View Full Version : A WET WEDNESDAY

09-02-2011, 07:57 AM
Morning Everyone

Its pouring down here and seems chilly after that lovely day yesterday

We are finishing our valentine crafts and valentine biscuits today

What do you all have planned?

Have a good day

Angel xx

miss mopple
09-02-2011, 08:08 AM
No rain here yet. We're off for a welly walk in the woods with the dog this morning then hopefully the littlies will sleep this pm while the older one and I clean out the wendy house and wash the ride ons ready for spring :)

Have a good day everyone :clapping:

Chimps Childminding
09-02-2011, 08:15 AM
No rain here either - yet!!! Just one lo between us today and he is at Nursery this morning, so June and I are going to look at the Food Safety Courses on line - boring or what :rolleyes:

Hoping the rain stays off, it was so nice to get the doors open and get outside without spending ages putting on hats, gloves, scarves etc yesterday!!

09-02-2011, 08:48 AM
Overcast but no rain yet
3 mindees between 2 of us today - should be doing something useful (June and Carolyn you are putting me to shame!) - but can't get motivated at moment.

Later on we are doing some painting and some wax resit star pictures to go with Twinkle Twinkle (which is part of our extended Chatterbox Challenge activites) But at moment all 3 mindees engaged in free play and assistant supervising. Hence being on here!

Penny :)

09-02-2011, 09:08 AM
no rain here in sussex .....YET! no minded children today but lots of house chores to do and of course my paper work launchpad and SEF just dont know where to start first.......

09-02-2011, 10:52 AM
Rain on n off here today - off would be better hee hee :D

I have a day off today yippee!! but just doing boring housework as i just spend money if i venture out lol:laughing:

09-02-2011, 11:37 AM
Hello Angel and everyone!

It's sunny here in North London.. hope that stayes forever :) I need sun!!

I have my two little monkeys today - all are a bit snotty, including me now.. but we've still managed to go to the park and library and so on.. girls are asleep now and I can have my yummy caramel mocha mmmmmmmmmm.

Have a great day all,
Saija xx