View Full Version : How long you ever lost something small but expensive at home ?

13-02-2011, 05:48 PM
I am at my wits end :mad:

My mum who visited from Australia over Xmas bought my sons (9 and 12) and ipod touch to share.

Last Wednesday (10 days ago) DS2 was playing on it in the morning and I chased him to put on his socks and school jumper cos we had to go to school.

That is the last time any of us consciensly saw it. Later that morning a cover came for it, and I looked on the desk where is is usually put and didn't see it, so looked through a draw or two, where it might have been put. Nothing. Didn't think too much of it, probably up stairs on the table in their bedroom or on the docking station (also their bedroom). When I did get to look a few hours, later, didn't see it, so thought I would ask DS2 when he gets picked up from school.

At home, he said he had put it in the drawer. So we searched drawer, nothing. I put a complete screen ban on him that day, so that he would help to look for it, and he did look, abeit rather superficially :angry: .

Anyhow, 10 days down the road, we have still not found it. I have looked / searched / stripped in every drawer, cupboard, moved every piece of furniture and still we can't find it.

I believe DS when he says he didn't take it to school (although I have asked his teacher and the office), and of the 2 mindees (3 and 6) who were in the house at the time, I wouldn't imagine they would take it cos they aren't really interested in that kind of thing. Another friend (of DS) was in the house at the same time, but he always brings his i-pad, so don't think I can really suspect him.

After school dropoff run had 2 mindees and DD that morning so I have also looked through all the toy / trays / cupboard and still can't find the **** thing ?

How long have you ever lost an expensive gadget at home ? (and more importantly where did you find it ?)

I am exhausted looking and know that mentally I should just resign myself to the fact that it is gone (and then it will magically appear :rolleyes: ) but I just can't let go just yet. :angry: :angry: :angry:

13-02-2011, 05:54 PM
i lost a big bunch of keys once, there was my house keys, my parents house keys and the keys to 2 houses for the families i nannied for :eek: I knew they were in the house somewhere.

after about 2 weeks of borrowing other peoples keys i decided one day to just have a whole new set copied which was going to work out quite expensive!

i remember going upstairs to get changed and i couldnt be bothered to close the curtains so i just sat on the floor to change my top and there they were under my bed! no idea how they got there tho :laughing:

im sure you will find your ipod touch when you go out and buy another!:rolleyes:

13-02-2011, 06:03 PM
Have you tried down the back/sides of the sofa? Thats where my phone usually turns up...

13-02-2011, 06:11 PM
Think this question was aimed at me lol

Bought my son an iPod touch for his 18th birthday last year only for him to loose it after a month , it was mothers day and he came home from an overnight shift and I saw him go to bed with it , after then going to the pub for a meal with the rest of the family I came home when he came to me all of a panic and said mum someones pinched my iPod ,his earphones were still in his ears , telling him not to be daft we searched the house over and over again , and finally gave up . 2 weeks later it was the start of spring so I went into the garden to cut the grass where right at the other end of the garden where we burn rubbish I saw something gleaming in the sunshine and low and behold it wad the iPod !

Then a while later he had it pinched whilst asleep on his marine camp but he replaced it this time

Yes the saga carries on lol

He retired from the marines at christmas due to injury and whilst on America visiting his girlfriend he lent it to my youngest son 11 who the day my eldest was due to come home announced that he couldn't find the iPod ,so once again I search the house didn't leave a thing unturned , still had to give up and I bought my son anther one as it wasn't his fault it had been lost , very annoyed I can tell you ! Only for 3weeks later my middle som 14 came bursting in saying he had found the iPod in his sock drawer ,I couldn't believe it , so now I have my very own iPod y
Touch which I'm using to type this post

So I wouldn't give up yet as you never know where things may turn up

13-02-2011, 06:23 PM
i lost both my engagement and wedding ring...found my wedding ring after 3 days behind the radiator it fell of the window sill my engagement ring i found about 2and half weeks later in a jaffa cake box in the arts and crafts tub full of toilet rolls etc!!

hope you find it soon

13-02-2011, 06:40 PM
i lost my jewelery all i wear 3 rings braclet, necklace and watch about £1500 worth ..
we had been out for dinner went shopping etc came home i took them off and normally stick them on hubbys stereo top but he was moaning any way can remember going to put them on stereo but he stopped me.. this was saturday well i dont wear them in week and following week i went for them no where to be seen we looked everywhere, then about mid week son went in fridge to get a kitkat kept in drawer in fridge and came out with all my jewelery, i had gone to make a cuppa gone in fridge for kitkat and must of put them in drawer as they were in my hand ..... i felt such a plonker.:blush:

13-02-2011, 09:45 PM
My wedding ring and a kreugar rand - no idea where either went to. We have moved since I lost the wedding ring - my excuse was that I was pregnant and put it in a safe place cos my fingers swelled:o .

Not sure where the Krueger Rand is - My Dad gave it to me to save until I really needed it - I have needed it a few times but can't remember which safe place I put it in:panic:

13-02-2011, 09:51 PM
Not lost at home but we did lose the keys to our Motorhome while on a campsite in France :eek: Luckily we had a spare set.

We told the campsite and they took our details but we never expected to hear from them again.

4 months later a parcel arrived and in it were the keys, a bit rusty and dirty. A note told us they had been found at the bottom of the swimming lake. Graham must have gone swimming with them in his shorts pocket!


13-02-2011, 09:59 PM
I hope the I pod turns up soon.

We have lost the charger for our camcorder. Have searched every drawer, cupboard etc. I'm so annoyed as I need to carry out an observation on a child lasting 20 mins or so for my degree and the easiest way is to record it on the camcorder. I think we will have to order a new charger through the website. More expence :angry:

13-02-2011, 10:07 PM
About 8 years ago DH bought me a beautiful emerald and diamond ring with matching earrings, they were very expensive and I loved them. I wear the ring always, but the earrings caught on my clothing so only wore them when going out. I took them off one evening and put them in my jewellery box, next time I went to wear them I couldn't find them and never have, that was 6 years ago! :mad: DH is convinced I hoovered them up, but I'm sure I would have heard it. I hope you find the iPod touch. :thumbsup:

13-02-2011, 10:41 PM
I hope you find the ipod.

I was looking after next door but ones dogs and lost their keys. Now they were in my house somewhere, I turned it upside down looking for them. Hubby had to climb over the fences to sort the dogs (luckily werent locked in the house). We used to keep our toaster in the cupboard and I got it out to use it and it went bang!!! My older DS was only a toddler and he must have put them in there.

Moral to my story, check your toaster before you use it :laughing:

Louise B
13-02-2011, 10:51 PM
I lost my mum's wedding ring on holiday about 2 years after she died, I was absolutely gutted. I couldn't even think about it because I was so upset, so I just put it out of my mind. About a year later my then boyfriend came to stay and was using my sunbed (this was 20 years ago!! lol), and I saw something on the bedroom floor. I thought it was my sister's wedding ring and she'd dropped it when she'd used the sunbed that afternoon. I rang her, it wasn't hers. She asked me to describe the colour, so I compared it with other rings that I had and sure enough, it was a different shade, 18 carat, and was my mum's wedding ring!!! I'd lost it in Majorca a year before!! Weird. I think it was her way of saying she approved of me marrying the boyfriend! lol.

We lost my daughter's MP4 player last October, she was convinced someone had taken it, but I wasn't. I asked a friend's mum, she'd stayed at their house and I wondered if she'd left it there. No luck. We searched high and low and couldn't find it anywhere, so I got her a new one. When I had a lot of trouble with an 8 year old mindee stealing, I confronted her one day and just said "where's the MP4 player?" and she confessed to stealing it!!!!! :angry:

Good luck, hope you find it...xxx

13-02-2011, 11:12 PM
Hope you find it.

I lost my 3 diamond ring - my 40th birthday present from DH :( I was going demented as I knew I had taken it off and put it somewhere :o I don't wear it all the time as I am hopeless with jewellery.

I was going round the house headless chicken style and even DH was saying calm down it is only a ring, but it was one from a little shop in the lanes in Brighton so old, and a one off.

It turned up a couple of days later down the back of the computer cupboard - I cried again with relief - don't know why I went behind there though!

Most things turn up again at some point - often in daft places like the fridge or washing basket :blush:

14-02-2011, 08:13 AM
OK - now don't shoot me for being mad - but ask for it. Seriously, say into the air that you would like your children's Ipod returned - believe that it will turn up and then forget about it - follow your instict if you go to open a drawer that never gets touched. I'm telling you you'll find it for sure that way. :thumbsup:
The amount of times I've asked for guidance and then found things almost immediately, even returning to a place i've already looked and finding it, and i'm not that stupid to overlook it the first time round!

14-02-2011, 08:24 AM
QUOTE=kindredspirits;871343]OK - now don't shoot me for being mad - but ask for it. Seriously, say into the air that you would like your children's Ipod returned - believe that it will turn up and then forget about it - follow your instict if you go to open a drawer that never gets touched. I'm telling you you'll find it for sure that way. :thumbsup:
The amount of times I've asked for guidance and then found things almost immediately, even returning to a place i've already looked and finding it, and i'm not that stupid to overlook it the first time round![/QUOTE]

Spooky, i will try that next time :eek: :eek:

14-02-2011, 08:38 AM
Hope you find it

My daughter has lost £300 over a week ago

She put it safe in her draw - her friend is buying her car off her and does not want it yet so asked if she could pay so much a month so it is paid off by the time she has the car

She gave Gem £300 and she does not know what she has done with it

She had a tidy up last week so is hoping she did not throw it away by mistake :eek:

Hope you find the ipod

Angel xx

Carpet Monkeys
14-02-2011, 10:07 AM
Where did you chase your son? Was it in the living room, check under the sofa's as it could've slipped out his hand when trying to get ready? Did it slid under a welsh dresser or sideboard unit? Is it in his School Bag? Where were his socks, were they on a unit perhaps it's slid into a drawer there? How about his coat, if it was hanging up, did you inadvertently put it in another coat pocket?

We've had the same with a DS cartridge, but it turned up about 4 months later, via friend of DD's who said it was in her shoe !!

14-02-2011, 02:59 PM
I found our missing remote control in the fridge once - have you looked there? I think I must have gone to get milk out and put it down cos it was in my hand - was missing for about 3 days!

14-02-2011, 03:43 PM
put my phone charger in the bottom of my wardrobe once :rolleyes: :D

14-02-2011, 03:47 PM
I lost my engagement ring for about 3 years until we redecorated my bedroom and moved a chest of drawers it had fallen behind.

I cried when hubby found it :o

We just found out missing remote at the bottom of the dressing up box - I think the little darlings had been using it as a phone!! :laughing: