View Full Version : Ofsted inspection next week

19-03-2011, 07:59 AM
Hi everyone, I have my first EYFS/tribal inspection next week, I was last inspected in 2007, so am wondering what to expect this time? Please can anyone tell me how these new inspections differ? She did ask me to make sure all my paperwork is accessible, which I have done, and get my parents to write her a letter about me, which I have done. Will she have a tribal name tag or Ofsted one? If its tribal what should it look like, cos I forgot to ask when she rang? Any advice or suggestions would be really appreciatedxxx

19-03-2011, 08:46 AM
I have just emailed you an updated copy of the inspection / sef e-book... I hope it answers some of your questions.

If it doesn't come through (AOL addresses are notoriously bad) let me have an alternative please.

Good luck! :D

19-03-2011, 09:28 AM
Just to wish you good luck with your inspection.

I should have my first inspection any week now too.


19-03-2011, 09:33 AM
Watgem your email bounced please let me have an updated address by pm and I will resend later :D

19-03-2011, 10:09 AM
Good luck. I have my first EYFS inspection next week as well. I spoke to the inspector last week and she actually sounds human!

Busy weekend dotting all the i's and crossing all the t's :panic: :laughing:

19-03-2011, 11:31 AM
Hi can i ask Sarah, are you referring to the updated one of April 2010 or has there been a further update?



19-03-2011, 02:34 PM
Hi can i ask Sarah, are you referring to the updated one of April 2010 or has there been a further update?



The Eyfs SEF / inspection guide was last updated in Feb 2011 when I added some new information about what Ofsted are looking for in recent inspections.

Watgem has a 2008 copy which is why I thought she might appreciate a newer one.

I am always happy to send free updates of any e-books out to any buyers who want them - just pm or email me. :D

christine e
19-03-2011, 06:08 PM
Had my inspection last week the ID reminded me of a passport in that it was book like and opened out and was blue in colour


christine e
19-03-2011, 06:15 PM
Had my inspection last week the ID reminded me of a passport in that it was book like and opened out and was blue in colour


Forgot to say though that my inspector was from Prospects

19-03-2011, 06:24 PM
Hi sorry Sarah didn't realise you were talking about your e books.

Good luck watgem, I am too due very soon!


19-03-2011, 10:01 PM
Good luck Watgem - I'm sure you will be fine!

Miffy xx

Ali B
20-03-2011, 04:30 PM
Good luck !!!!!!

My inspector had a card with her photo and name on it that said ofsted....least I think so I was so nervous!!

[last wed Im only just recovering!!]

I filled in a very thorough SEF which she said really helped and then she sat on the sofa with her laptop and waded through my file mountain.

She also had a good look at my posters/toycupboard/downstairs loo.

She asked quite a lot of questions, none of the ones I was expecting like safeguarding or how parents complain!!

We mainly discussed how to advance my risk assessments and how she didnt like the new medicine chart from ncma!!

Also she didnt go upstairs which I was really terrified of coz of the cats and teenage pits!!!:o

Just check all the signatures/dates on everything are up to date and your first aid/insurance and certificate are displayed.:(

let us know how u get onn:)

20-03-2011, 06:17 PM
I have a lady from prospect coming, the only thing that pleased me was I had not heard of her before!!!

21-03-2011, 03:08 PM
Thank you everyone, sorry I didn't get back to you Sarah I will a bit later:) well she came today and she did have a little blue ID book. she was lovely, very thorough, unfortunately she picked up a parents initial I'd forgetten to get and a signature on a medication form, although Paent had initialed, so was unable to give me the grade she wanted to, however I am still really pleased as she said everything that I did with and for the children was outstanding, and after all the stress I've had over the last 6 months I'm feeling more confident now that I am doing a good job, though I know there's always room for improvement:) thanks to everyone on this site for all the help and kind words, good luck to everyone else with an impending inspection:)xxx