View Full Version : Help needed!

26-03-2011, 03:31 PM
Hi, I was going to buy the ncma accident and incident folder but wondered if anyone makes there own forms? I was thinking of doing this but was not sure of what to put on it, does anyone have 1 I could look at please?
Also I am trying to organise permission forms but not sure if I need a seperate 1 for each thing or if just 1 with everything detailed on it would be ok?

Chatterbox Childcare
26-03-2011, 04:03 PM
I do separate letters for permission

As to the accident forms I use the ncma book for major incidents and accidents and a exercise book per child for minor scraps and scrapes

26-03-2011, 04:47 PM
I do the same as Debbie. One permission form per permission :) , this is a good idea, as ofsted prefer it.
I use NCMA accident and incident forms, they come with a duplicate side so the parents get a copy of all incidents, they are not a lot of money, last quite a while (depending, at the moment I am getting through at least one a week!!!argh!) and it takes out all the hassle of having to keep photocopying/printing forms