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View Full Version : what are you doing for mothers day?

23-03-2011, 09:56 PM
I've just had 2 new siblings start today, which means I now have a few mindees so would like to do a nice activity/gift for mothers day (the mums are all lovely and I know they'd appreciate it). So, what are you doing with your mindees? Mindees are 9m, 13m, 2.5y and 4y, was thinking something with their handprints maybe?

23-03-2011, 10:04 PM
We are going to decorate flower pots and then plant some bulbs in them for mother's day this year :D

23-03-2011, 11:21 PM
I got some great mothers day craft things from Morrisons...mugs to paint ect.

24-03-2011, 09:46 AM
thanks, off to the shops at the weekend so will check morrisons out, the plant idea is a good one too.

24-03-2011, 11:21 AM
I bought some blank key rings so am gonna put a pic of mindee on one side and get them to finger print the word mum on the other side.

24-03-2011, 11:26 AM
For my 1 year old mindee we have done a clay handprint with a handprint mothers day poem on it for mum.
For my 3+ years we have done a little china plate on a stand of one of their drawings, a key ring which has a photo on one side and a little drawing on the other and a cork coaster for their drinks.
I use crafty crocodile online and you can buy items as singles so you only get as many as you need.
They have also all done a handmade card for mum.

24-03-2011, 01:00 PM
hi ive done canvasses £1 each from poundland about a4 size then each child has put 2 hand prints on theres in there chosen colour then theyve sprinkled glitter over it they look really good for cards we have done flowers with 2 cake cases painted and they were easy and look fab. good job we did it last week as my 2 dd are ill so im off work.:)

24-03-2011, 01:16 PM
i also use crafty crocodiles and we are doing the little flower photo frames. you can decorate the flower yourself and then put a little photo in - very cute!

we are also doing cards.

just a little thought while talking about handprints - one of my favourites is handprints (upside down) as sheep / lambs. just put cotton wool on the body and little eyes on the head and they look ever so cute! another handprint as the sun and ready is your lovely picture that even the youngest can make with your help.

I think i might use it again for easter!

It's a small world
24-03-2011, 01:51 PM
We are making plant pots with flowers. Also paper bracelets and I have cut mindees shilouettes out and placed them on a card...:blush: