07-03-2011, 08:08 AM
Morning Everyone

Lovely and sunny here it feels like a fresh spring morning :clapping:

Hope you all had a great weekend

Are you all busy today ? What are you all doing

Hope you all have a great day

Angel xx

07-03-2011, 08:20 AM
Morning Angel, off to take dd1 to the dentist for 2 baby teeth extractions that won't come out.

Not sunny here, though you never know, she may make an appearance later.:clapping:

Have a great day.:)

07-03-2011, 08:20 AM
It looks like a really nice day here too. Going to drop them off at school go to toddler group and then come back home for a spring clean seeing as I didnt do it yesterday.

Got a houseful after school though.

Have a good day everyone :thumbsup:

07-03-2011, 08:21 AM
Morning Angel, off to take dd1 to the dentist for 2 baby teeth extractions that won't come out.

Not sunny here, though you never know, she may make an appearance later.:clapping:

Have a great day.:)

Good luck with your dd.

Like I said on fb last night my dd had to have this done and she was fine.

Thinking of you later :thumbsup:

07-03-2011, 08:22 AM
Beautiful here! Going to get out in the garden today. Have good day all :)

07-03-2011, 08:24 AM
Heavy frost here but the sun is breaking through :clapping:

got washing to hang out and house to tidy, DD doesn't go to college till later so she has said she will hoover downstairs - when she gets out of bed :rolleyes:

I am making some birthday cards today too. The toddler group buy small, simple ones off me for the children and need 20 tomorrow - any excuse to craft!

Oh! and no work till tomorrow :D

07-03-2011, 08:26 AM
its loovely here too, got blue sky, was ment to have 3 under 5 today but one cancelled and another who should have arrived at 815 just sent a text saying dad will text me later if he wants me!!!!! ummmm, not impressed with that one but carnt really do much, snet her one saying saying that he had better text me a time or i might be out and not avaiable, the other one i am picking up from school so all in all a quiet day, lol....

Oh and my new wonderfull stairs are coming today for hubby to fit at te weekend so i am really happpy about that one, just got to find somewhere to put it until he can do it, lol, ...

Hope every one has a great day xxxxxxxxxx

07-03-2011, 08:26 AM
Morning I'm not working untill 11:30 today:clapping: so i'm going to my friends house for a cuppa :)
I've got 2 visits this week so fingers crossed.
The sun is just breaking through so hopefully it will be a nice day.

Hope you all have a good week xxx

Mickey Mouse Clubhouse
07-03-2011, 08:28 AM
Morning everyone, nice and sunny this morning as well.

Just waiting for two mindees to turn up and then we are off to toddlers this morning and then back for an easy afternoon as one goes home and then it is just my lo and then mindee.

I am leaving my little one at home with daddy this morning ad it is easier at toddlers as she is a handful at times, bless her.

07-03-2011, 08:34 AM
What a lovely sunny day here too!
waiting for mindee to arrive (just the one today :) )
Then I think a trip to the park to feed the ducks!

Marian x

07-03-2011, 08:39 AM
good morning - what a treat to open the curtains to sunshine - although you'd think DS was a vampire the way he moaned about his eyes :laughing:
I have got 2 under 3 today and we are going to have lots of fun playing with my new shop - real bargain i'll post about later!

I may have a new starter tomorrow but the mum is letting me know after 1pm today :rolleyes: so fingers crossed for that. :D

07-03-2011, 08:41 AM
Morning Angel, good to have you back :)

Morning everyone,
yes its beautiful here too :D lovely and fresh, got a busy morning, were exploring with dinosaurs :thumbsup: then 2 off to pre-school and dd off to nannies house and then ive got a potential new mindee visit, everyone keep your fingers crossed for me pleeeaaaaaasssse :D

Have a good day.


07-03-2011, 08:48 AM
Morning .... very sunny here but also very frosty , lots of frozen windscreens ! but no school run today so hopefully it will have warmed up by the time we go out .

There is a big bag of bread waiting for the ducks, hope they are hungry:)

Have the first of the 4 blood tests leading up to op( AGAIN !!!...... so fingers crossed its ok and the next 3 weeks :eek: ) 3 times cancelled is no joke now .

Hope everyone has a good day x

07-03-2011, 09:00 AM

A lovely sunny day here, infact so sunny I had to close the curtains when I was gettingready because it was too bright :cool: Let's hope it stays like this for a while :thumbsup:

07-03-2011, 09:04 AM
I dont have any mindees til 16:15 today! (and only then til 17:10)! Mondays are good! Lots of time to enjoy the sunshine with DS! Happy Monday to you all! I love this forum x:)

green puppy
07-03-2011, 09:11 AM
Nice and sunny but still cold here! Busy day with 4 lo's, we are brainstorming after breakfast, the lo's each have pen and paper and we talk about what they have done and what they would like to do in the next week at my house. This contributes to our weekly plan, they are 2.5 to 3 but they like to " write" down thier ideas with me.:) Have a great day everyone.!:)

07-03-2011, 09:14 AM
Lovely sunshine here too!!!

Washing is out and we walked to school today

and to top it all up....I've got the baby back today......10 Weeks old now and altered soooo much, learning all her new routines again, going to be fun

Have a great day everyone, the sun is making me happy happy happy

07-03-2011, 09:18 AM
Morning all, very sunny gorgeous day here:clapping:

We're having fun at home this morning and after lunch my friend is coming round so we can walk to toddler group together.

I've not got any mindees today, I've been off on mat leave for the last year but have 1 doing settling in sessions this week to start next week. Also waiting on a call for someone else to come sign contracts, was ment to be coming last Fri but her child had a sickness bug.:(

Hope you all have a nice day:clapping:

07-03-2011, 09:35 AM
Lovely and Sunny here too.

Only got one LO here today and she fell asleep on the school run, ripping off Zzzzzzz as i type:D
Was looking forward to doing a spot of gardening, think i may have to give her a little nudge and wake her:)

Have a lovely day all

07-03-2011, 09:48 AM
Morning Everyone

Lovely and sunny here too :clapping: :clapping:

Just the little baby with me today and he's asleep at the moment so I'm having a quiet 5 minutes.

Have a lovely day everyone and let's hope this sunshine stays all week :thumbsup:

Carol xx

07-03-2011, 09:49 AM
Morning Angel & everyone!
Not sunny here, overcast and cool!
Got an unexpected 2 days off :) - mindee not well!:(
Hung washing out, tidying up done, now to do some coursework!
Have a great day everyone- enjoy the sunshine if you've got it!:)

It's a small world
07-03-2011, 10:47 AM
Nice and sunny here too. No mindees today apart from schoolies so just waiting for my friend to some so we can take her ds's and my ds to the park.:clapping: :clapping:

07-03-2011, 10:57 AM
overcast here in cheshire.

Just got up,,,hubby still in bed:rolleyes:

We are on holiday and because of illness we are planning to do sweet :censored: .

I do have my lovely new cooker coming tomorrow though.

Todays plan is...watch tv, read, maybe do some paperwork (but all in my own time)

hey hey hey....its all party party chez parsleypetal!:clapping:

mandy xx

07-03-2011, 11:14 AM
Tis a beautiful day here today!

Not got anything planned. We brought a new play kitchen on saturday and my 3LOs are all very happily playing with that at the moment whilst dressed up as princesses! So funny watching them!!

we're gonna leave for the school run early and go to the park first!!! Enjoy the sunshine whilst we can!!

Enjoy your day everybody!!

07-03-2011, 11:21 AM
Its lovely here too. Washing was on the line at 7am. I have two LO's here but both asleep at the moment. Now do I chill or do I go and clean the bathroom. Decisions decisions, but think the bathroom may win as it needs doing

07-03-2011, 12:40 PM
Afternoon all. :D No mindees for me at the moment :( so I'm washing and making shepherds pie for tea. OH wll be home soon to tackle the floor in my playroom makeover which has turned into a playroom disaster!! :mad: Got a huge skip outside my window full of rubble and waiting for the concrete lorry to come and pump the concrete through the window! :eek: Hope they have a good aim or we will be needing a new window too and it's huge. :panic:

On the plus side the sun is shining and the sky is blue so it can't be all that bad can it. :thumbsup:

Have a good day all.

07-03-2011, 12:55 PM
Afternoon everyone. Lovely and sunny here today.

I only have 2 los today. The other two are on holiday for the week. We went to toddlers this morning and they have had lunch and are both asleep. No school runs today so I am getting on with some paperwork in a min. Ofsted are on the prowl and I'm overdue :panic:

07-03-2011, 01:07 PM
morning everyone, I was out at 7 15 am, to take lo to nursary, and back to being on my own, till 6 30 pm, sun has come out but was very frosty this morning, have a good day everyone, xx

07-03-2011, 01:16 PM
Is sunny but very cold here, I am sitting taking 5 mins time out, 2 one year olds today and they are both very hard work and thankfully now asleep :phew:

07-03-2011, 03:23 PM
Afternoon everyone

Had an unexpected day off today as my only Mindee on a Monday is still off ill, should be back tomorrow.

It has been a realy lovely sunny day here today, I've even managed to get a load of washing out on the line!

I hope this weather keeps up for the rest of the week.

Have a great day :thumbsup:

07-03-2011, 04:32 PM
Good afternoon from sunny Sussex!

What an amazing day, I feel so happy having recovered from flu and being outside in the lovely weather.

I spent all morning in the park with 2 mindees and met a lovely mum there too.

After lunch we dropped off one mindee at play group and then took a long walk (me and 11 mth mindee) to the charity shop for some new books and toys.

We also went and bought printer ink as I'm running out and have got my first visit from (I think the title is) the childminding coordinator tomorrow!

Nice that so many places were sunny today!

Have a great evening everyone, let's hope for the same tomorrow! :clapping:


07-03-2011, 10:50 PM
We were at the park nearly all morning too. Boys didn't seem to mind the mud - of course! Took a towel to wipe down the equipment and we played for nearly 2 hours! In fact my ds cried when I said it was time to go -I distracted him by playing our throwing the stick in the stream game before we crossed the road to go home. We were caked in mud but never mind - it cleaned up. Planning to go to a different park tomorrow too - have a 12 month old tomorrow too so need a different park.