View Full Version : Is the Royal Wedding a day to remember ?

23-02-2011, 06:48 PM
Well the last time a future monarch got married in this country, I recall exactly what I was doing. I got into the hugest biggest most terrible amount of trouble I ever could have :blush: :blush: :blush: .

I was 6 and lived in South Africa and it was our July winter school holiday. Only time my parents ever booked me into a holiday club, which was more like a childminding arrangment with 2+ adults.

Normally I attended a house that was about a mile away from my house. My nanny (or maid as they were called in SA) walked me up there. BUT because it was the Royal Wedding, we had to go to the other lady's house (which I still believe is haunted) which was about 2 miles away. Now I was convinced that the nanny would not take me to this 2nd house, so I walked there myself, all by myself and alone the main busy road :eek: :eek: :eek: .

To say I was in a little bother when I got home (actually can't recall how I got home) is the understatement of the century.

Also 9/11 - DS2 was 7 days old and I recall walking into my IL's house and seeing it on CNN - initially I thought it was a terrible accident, but after the 2nd plane crashed, I knew otherwise.

Kennedy Assination - well I wasn't even thought of yet :D .

So what were you doing on these (and any other) days to remember ?

23-02-2011, 06:56 PM
The day of Charles/Diana's wedding..... think I was in Wales - chickening out of pot holing.

The day of Diana's funeral - barrelling up the M1 going to Scotland

9/11 - just come back in from collecting eldest from Nursery - flicked on the telly for the news and watched open mouthed in horror as the footaged rolled.

23-02-2011, 07:16 PM
I started going out with my ex husband on the day of C&D's wedding - something I would rather not dwell on ;)

9/11, I was shooping in the local shopping mal and saw it on the TV shop window!

JFK - I may have just been conceived, but early days :D

23-02-2011, 07:21 PM
I was a young un when Princess Di died, i came downstairs early to watch tv and saw it on the news - i went back upstairs and told my dad who told me i was being silly and it would just be fake press - so i turned their tv on in their bedroom and shouted "NOW DO YOU BELIEVE ME?!" haha grumpy teenager or what :)

23-02-2011, 07:27 PM
On Charles and Dianas wedding day I remember fainting in my parents kitchen as I was hot and 6 months pregnant, oh and no one knew :blush:

I watched Dianas funeral in the pub where I worked at the time, it opened later and all the staff sat in tears watching it together.

We had just returned from The Dominican Republic 2 days before 9/11 happened.

Carol xx

23-02-2011, 07:28 PM
I was at my hen night the night Diana died, and our wedding day was the day of the funeral:(
9/11 i had just had my youngest ds and remember sitting breastfeeding him sobbing my heart out.
The Dunblane massacare was the first day I had left my dd at nursery and I was at work when I heard, again I sat there sobbing for these little lost lives and worrying about the controlled entry at nursery.

23-02-2011, 08:42 PM
We had a street party for Charles and Dianas wedding.

We watched Andrew and Fergies at school.

I was on a campsite, sleeping in a transit van when the news broke about Dianas death.

9/11 I was painting my unborn baby's nursery. I had come down for a break to watch neighbours! - and it was a newsflash on there.

Not sure what we will be doing to remember this wedding. My dad and his wife are coming to stay - maybe a patriotic themed evening meal?! :)

- I can also remember where I was the day TT broke up! :laughing: Is that sad?! - I was working in the baby room of a nursery and we had the radio on. We had a 16yr old work experience girl with us. She was hysterical and couldnt stop crying! We had to put her in the staff room!

Rachel x

23-02-2011, 09:07 PM
Yeah, I remember, Diana was buried on my birthday :(

23-02-2011, 09:15 PM

For all those fed up with Royal Weddings!:laughing:

23-02-2011, 09:17 PM
Charles and Diana's Wedding Day.... I was 10 weeks old :blush:

Diana's Death- In a Caravan in Clacton-on-sea- Lost a good friend the same way 2 months later, we were 16.

9/11- had just been out shopping with my best friend who was 9mths pregnant when we got home and saw it on the news. Baby was born the 15th.

Michael Jackson- Had just got back from seeing Calender Girls in London.

23-02-2011, 09:48 PM
C&D wedding - watched it on TV

9/11 was waiting at bus stop when my neighbour came along and told me

Diana death - DH went to work, milking on our farm and told me he had heard it on the radio, when he came home for breakfast

John Lennon killed - at school, we had a radio on at break/lunchtime and heard it then. teacher in next lesson let us listen for a while too

23-02-2011, 09:52 PM

For all those fed up with Royal Weddings!:laughing:

Just looked at those! Very funny!
Rachel x

23-02-2011, 10:47 PM
When JFK died in East Africa, I remember my parents talking and seeing TV news. TV was only transmitted a few hours a day, I was only 8.

When Churchill died again I was in East Africa and I remember seeing the funneral on TV.

Elvis Presley died I was in Germany on holiday.

When Bobby Kennedy was shot. On a day trip to the Gower Coast looking for a B & B for our summer hols. Heard it over the car Radio.

Princess Annes Wedding I was attending and interview at Leeds Poly to do a Dietetics HND.

Charles and Diana's wedding I was making sandwiches (hundreds of them!) for selling at an Air Show that I was doing the public Catering for the next day!

IRA bomb in Harrods I was at work in London and as I came out of Green Park tube station two people asked me the way to Harrods :eek:

Andrew and Fergies Wedding delivering a buffet to a very well known cosmetic company in Central London so they could watch the Wedding and have a lovey lunch :thumbsup:

Lockerbie out at friends having dinner.

Dianas death, I woke up at two in the morning for some reason and put LBC on and heard about the car crash and didn't go back to sleep. I actually watched the plane which brought her back to England approach and land at Northolt RAF station. Very earie. Clear blue sky, not another plane in sight which was odd as it is close to Heathrow and the sky was always full of planes, it was silent, no bird song, no other plane noise, no traffic, except me! I was on the way to afrinds house to babysit.

9/11 Watching Neighbours when they interupted it with a news flash.

July Tube and Bus bombings in London I was in Watford shopping and someone told me.

This Royal Wedding unlike the last 3 I will be sitting on the sofa, coffee and glass in hand all day. :blush:

24-02-2011, 07:59 AM
The one that sticks out the most for me is the Kegworth Air disaster as it was right near me :( we always said that the runway was too near the motorway (M1) and it felt like the planes would hit the top of the car everytime one fledw over.......unfortunately it happened & hit the motorway...i was 1 mile away, my dad was a bit nearer at work & he 'felt' the impact, i was 12ish and was woke up by my dad coming in from night shift & telling us.

9/11 - i remember walking the long way to the cashpoint with my daughter in her pram as it was a hot morning and it being deathly quiet which was strange as it was next to a busy industrial estate...i didnt see 1 person till i got home, turned on the TV at the wrong time.....just intime to see the second plane go into the second tower....live on TV. i was physically sick there and then.....i still feel shakey thinking about it now :(

lady diana death.....we had just touched down into east mids airport coming back from gran caneria & the captain told us just after we landed. i was manager in a pub so the funeral was on on all the TVs, as soon as the elton song came on i blubbed....and so did half the royal hating blokes in the pub.

JFK..... i wasnt even conseved.....my dad was busy killing his sperm count living the 60s dream and being a tree hugging, acid taking hippy! :D

Elivi died when i was 10 days old!

Di & charles wedding .... i remember it but not brilliantly.....my grandma was looking after me so i was probably lost in a cloud of cigerette smoke :rolleyes:

24-02-2011, 08:26 AM
When JFK died in East Africa, I remember my parents talking and seeing TV news. TV was only transmitted a few hours a day, I was only 8.

When Churchill died again I was in East Africa and I remember seeing the funneral on TV.

Elvis Presley died I was in Germany on holiday.

When Bobby Kennedy was shot. On a day trip to the Gower Coast looking for a B & B for our summer hols. Heard it over the car Radio.

Princess Annes Wedding I was attending and interview at Leeds Poly to do a Dietetics HND.

Charles and Diana's wedding I was making sandwiches (hundreds of them!) for selling at an Air Show that I was doing the public Catering for the next day!

IRA bomb in Harrods I was at work in London and as I came out of Green Park tube station two people asked me the way to Harrods :eek:

Andrew and Fergies Wedding delivering a buffet to a very well known cosmetic company in Central London so they could watch the Wedding and have a lovey lunch :thumbsup:

Lockerbie out at friends having dinner.

Dianas death, I woke up at two in the morning for some reason and put LBC on and heard about the car crash and didn't go back to sleep. I actually watched the plane which brought her back to England approach and land at Northolt RAF station. Very earie. Clear blue sky, not another plane in sight which was odd as it is close to Heathrow and the sky was always full of planes, it was silent, no bird song, no other plane noise, no traffic, except me! I was on the way to afrinds house to babysit.

9/11 Watching Neighbours when they interupted it with a news flash.

July Tube and Bus bombings in London I was in Watford shopping and someone told me.

This Royal Wedding unlike the last 3 I will be sitting on the sofa, coffee and glass in hand all day. :blush:

Wow what a memory, however I to saw the plane bringing Dianna back and like you say eery. I was trying to get to Playboys house (we had not long met :D ) in northolt and the roads were shut.

Hyde park bombings in 1982: I walked through Hyde Park 30mins before :eek: heard loads of sirens whilst walking around london and didn't know anything until I got home to find a frantic mother :panic:

7/7 bombings: Playboy was at work in central london and had to walk home, I had just given up working for NCMA to start Childminding the next week, recieved the call to say the 2 children would not be starting :angry: not a good day :(

24-02-2011, 08:34 AM
Wow what a memory, however I to saw the plane bringing Dianna back and like you say eery. I was trying to get to Playboys house (we had not long met :D ) in northolt and the roads were shut.

Hyde park bombings in 1982: I walked through Hyde Park 30mins before :eek: heard loads of sirens whilst walking around london and didn't know anything until I got home to find a frantic mother :panic:

7/7 bombings: Playboy was at work in central london and had to walk home, I had just given up working for NCMA to start Childminding the next week, recieved the call to say the 2 children would not be starting :angry: not a good day :(

My flatmate at the time worked in Baker Steet and felt and heard the Hyde Park bomb go off :eek: I couldn't remember the date of it.

Gosh we probably passed each other, I was driving from Rayners Lane to North Harrow!

Oh and I haven't forgotten, I have a form for you. It will come through your door in the next couple of days.

24-02-2011, 08:53 AM
Charles and Di's wedding - we had a street party. I was 16 and had split with my first proper boyfriend the day before

Hillsborough - was heavily pregnant, watched it on the TV, couldnt take my eyes off it, crying and shouting 'pull them out'

Dunblane - watched in horror, my children were similar age and worried about their school as it was so open. Did get changed to keypad entry shortly after

Lockerbie - worried cos family lived close by and couldnt get hold of them by phone.

Princess Dianas Death - I was still in bed, ex hubby had gone downstairs, and shouted up it looks like Diana and Dodi have commited suicide :eek: He never was the full shilling :laughing:

9/11 - I was working in a pub, on way home and one of the taxi drivers I knew shouted out did I know what was happening, said no, went home and watched it on the news mesmerised

24-02-2011, 09:38 AM
Charles and Di's wedding - we had a street party. I was 16 and had split with my first proper boyfriend the day before

Hillsborough - was heavily pregnant, watched it on the TV, couldnt take my eyes off it, crying and shouting 'pull them out'

Dunblane - watched in horror, my children were similar age and worried about their school as it was so open. Did get changed to keypad entry shortly after

Lockerbie - worried cos family lived close by and couldnt get hold of them by phone.

Princess Dianas Death - I was still in bed, ex hubby had gone downstairs, and shouted up it looks like Diana and Dodi have commited suicide :eek: He never was the full shilling :laughing:

9/11 - I was working in a pub, on way home and one of the taxi drivers I knew shouted out did I know what was happening, said no, went home and watched it on the news mesmerised

We were on our Honeymoon in Crete when this happened, I remember the front pages on the news papers.

25-02-2011, 01:29 PM
dianas death - its flashed up on mtv saying turn over to a news channel for important royal family news we thought it was part of the music video
dianas funeral - i was in a taxi goin g home the steets were empty so a cheap taxi fare
911- waiting for my mil in to come and meet my son for the first time it was one the news i was in tears as my cousin was there on holiday and the day before had been up in the twin towers i got a post card about 3months later with a picture of the twin towers and she had wrote on the front a arrow and a caption were on the 108th floor gave me shivers when i got that

25-02-2011, 04:01 PM
2 years old when Charles and Diana married, but I remember watching Andrew and Fergie marrying at school.....

When Diana died I was going to a rugby tournament with my boyfriend - got up early, turned the news on whilst I was having breakfast. It was all anyone talked about all day. Like when Michael Jackson died, such a shock.

9/11 was not nice. My sister was working in New York at the time, her hotel was right next to the twin towers. We were on honeymoon in Ibiza and the hotel staff made no attempt to help us find out any information. It took all day to get through to my Mum on the phone who had found out by that stage that my sister was OK> She lost everything, including glasses and passport, and came back to England very soon after.

Then she moved to London and her route to work was one of the routes that was bombed in the 7/7 attacks. That was awful too because all the phone lines were down, there was no way to find out if she was ok :( But she was. And she was in Mombasa when they had the tsunami, her inlaws house is right on the beach, they have beach instead of a back garden. Oh she's caused us a few grey hairs :laughing:

25-02-2011, 05:10 PM
I wasn't born when Charles and Diana got married.

Can remember 9/11 though. I'd been at college all day and just met a lovely girl who had been on holiday in New York. She'd literally landed and come straight through to meet the group before going home! I didn't know anything of the actual incident until I got home at 4pm though

25-02-2011, 05:16 PM
Hillsborough - I was a nanny, it was the middle childs birthday party and being a Liverpool supporter I was desperate to find out the score. When everyone had left the party I put on TV to find match abandoned and everything in chaos. I was stunned :(

25-02-2011, 06:43 PM
Queens Silver Jubilee - It was the week before we moved up to Scotland and there was a big street party and I remember thinking it was for us leaving

C&D wedding - I loved the full thing sat glued to it and made scrapbooks out of the cuttings in the paper, and my mum recently found them in the loft

Dianas death - Walked round for the papers everywhere was so quiet, we sat watching it the full day

9/11 - Was working in the factory and someone had a radio and had heard it on the news the full factory stopped

25-02-2011, 06:50 PM
2 years old when Charles and Diana married, but I remember watching Andrew and Fergie marrying at school.....

When Diana died I was going to a rugby tournament with my boyfriend - got up early, turned the news on whilst I was having breakfast. It was all anyone talked about all day. Like when Michael Jackson died, such a shock.

9/11 was not nice. My sister was working in New York at the time, her hotel was right next to the twin towers. We were on honeymoon in Ibiza and the hotel staff made no attempt to help us find out any information. It took all day to get through to my Mum on the phone who had found out by that stage that my sister was OK> She lost everything, including glasses and passport, and came back to England very soon after.

Then she moved to London and her route to work was one of the routes that was bombed in the 7/7 attacks. That was awful too because all the phone lines were down, there was no way to find out if she was ok :( But she was. And she was in Mombasa when they had the tsunami, her inlaws house is right on the beach, they have beach instead of a back garden. Oh she's caused us a few grey hairs :laughing:

Oh I didn't realise it affected East African Coast. I have many happy memories of beach holidays in Mombasa in the 60s when we lived in Niarobi. Going up the coast and going on the 'Singing Ferry', I believe there is a bridge there now! Gedi the Deserted Town happy days.

25-02-2011, 07:06 PM

I don't think it was bad for a tsunami.....

Anyway, she now lives in Kenya (not far from Nairobi, coincidentally, she's in Nanyuki) so it obviously didn't bother her too much. And we're all a bit safer for her being out of the country!

25-02-2011, 08:01 PM
Hillsborough = my brother was there, can remember every second waiting by the phone! Really affected him still does

Diana = i was living with a pratt, remember watching it in bed when i woke up

9/11 = I was running pubs, came on the big screen in the bar, never known the pub so quiet, awful