View Full Version : Ra another cm ???

It's a small world
06-01-2011, 04:14 PM
Updating my RAs and had a thought if I have a cm friend in my car with me with her mindees do I need to include anything on my own RAs ie I have a section in all the ra's where my car is involved abt permission to travel in car , correct car seats, enough petrol etc. Have also noted in timings on how long it takes us to travel somewhere that another Mindee travels with me sometimes so do I need to do an ra about carrying other mindees n cm . I take them to a playgroup each week and sometimes parks. Other cm has permission for them to travel I my car.. Anything else ?????

Chatterbox Childcare
06-01-2011, 05:18 PM
Sorry can't see the need for this - you would have seats anyway, not going over numbers and why would the other person be a risk?

Sorry if I am missing something

It's a small world
06-01-2011, 05:34 PM
Sorry didnt mean ra cm meant include other cms children in my ra as in my car but guess as long as other cm got permission and includes any info about being in my car for ra's to playgroups in their ra's I shouldn't need to include in mine should I? Does that make sense ??

06-01-2011, 06:30 PM
Only thing I can think that another cm would present a risk to you is, if they were over their numbers, and you might be dragged into it if you were observed together, but considering the average number of seats in a car, this is highly unlikely unless you are talking mini-buses ;)