments/clothes etc, and told mum that the health visitor was welcome to come and see me etc etc. 45 mins later, she asked if I thought I could recognise the signs if neglect:angry: :angry: :angry:
I wanted to tell her to shove her 'safeguarding procedures' and that SS are a waste of space. But I smiled sweetly.
She said she was sorry I was upset with my grade. I told her that the grading system stinks!
I don't think I will be going quietly!
What upsets me the most is I now have to field all the snide remarks and gossip for the next week. I don't go around blowing my own trumpet. I don't need to.
But I do need my voice to be heard. And it will be.

27-03-2011, 06:44 PM
My heart goes out to you hun and I know just how demoralising it feels but like you say you want your heart and soul of this job to be acknowledged.

It took me a while to get over and you will to0 (go for it with the complaint - I will stand right next to you) because deep down YOU know what you are and the children and parents know just how darnes good you are.

It sounds like the woman was a PIA:(

sending a huggy (())

I really appreciate you saying that Pip. I really know how you felt now. It hurts,it really does.

27-03-2011, 07:21 PM
I'm waiting for my inspection at the moment and whilst catching up on my sef began to wonder just why we need to be graded at all? Surely we can either do the job or not?
Parents aren't graded in their care, in fact, other than for pay scales I don't think any other professional is subjected to this indignity!!
I've been minding almost 20 years and my last inspection grade was good but now I feel like telling the next inspector to keep her grading to herself {or himself!!)
Does anyone else think it's degrading to be graded?

27-03-2011, 07:30 PM
Blue moon, I didn't take any offence huny. Sorry if I came across that way.
I do however, take offence when I know so many childminders that lie, do nothing for years until Mrs O is due and then run around like idiots for 2 weeks and constantly tell me that they don't bother doing this or that.
Well I DO bother.
And I will continue to do so.
I spent at least half an hour telling her about children I have cared for that have been on SS radar. One on the 'at risk' register. I told her that I had spoken to the headteacher,made extensive notes about inappropriate comments/clothes etc, and told mum that the health visitor was welcome to come and see me etc etc. 45 mins later, she asked if I thought I could recognise the signs if neglect:angry: :angry: :angry:
I wanted to tell her to shove her 'safeguarding procedures' and that SS are a waste of space. But I smiled sweetly.
She said she was sorry I was upset with my grade. I told her that the grading system stinks!
I don't think I will be going quietly!
What upsets me the most is I now have to field all the snide remarks and gossip for the next week. I don't go around blowing my own trumpet. I don't need to.
But I do need my voice to be heard. And it will be.

Oh no its fine, I was just worried I had offended you. I absolutely hate upsetting people and seem to do it a lot sometimes :(

it annoys me when CMs run around for 2 weeks and get the same grade I get too, I work hard all the time not just for my inspection, so completely know how you feel.

I'm lucky in that my inspector recognised that fact. I hope you get the result you deserve hunny x