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View Full Version : Complaint response letter

buzzy bee
30-12-2010, 06:11 PM
I'm after a big favour... just wondering if anyone has had to write a response to a complaint and if so whether you'd mind sharing it with me (obviously with names etc removed!!)

Thank you in advance!!

30-12-2010, 06:20 PM
Complaint from Ofsted or from a parent? It would be worded differently I should think.

I am more than happy to proof anything before you send it :D

buzzy bee
30-12-2010, 08:23 PM
thanks sarah. it's for a complaint from a parent.

30-12-2010, 09:12 PM
ok then first I doubt you need telling this one but stay totally professional and do not say things like 'I am upset'.

Thank the parent for bringing the matter to your attention.

Answer the points raised with as much detachment as you can. If you are struggling because it's grossly unfair then get someone else to read it first.

Keep it positive - you are grateful for having the points raised... you are changing your procedures to ensure it does not happen again / you are considering how you can protect children / you are aware of the upset or worry it must have caused but at no point was the child in danger ...

Show that you respect the complaint and reassure the parent that you are taking action.

If it's a new complaint, try not to make it into a list of why the complaint is wrong. Instead keep it really short and sweet... something as simple as 'your complaint will be investigated in accordance with the statutory requirements of the Eyfs / Childcare Register (depending on which it is) and I will respond to you in writing within xx days.'

That way you are giving everyone involved in the process time to calm down, take a breath etc.

Remind the parent that s/he can contact Ofsted at any time during the complaints process and sign off.

I hope that helps start you off. As I said I am happy to give it a read through.

Hugs xx

buzzy bee
30-12-2010, 09:46 PM
Thanks Sarah :thumbsup:

You're SO helpful :) (as always!!)


31-12-2010, 03:37 AM
ok then first I doubt you need telling this one but stay totally professional and do not say things like 'I am upset'.

Thank the parent for bringing the matter to your attention.

Answer the points raised with as much detachment as you can. If you are struggling because it's grossly unfair then get someone else to read it first.

Keep it positive - you are grateful for having the points raised... you are changing your procedures to ensure it does not happen again / you are considering how you can protect children / you are aware of the upset or worry it must have caused but at no point was the child in danger ...

Show that you respect the complaint and reassure the parent that you are taking action.

If it's a new complaint, try not to make it into a list of why the complaint is wrong. Instead keep it really short and sweet... something as simple as 'your complaint will be investigated in accordance with the statutory requirements of the Eyfs / Childcare Register (depending on which it is) and I will respond to you in writing within xx days.'

That way you are giving everyone involved in the process time to calm down, take a breath etc.

Remind the parent that s/he can contact Ofsted at any time during the complaints process and sign off.

I hope that helps start you off. As I said I am happy to give it a read through.

Hugs xx

Good advice from Sarah

I have had to write a resonse this Christmas - basically was about contract issues but als had some unsubstantiated (sp) allegations. I struggled to fill in complaints form and so phone Ofsted for advice. They were very helpful and said I just need to respond to parent and ask them to provide factual details so that I could look into their complaint. They said if no further response from parent - just to put their letter and my response in my complaints folder (and after the 28 day period to put a statement in folder saying had closed the investigation due to lack of information). I have done this and as got a very rude reply this has now also gone in my complaint folder.

My thoughts are with you as it is a horrid experience and you can't help but worry that even if a unfounded complaint that your reputation will be damaged

Penny :)