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View Full Version : Do I just accept that he doesn't like groups?

24-03-2011, 11:47 PM
Or persevere?

I have mindee G for 2 days a week and he is in a nursery for the other three. From what mum says, he seems to have settled better with me than nursery.

Initially, he screamed all the time that he was not on my knee. And quite often while I was holding him too

2 months in, its getting better at home. I can go to the loo on my own without him freaking out. I even was able to go in to the kitchen and prepare food this evening without a meltdown

But at groups he is still a sobbing wreck. He literally will scream the whole time, I can be sat next to him, holding his hand, I can be carrying him around - the only time it stops is when we are singing, which he loves, and he forgets where we are.

Until that is, the other two with me want lifting up in the air when we "ZOOM" and he is sat next to me, touching my leg but uncontrollable sobbing. He sometimes calms a little if he's sat on my lap while I'm sat on the floor. I keep trying to get him to sit next to me rather than on me but thats too far away, apparently Its not anger, its like he is petrified! Or maybe it is and he is being quite manipulative. He is the same with mum at a groups

I try getting him to do things and he won't he just wants to sit on my knee, even in front of an activity like this, he wont join in, just cries

I don't want to stop going to groups with him, its great for the older ones and I do firmly believe there are benefits for him - or there will be. Plus also, the others are used to the routine and I don't want them missing out

But its not fair on him or me if he is screaming and it also means I can not give the other the attention they deserve.

In all other aspects, the longer he is with me, the better he is doing. Am really getting to know his cheeky little personality now that he is more relaxed

What would you do?


We didn't do a group yesterday, had a good play in the park, then did a "nature trail "on our way home for lunch then had indoor and outdoor activities at home and he was fine the whole time.

25-03-2011, 07:19 AM
I would be tempted to stop going to the group for a while and do other things like you did yesterday - the other children will enjoy this change of routine.

Then after a few weeks try the group again and see if he is happier.

I have found that sometimes large rooms are just too noisey for some children and they never really get used to it.

As an idea can you meet up with other childminders at one of their houses to see if he copes in a smaller space but with more children than at your setting.

Also try meeting up with a large group for an outing to the park and maybe a shared picnic time, or try a different group or a soft play centre.

By doing this you will have a better idea if it is just that room at the group you go to, or large groups of people or whatever it is that is upsetting him.

I agree it is not good for anyone - you, the mindee, the other mindees or other users of the group is you continue to go and he cries / screams all the time.

Penny :)

25-03-2011, 07:23 AM
Have you tried a different group? I had a child do this but only at one particular group, when I went to a different one he was fine.

christine e
25-03-2011, 07:43 AM
Excellent advice already given. I had a little one who got upset at one group but was ok at another. The one where he got upset was a large school hall with a very high ceiling and I think he just didn't feel cosy and the noise was an issue the other group was split between two rooms and felt more cosy. Try introducing larger groups gradually get a childminder friend to visit with a couple of extra children and take advantage of nice weather and meet up for picnics and play at parks. I am sure you will be able to get him to overcome this but it will take a little time

Good luck


miss mopple
25-03-2011, 07:48 AM
I had one like this and it was very hard work. I persevered with groups but found quieter ones, and got there early so he wasn't so overwhelmed. I also took the pushchair in as he was much happier sat in the security of that, watching the others play.

He is still an emotional soul, but 2yrs on has made good progress and now doesnt scream all day :thumbsup:

25-03-2011, 07:50 AM
How old is mindee?? I had one like this - at first he was fine, but when he missed a few days with illlness he seemd to hate going to a particular group and would start crying the minute we got there!!! :rolleyes: I decied i wasn't going to stop going as dd and other mindee loved it. Then one day he stopped crying, got on with it and now loves going to group!!!

25-03-2011, 08:24 AM
i had same problem with younger mindee. but i stopped the group for a while as noone was enjoying through the screaming.

i had minder friend coming around with her 3 mindees so it got lo used to noise and other people and we visited minder house that was more difficult...but then group got a bit easier and now she 's happy

good luck

27-03-2011, 10:43 AM
The wee lad is with me two days and in a nursery 3 days. From what mum has said, I think he has settled better with me than the nursery

When we have gone to a friends house, I was really worried but he just walked in with no problem what so ever! First time there he was clingy, second fine, so will stick to stuff like that for a few weeks. We are doing a trip to Epping forest next week (must do R/A)

A CM friend suggested that the playgroups I go to are too nursery like and he is maybe panicing that he is going to be left there

One is in a big hall and I know another lad of mine struggled there but was ok in smaller groups so thought that might be the case, til he screamed all through the smaller places too

I keep hoping that if we do the same place each week, he'll soon realise that its not that bad but...

Thanks for your advice, maybe we'll leave groups til after Easter and see how he does then


27-03-2011, 11:32 AM
My youngest DS hated nursery and noisy busy playgroups, actually all playgroups. It turned out that he has sensory problems as part of an invisible disability and it was quite literally driving him mad.

I'm not saying your mindee is the same but it's always worth remembering that some children cannot stand noise/certain fabrics/ certain textures etc. x