View Full Version : children waiting for birthdays!

09-02-2011, 07:13 PM
My son is 2 1/2 and he keeps saying "my happy birthday June. Me party hat. Me party home. yay!" Oh my goodness he is saying it a few times a day every day! He is right - his birthday is June! - The 29th, so has a very long wait for such a little boy! Obviously he has no conecpt of time so no point in going on about it being a long wait etc. Any ideas of how to calm his excitement bless him?!

09-02-2011, 09:44 PM
None at all! I have one telling me about her birthday party... in September! :rolleyes:

I just nod and smile and make an appropriate comment :D

09-02-2011, 09:49 PM
Aww bless :D My 7 year old keeps asking me if I've booked her 8th birthday party yet and that's not until september. Probably my own fault though as I always book parties in May so that I have plenty of time to get organised!

09-02-2011, 09:54 PM
In December my DS told his supply teacher that it was his birthday. They duly sang Happy Birthday and got out the polystyerene (sp?) cake.

Next morning Teacher asks H if he had a nice party.... :confused: face from me.

She explained that H had told her all about his birthday, his presents, cards from the postman, and party he was to have.

She was so excited bless her .... until I told her it wasn't his birthday until July! :D

10-02-2011, 01:34 PM
Lol at your little one Minstrel! :laughing:

I think you are all right, it is very sweet really and as his language isn't quite up to others his age I am amazed he can say all that really! Think it will be a long 6 months!

10-02-2011, 02:11 PM
my 3 year old has been planning his birthday, especially the cake, for the past 6 months - its finally his birthday next week.... and can I get a firm desicion on what type of cake??? :huh: nope, its changed from Toy Story to Peppa Pig to a racing car all within the last week. I've told him I need to know by the weekend :laughing:

10-02-2011, 02:15 PM
i live this life of constant countdowns with katie (18) she has a few things on the go at the moment

1. her birthday in june:)

2 our hoilday in july :clapping:



3 NEXT FLAMIN CHRISTMAS!!!!!!:panic: :panic: :panic: :panic:

She will come rushing up to me and say "cant wait mummy"

"cant wait for what?"

answer will be any of the above

this is one of the problems with being on the autistic spectrum!!!!

makes life interesting.....and i will NEVER forget these dates!

mandy xx