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10-01-2011, 03:45 PM
I had to close today (first ever since I started) as DD had vomited early hours, generally unwell and a high temp.

Anyway, mindee goes to same nursery as my DD and mindees brother (who I also mind) goes to same school as my son.

Well, I still had to do school run, and before DD had got sick I had agreed to pick up/drop off my DS's friend as mum had flu (shes a TA at the school).

SO, collection time today. Mum spots me in the playground, totally ignores me, let alone comes over to see DD who is in her old buggy (and to see if I am open tomorrow). Then, Me, DD, DS and DS's friend start to walk home. I spot that mindees mum is in a friends car, and drives off as we approach it, then pulls over further down the road and so obviously watches us, then stop again further down as we are walkign a different route - I feel as if she is checking up on me...:angry:

10-01-2011, 03:47 PM
oh wow what a prize weirdo!


shut your curtains quick and make sure the bunny is safely locked in its hutch! :laughing:

some people are so strange!

10-01-2011, 04:10 PM
I can understand how you feel but to play devils advocate...

look how it looks from her point of view...

1. You close because your DD is so obviously not very well, then

2. She sees you on the school run with another child,

...perhaps she is thinking that you closed for her but had this child, even though he is not a minded child and you were only dropping him off for a friend... does she know this child?

10-01-2011, 04:12 PM
I can understand how you feel but to play devils advocate...

look how it looks from her point of view...

1. You close because your DD is so obviously not very well, then

2. She sees you on the school run with another child,

...perhaps she is thinking that you closed for her but had this child, even though he is not a minded child and you were only dropping him off for a friend... does she know this child?

true....i think on consideration i would feel the same really...sorry :blush:

10-01-2011, 04:37 PM
BUT!! I don't have her kids after school and I could have been dropping MY son off at this boys house??? Had she waited long enough she would have seen lol

At the end of the day i'm guessing at what she was doing...have no doubt that she'll say something lol

10-01-2011, 09:05 PM
Get in there first - tell her you saw her and was going to say hello but maybe she didnt see you cos when you looked up she'd gone!

I know from her point of view she's maybe thinking you had another child and you said you couldnt have hers - but if she'd spoken to you she'd know what was going on wouldnt she!

Don't worry about it and I hope your dd is feeling better soon xxx