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06-03-2011, 10:41 AM
Help... i have a phil and ted not that old.

I suffer with a bad back and find this difficult to lift up kerbs and actually not that lightweight to push.

I am thinking of selling but have to make a really sensible purchase.

I have had mountain buggys before and these push like a dream, I am all ready going to purchase either the mountain buggy single swift or urban for a single option but i am tempted to buy the double for school run and walks as i have the following on my books.

1 x 17 mth
1 x 4 yrs
1 x 3 yrs
1 x 26 mths
1 x 9 months
1 x 9 months

i generally will have a 9 month and 26 mth or 17 mth with me so want to use a buggy board aswell.

any suggestions would be great or advice.

I know the MB have a v high price tag but i am thinking these r built to last and brill in snow i prefer to walk on school run so beleive i will get the wear out of it.

I didnt put my P&T on books as it was bought for my own kids so i intend to put the others thru books as mine have just grown out of prams.

advice needed its the back issue and wanting something easy to push .

06-03-2011, 01:07 PM
I have the mountain buggy duo & love it! It goes through my front door (just), which is standard size. The only negative is it has a large folded dimension & is a tad heavy to shift when folded - but if you have had them before you know what they're like! I just don't fold mine up to move it around!:thumbsup: As you say it's fab in the snow, very light to push, v. hard wearing (I don't drive, so mine is used ALOT) & accomodates larger/older LO's easily (ie they don't look stuffed in)! & it holds a lot of weight The only other side by side that I love is the Urban Detour - it's lighter folded, but is smaller & not quite as hard wearing, but the price tag reflects this.

My MB Single is 10 years + & still going v. strong. MY UD is 5 years & this will be it's v. last year(but has had less use, but still well used IYSWIM)!!! My UD Double died after 3 years of a lot of use, but my MB duo is going strong (it looks & feels practically brand new) after 3 years.:thumbsup:


06-03-2011, 05:24 PM
I have just bought a baby jogger city elite twin. Its not light when folded to pick up but it seems a dream to push ( been trying it out round the block and in the garden) It will fit through my front door cos I tried it! the elite version has more features and is more padded than the other baby joggers but I think I am gonna love it. xx hope you find something too.

06-03-2011, 05:45 PM
I think tbh i am gonna wait and get the funds together and buy a brand new MB duo, as tbh they r a dream to push its gonna stay up in garage for school runs etc and i think i am gonna order a MB swift for the car as i did love my single urban jungle but i have heard the swift is 2 inches narrow and better for shops etc...

I know if i rush and get what i can afford at the moment i know i will regret it and then end up getting a MB further down the line.:blush: