View Full Version : I WILL clear that garage

10-02-2011, 11:00 AM
We moved into this house in September. We have a great big detached garage and seeing as hubby didn't order a big enough skip when we moved out of the previous house we ended up bringing what I term a load of crap with us. I had visions of this new garage being used to store my childminding bits in, pushchairs, car seats, box of toys etc etc, the ones I don't need / use every day. Well since September when we moved in the garage has looked like a rubbish tip inside, there is so much stuff that we don't need and should have been chucked out. I have been on at hubby to sort it out but there's always an excuse. I told him the other night I was going to hire a skip and chuck the lot, he panicked and thought I was going to chuck out all his tools :laughing: . To be honest I don't think he thought I was serious. Well this morning I have booked a skip to be delivered tomorrow afternoon. I haven't told him. He is off out on Saturday so guess what I'm going to be doing???? I WILL get that garage sorted. He's had long enough to do it himself now it's going to be done MY way :clapping:


10-02-2011, 12:31 PM
we did our just before christmas......till i bought 3 silver cross coachbuilt dolls prams.....now we are back to no room again.

good luck :thumbsup:

BTW....i have a man like that, if its not to his benefit he will do it tomorrow/at the weekend/next week/month/year :censored: