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View Full Version : My head is going to explode!!!!

10-01-2011, 10:21 PM
I have been tackling my SEF now every evening since last Thursday and am only just beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel!

How many times can Ofsted ask the same question over and over again.???

And the guidance they have published is written in another language! I can’t even understand most of the questions let alone answer them…:rolleyes:

If it wasn’t for Sarah’s ebook I would have been sat in a corner crying by now….:blush:
I think she should be employed to write their SEF guidance booklet – Thank you soooo much for your help Sarah. Please keep up the good work.

I can definatley see the benefits in completing a Self Evaluation Form but is it just me or does anybody else think Ofsted make us do such an intense one so that it’ll make them inspecting us that little bit easier – we’ve done the foundation work for them!

Anyway rant over – back to the laptop to try and get another section completed....:D