View Full Version : Applied for Uni and................

11-02-2011, 01:39 PM
Got refused by them both....... the one I had most chance of getting into turned me down because I didn't mention that I have a drivers licence and my intentions of getting a C1. :angry::censored: :angry: the tutor told me to take my intention of getting my c1 out as I dont have it. :panic: :angry:

grrr now I got to manage with the rest of the class getting excited at college as they either have an interview or a place at the uni of their choice (dont get me wrong but its hard and depressing)

the to top it off my lil niece became seriously ill and was rushed to hospital, started to get better and has now been rushed to kings for an op. My FIL has this week had his double bypass opp and all's gone well but its knocked him and MIL for 6. hubby's not talking about it much either..... this years pants!!!! I also have more assignments to get done then I know what to do with!!!!

anyway a bit of backwards post, just to add a quick hello and how are you all...


The Juggler
11-02-2011, 01:44 PM
OMG hon what a week. so sorry to hear about your family members what a worry.

On the uni though - appeal it. You are allowed and you should. Argue your case, tell them you were wrongly advised. People don't accept places or drop out all the time so if they are really full you need to be first on the list for any places which become available.:thumbsup:

11-02-2011, 01:45 PM
OMG hon what a week. so sorry to hear about your family members what a worry.

On the uni though - appeal it. You are allowed and you should. Argue your case, tell them you were wrongly advised. People don't accept places or drop out all the time so if they are really full you need to be first on the list for any places which become available.:thumbsup:

ooo this has been over a the last 4 weeks - if it was a week Id think id turn to drink :s can I really appeal????

11-02-2011, 01:50 PM
ooo this has been over a the last 4 weeks - if it was a week Id think id turn to drink :s can I really appeal????

I would. As Juggler says people always drop out. I have applied to 4 but obviously if I get accepted on all of them I will only take up one place.
You have nothing to lose:thumbsup:

11-02-2011, 01:58 PM
hows this for a reply email to the uni

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing with regards to my recent email to you requesting further information on why my application was refused, I would firstly Id like to say thank you for your quick reply, I have read and taken your advice on board. Secondly I would like to ask whether it would be possible to appeal this decision, due to myself being given incorrect advice while writing out the personal statement.

I dont want to sound like im passing the buck

Yours Thankfully


The Juggler
11-02-2011, 02:51 PM
hows this for a reply email to the uni

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing with regards to my recent email to you requesting further information on why my application was refused, I would firstly Id like to say thank you for your quick reply, I have read and taken your advice on board. Secondly I would like to ask whether it would be possible to appeal this decision, due to myself being given incorrect advice while writing out the personal statement.

I dont want to sound like im passing the buck

Yours Thankfully


def. go ahead and send the letter, it will show good communication skills but in the meantime (post and reply times might be lengthy) check the uni websites there should be a way to appeal online there (I imagine) that will be much quicker. good luck and glad all the family stuff didn't happen in a week:D