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19-01-2011, 10:20 AM
Hi everyone,

I'm just doing my garden risk assessment. I have a small decked area at the end of my garden with a wooden playhouse next to it. And also a small bit of decking straight outside my conservatory door - which is my main playroom so children can go in and out into the garden. My husband actually fell over on the decking the other day! So it's a danger when wet. I'm not sure if there's anything you can put on decking to stop it slipping? Apart from matting the whole thing. Just wondered if anyone knew of a way. We rent so can't change anything major.

Thanks :)

19-01-2011, 10:38 AM
I had decking problems. The only way I could sort it was to wait until summer, borrow a jet wash to take off the top layer and treat with an anti-fungal wood stain. Looked fab when finished and is algae and slip free this year :) There's not a lot you can do in this weather though as the wood needs to be able to dry throughly between stripping and treating.

I suppose matting may do the job. I once bought a load of rubber economy doormats and cable tied them together to make a large safety play mat for under a climbing frame. Maybe something like that would work?

19-01-2011, 11:18 AM
I know decking can be leathal in the winter when it hasnt had the sun to dry it out properly.

We have had a roof put over the top of ours now so we dont have this problem but my sister has it outside her back door and the kids have fallen over loads.

I dont know wht the solution is though other than buying expensive decking even then i'm not sure it will be any better

I love Bridey's idea of the rubber mats though. I may have to try that :thumbsup:

19-01-2011, 12:28 PM
In our old house I had to say the children couldn't play on the decking if it was wet as it was so slippy! You can get wire mesh to go over it but that's just as dangerous for the children! I used to put up a gazebo to keep it dry.

19-01-2011, 12:34 PM
i have seen some rubber sheets but i cant remeber where :o its like rubber strips but with gritty bits & used for steps/stairs

19-01-2011, 02:13 PM
My suggestion is only an idea off the top of my head - I don't whether the rubber mats would slip or not unless there is some way of securing them. It may be worth only buying one and testing it for slippiness ... a husband's job methinks?! :rolleyes: