View Full Version : health check

09-03-2011, 06:50 PM
hi everyone ,i finally got around to getting my forms sorted to send off an put my health check into the doctors ,she has now calle d to say she wants to see me ,im really worried i had mild depression last year my nan was ill living with us and passed away & my autistic daughter also causes me a lot of stress .she did give me talets that i didnt take i just think i was rteally low ive not been back since ,do you think she is going to refuse my check ive not lived here that long and not had much contact with this surgery ,i was with my last 1 37 years ,am i just being silly???

09-03-2011, 07:41 PM
I wouldn't worry too much, lots of CMs have had a history of depression and some still take medication, how you manage it will be what they are looking at. Also, as you say you're new to the surgery so if she doesn't know you well she will probably just want a chat with you about how you're coping etc. Honesty is the best policy, good luck xx

09-03-2011, 09:15 PM
Dont worry! My doctors rang me last week because he wanted to see me i was really panicking thinking why! Went today and it was all good he just filled it out infront of me. It was a quick in and out appointment same out with a big smile on my face :D