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View Full Version : ideas on how to deal with lying please

18-03-2011, 07:05 AM
does anyone have any ideas on how to deal with a 5yrold lying about almost everything,,,
last night it was i need a drink, ok give me your cup,, no cause theres water in there,,, I banged my chin,,, child in same room says no you didnt you were playing with me 5yrold goes of sulking,,, theres no paper in draw i look and yes there is only kidding she says, my throat hurts well by this time I gave up beliving her and just said oh ok she then starts demanding medicene that mum apparently put in her bag, nothing in the bag,, then proceeds to tell me mum took me to the docs about my throat this morning, also not true.
and all that was just lastnight
she lies for attention, she lies to get her own way, she lies to get the others in to trouble,, ie if you dont give me that toy I will tell that you snatched it from me,, infact she lies so much I just dont belive her anymore about anything
I told dad last night it needs to be delt with becuasue not only do I not belive anything she says but she is now upsetting the others with her lies, dad did understand and he would have a word,
the attention seeking i can deal with like as soon as i take a little one to the loo she suddenly needs the loo or when i am feeding baby she suddenly needs me or wants somthing even though she was fine to begin with.
last night i had 5 children 4 of them were almost ignored because of this other childs lies and tactics that i had to deal with,
but are there any ways of dealing with this? has anyone else had this problem and managed to stop it? if so please give me some ideas

18-03-2011, 07:22 AM
i have one of these....in fact it sounds like we have the same child lol

thankfully i only have her during holidays now as i dont think i could cope with it full time....sounds horrible i know :blush:

i have spoke to her on many occasions about crying wolf & that the other children would play with her if she stopped being spiteful & lying (they avoid her like the plague now as she goes out her way to be horrible to them)

i have now started to say to her that i will only talk to her when she tells me the truth & the more you lie the less attention you get......and by the end of half term it was working.....by easter i know we will have to start again :rolleyes: .....the school have the same problem with her.

The Juggler
18-03-2011, 07:33 AM
def. sounds like an attention thing. when she does it. acknowledge and tell her you know she is not telling the truth but then talk to her about something else. that way she might learn that for attention she can just engage you in proper conversation.:)

18-03-2011, 07:33 AM
i would wash her mouth with soap and lock her under the stair ah ah ah ah i'm kinding of course

my dd started telling lies, she's 5. we've been reading the story of the boy who cry wolf and :blush: we told her that if she lie her tongue turns green so i'll know. when she lie she refuses to open her mouth!!!:D but she's my own so i can LOL

my mindee tried to lie to me once but he really bad at it he was purple in the face :D i told him really seriously that i will not tolerate lie in my house, if you tell lies you'll have to sit on the step til your parent come and get you and you won't be allowed to come back! i explain that lie is not nice and can be really dangerous as i wouldn't believe him and if he was really hurt i wouldn't believe etc....
kid was shocked LOL never did it again...yet!:thumbsup:

18-03-2011, 07:36 AM
I had a 6 year old go home tell Mum and Dad that my Dh had told he he wasn't to play with any of the toys and he wasn't to come anymore???
His Dad phoned up ranting and raving about this to which I replied Pardon with total shock, turns out he lied about the whole thing and said he loves coming.
This resulted in me terminating the contract as I don't know what he would have said next:eek:

18-03-2011, 07:45 AM
First make sure you document everything including family responses - lies can turn nasty and they might be against you or your family next.

I have made one of my children a social story book - it is about them and written especially for them.

It explains in simple language and pictures the results of their actions.

It is about personal space... it has photos of everyone in a bubble saying we all have a right to our space around us.

Then it says when we might go into someone's personal space - so for you it could say that you lie to make someone happy - nice dress, lovely hair cut etc.

Then it deals with the consequences - people won't play with you, you make them sad, you make them angry.

Finally it talks about the good consequences of NOT doing the thing - everyone is happy.

I have pictures from the internet and photos of the children and we read it over and over and over again but we are getting there!

Hth :D

18-03-2011, 12:14 PM
I had a 6 year old go home tell Mum and Dad that my Dh had told he he wasn't to play with any of the toys and he wasn't to come anymore???
His Dad phoned up ranting and raving about this to which I replied Pardon with total shock, turns out he lied about the whole thing and said he loves coming.
This resulted in me terminating the contract as I don't know what he would have said next:eek:

this is my biggest worry aniwill b telling mum if we cant resolve the issue i will need to terminate