View Full Version : Ok, what did santa bring that had you bemused?

26-12-2010, 07:15 PM
This Christmas I have had lots of lovely gifts but every year you always get something that leaves you thinking 'why?' or 'what possessed them to get me that?'

This year amongst my many stocking fillers (some nice, some funny) my DH included .............a padlock ?????? :huh:

My SIL is a lovely lady but she refuses to ask what anyone wants for Xmas. She puts a lot of thought into what she buys, but for someone who knows me very well she is soooo often soooo wide of the mark. This year she bought me a hat.......it's a nice hat, but I never ever wear them, partly because I just don't suit them and also I don't like the feel of them (and she should know this as we've talked about hats when on shopping trips together). I suspect it has cost her about £30, but it's money wasted which makes me feel ungrateful.

So what was your Christmas pressie blooper?

26-12-2010, 07:22 PM
Mine was my main present from my DH. Love him, he knows I like baking and he knows I make jam so he bought me a preserving pan for jam making. In itself not a complete blooper - would have been lovely except for the fact he bought his 60 year old mum the same thing!!!!:eek: I spent ages asking the rellies to contribute to his present which was really expensive and something he REALLY wanted - about as long as I'd spent dropping hints about what I wanted which was a digital slr camera!! Apparently though he can't take a hint. I feel ungrateful but really I can't understand why he would buy it when there are some other things I would want.

Hey ho, I did get some lovely things that I did want from other people so I will just keep pretending that it's a great present lol!!!

26-12-2010, 09:02 PM
we all did very well this year. SIL usually gives us a naff present - this year she left us off the present list :clapping: We don't do adult presents so there really is no need ever to buy us anything. Last year was the icing on the cake - a carrier bag holder in the shape of a cow with a label from her saying 'a fun and useful gift'!! :rolleyes:

Someone always buys me Baileys - I don't like it and never have but can't tell her now - been years (ex mindees mum) Friends always drink it for me :thumbsup:

26-12-2010, 10:12 PM
I recieved a cabin flight bag off a friend...I mean seriously :laughing:

Have you checked all the pockets - in case there is a flight ticket in one :p

Mil is not great at presents for me - often buys me clothes - some times nice- sometimes not - but she Always says..' I do hope its big enough?':eek:

26-12-2010, 10:23 PM
This year amongst my many stocking fillers (some nice, some funny) my DH included .............a padlock ?????? :huh:


rofl - although perhaps he is hinting towards the kinky????:laughing:

The Juggler
26-12-2010, 10:51 PM
rofl - although perhaps he is hinting towards the kinky????:laughing:

i was gonna say the same - not sure what that says about us Pip:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: I was impressed with DH, I got some jeans, a gorgeous purple top and a matching amethyst necklace (my birthstone) and it all fits and looks fab!!!

26-12-2010, 10:51 PM
My own mother bought me a big box of Thorntons - yay - lovely you say - shame I have a severe allergy to nuts and so don't eat them!

26-12-2010, 11:17 PM
[QUOTE=The Juggler;837431]i was gonna say the same - not sure what that says about us Pip:QUOTE]

errmmmm that we having brains that work in the dodgy regions??? lol

i got some fab presents - I got my beloved, much wanted and sort after purple DM's - at long long long last. Brian has hunted for months for them and an Ereader (Binatone - its fab)
From the kids i have had various bits and pieces - TT calendar from H, leggings from J and a bag and cardy from R.

Am luvving my DM's though:D

27-12-2010, 08:38 AM
Morning everyone, hope you all had a fab christmas.

I got spoilt as usual :D BUT I feel like a complete selfish c*w and I am not, dh always buys me fab pressies from him and the kids but this year I honestly think he just got what he could with no effort :(
I got ...........

A handheld vacuum (I asked for this to make luch time clean up easier lol)
A pair of flitflops (gives you a workout while you walk) but he bought me actual flipflops I wanted the shoes!!!
A bluetooth dongle for my laptop :rolleyes:
A huge calculator :rolleyes:
Underwear and pjs (don't fit and totally not the sort I wear) now he bought me 2 yes 2 sports bras I understand the concept of sportsbras but OMG they are so unatractive!!!!

I asked specifically for grey gloves and scarf (to go with new coat), a lava lamp for my desk, and a new phone! And he knows how much I like my posh new bath smellies at christmas, did I get any? no I never!!
I feel so ungratefu,l I put sooo much effort into getting him everything he wanted and I never got listened to.

Sorry everyone huge rant over, think I might have to go shopping today :idea: x x x

27-12-2010, 09:31 AM
my SIL gave me used toiletries, i presumed she just gathered what was in her bathroom cabinet & put it in a carrier bag, all were nearly full but you could tell they were old (design, dusty etc)

27-12-2010, 09:58 AM
I feel so ungratefu,l I put sooo much effort into getting him everything he wanted and I never got listened to.

I know how you feel hon. I am not ungrateful but, like you say, when you put all the effort in for them to get what THEY want it's a shame when it's not reciprocated. The thing my DH said to me was that he didn't buy from my list because 'it was boring'. But the point DEAR husband was that it was MY list and stuff that I WANTED!!! Otherwise, why ask me to write a list??? The other annoying thing was that I got him the present he wanted - which was so expensive that me, MIL and my mum all paid towards it - and he had the nerve to turn round and ask where the slippers were that he asked for :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: He's not usually so insensitive/not thoughtful so I don't know what's going on.

Anyway, that aside I took myself sale shopping yesterday and bought some nice things that I did want - including Series 1 of Glee for £20!!:clapping:

The Juggler
27-12-2010, 10:09 AM
[QUOTE=The Juggler;837431]i was gonna say the same - not sure what that says about us Pip:QUOTE]

errmmmm that we having brains that work in the dodgy regions??? lol

i got some fab presents - I got my beloved, much wanted and sort after purple DM's - at long long long last. Brian has hunted for months for them and an Ereader (Binatone - its fab)
From the kids i have had various bits and pieces - TT calendar from H, leggings from J and a bag and cardy from R.

Am luvving my DM's though:D

ah a girl after my heart. I used to love my dm's years ago - had black velour ones:D now have some calf zip up dm's but one of my mindees older siblings has lime green patent and they are v. nice..... might have to invest

27-12-2010, 11:12 AM
I got bought ONE random cushion :panic:
I mean I just don't get it, what does anyone want with one cushion? It doesn't even match the colour scheme?!:panic: :laughing:

sonia ann
27-12-2010, 11:48 AM
Have you checked all the pockets - in case there is a flight ticket in one :p

Mil is not great at presents for me - often buys me clothes - some times nice- sometimes not - but she Always says..' I do hope its big enough?':eek:

my mil was exactly the same !!!...........I have to be nice now as she is no longer with us but she used to really make me mad with that comment :mad:

27-12-2010, 03:17 PM
My own mother bought me loads of biscuits and chocolates!!! Don't eat either. maybe she thought I needed fattening up:rolleyes:

My MIL bought me a set of three pairs of earrings. I haven't worn earring for years and a mouse wrist rest:panic:

The Juggler
27-12-2010, 04:03 PM
My own mother bought me loads of biscuits and chocolates!!! Don't eat either. maybe she thought I needed fattening up:rolleyes:

My MIL bought me a set of three pairs of earrings. I haven't worn earring for years and a mouse wrist rest:panic:

you probably do after losing all that weight hon. did you get to the bottom of that and get your meds adjusted??

27-12-2010, 04:40 PM
i am usually very lucky with presents from parents but this year one bought me from a new shop that's opened in town ( the type where everything is £5)
a bracelet which is ok and a really nice scarf and a handbag that is so hideous that i don't even want to take a pic of it
the bag has multicoloured rainbow patches on the plastic bag bit and they are shiney ( it is so hideous that i can't even really describe it)

other parents bought me a gorgeous necklace from fat face another bought me a bottle of my fave perfume which is about £50

there were other presents which i think why did they bother but none as awful as this bag

27-12-2010, 04:53 PM
you probably do after losing all that weight hon. did you get to the bottom of that and get your meds adjusted??

Yes Miss:thumbsup: I have a hospital appointment on 6th Jan

27-12-2010, 05:35 PM
I have been overwhelmed with chocolate...

Which is odd because I haven't eaten chocolate for about 8 years :rolleyes:

Ah well I have very happy children! :D

27-12-2010, 05:55 PM
i got a hedgehog ornament very odd :laughing:

27-12-2010, 06:09 PM
I have been overwhelmed with chocolate...

Which is odd because I haven't eaten chocolate for about 8 years :rolleyes:

Ah well I have very happy children! :D

same here, and biscuits !!!!!!!!!!!! I dont have a sweet tooth!

The Juggler
27-12-2010, 06:39 PM
Yes Miss:thumbsup: I have a hospital appointment on 6th Jan

good! :laughing: :laughing: just saw on your other thread. hope you are ok, you don't want to lose any more honx

The Juggler
27-12-2010, 06:40 PM
I have been overwhelmed with chocolate...

Which is odd because I haven't eaten chocolate for about 8 years :rolleyes:

Ah well I have very happy children! :D

:eek: :eek: now Sarah you must tell us how you managed that - I didn't think it was humanly possible

27-12-2010, 06:47 PM
:eek: :eek: now Sarah you must tell us how you managed that - I didn't think it was humanly possible

I was getting migraines and bad eczema and the doc recommended I stopped eating / drinking caffeine to see if it made a difference.

So I cut out all caffeinated tea, coffee, coke... and of course chocolate had to go too :(

Sadly it worked so no more choccy for Sarah.

I do miss it sometimes especially when the kids have drinking chocolate and I can smell it.


27-12-2010, 08:33 PM
I got a box of goodies from my MIL...

thought lovely... till I looked more closely and she had given me USED make up :(
eye shadows that had been opened and used. ew


her mum had wrapped me and dh up some plastic cups, coasters and tea tray...

denim coloured with a picture of cats on...

again why!!!!!

make up I gave to Dh sister, she didnt mind that it was used by her mum :o
and the cup set will go to a charity shop

27-12-2010, 09:43 PM
I loved all my presents this year, except a bottle of port, but that is just because I don't like it, but they weren't to know that, still really appreciated it though and someone will drink it. I did get 2 pairs of hair straighteners, a pair of remmingtons from OH which I opened and used Christmas morning and OH ripped the box, then a set of Cloud 9 straighteners from DS and his GF, :eek: :D so I have packed the remmingtons away as a back up set. :thumbsup:

27-12-2010, 09:50 PM
I got a box of goodies from my MIL...

thought lovely... till I looked more closely and she had given me USED make up :(
eye shadows that had been opened and used. ew


her mum had wrapped me and dh up some plastic cups, coasters and tea tray...

denim coloured with a picture of cats on...

again why!!!!!

make up I gave to Dh sister, she didnt mind that it was used by her mum :o
and the cup set will go to a charity shop

we got some cartoon cat pictured coasters once - we have dogs and I wouldn't want pictured coasters on them anyway :rolleyes: same family member gave us rustic pottery items for years in a row - hate unglazed pottery, can't touch it! Naff presents every year - but this year, nothing - we were spared thankfully

27-12-2010, 10:07 PM
This year I had nice presents but a couple of years ago a mindees mum bought me a face painting kit !!!!!

The Juggler
27-12-2010, 10:09 PM
I was getting migraines and bad eczema and the doc recommended I stopped eating / drinking caffeine to see if it made a difference.

So I cut out all caffeinated tea, coffee, coke... and of course chocolate had to go too :(

Sadly it worked so no more choccy for Sarah.

I do miss it sometimes especially when the kids have drinking chocolate and I can smell it.


oh not a fun reason to give it up hon. glad it helped though:thumbsup:

27-12-2010, 10:09 PM
I think I must be winning this thread, from my Aunt I got a bright pink shower cay and 2 sets of food bags, one for meats and one for cheese:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

The Juggler
27-12-2010, 10:12 PM
I think I must be winning this thread, from my Aunt I got a bright pink shower cay and 2 sets of food bags, one for meats and one for cheese:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

i think that is pretty bad:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

27-12-2010, 10:20 PM
I think I must be winning this thread, from my Aunt I got a bright pink shower cay and 2 sets of food bags, one for meats and one for cheese:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Well im sorry...i think that is very thoughtful:D :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

27-12-2010, 10:21 PM
nah none of you have seen my bag

27-12-2010, 10:22 PM
I think I must be winning this thread, from my Aunt I got a bright pink shower cay and 2 sets of food bags, one for meats and one for cheese:laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Think this is the winniest by far:thumbsup:

28-12-2010, 09:19 AM
my SIL gave me used toiletries, i presumed she just gathered what was in her bathroom cabinet & put it in a carrier bag, all were nearly full but you could tell they were old (design, dusty etc)

I vote for this one as the worst gift of the year!!! :ROFL1:

28-12-2010, 09:28 AM
more closely and she had given me USED make up :(
eye shadows that had been opened and used. ew

I vote this one to be the worst present euwwwwww

28-12-2010, 09:33 AM

ah a girl after my heart. I used to love my dm's years ago - had black velour ones:D now have some calf zip up dm's but one of my mindees older siblings has lime green patent and they are v. nice..... might have to invest

this post is fab lol just to change subject a little i too am a huge fan and proud owner of several pairs of dm , my fav are a pair of black knee high with rose tattoo pattern down the side i feel really sexy in them lol

28-12-2010, 09:59 AM
[QUOTE=The Juggler;837493]

this post is fab lol just to change subject a little i too am a huge fan and proud owner of several pairs of dm , my fav are a pair of black knee high with rose tattoo pattern down the side i feel really sexy in them lol

ive had my trusty brown ankle DM'S for about 20 years! lol. love them and have phased of wearing them. so comfy!

my sister saw me wearing them the other day and dug hers out that she wore as a teenager and has started wearing them, hers are purple velour and if id known they had been hiding in the back of my mum and dads pantry for the last few years i would have claimed them! lol

28-12-2010, 11:44 AM
just timeless arnt they , worth every penny :laughing:

28-12-2010, 01:17 PM
I can't join this year as my family asked me to buy what I wanted and they would give me the money back so I mostly did that :laughing: my BF's parents gave me the book I wanted and £150 argos vouchers for a new wardrobe :clapping: My BF gave me a jumper and lot of other good stuff and the same with the girls so I've had an excellent christmas, I'm now working on the hints for my birthday ;)

28-12-2010, 06:08 PM
[QUOTE=The Juggler;837493]

this post is fab lol just to change subject a little i too am a huge fan and proud owner of several pairs of dm , my fav are a pair of black knee high with rose tattoo pattern down the side i feel really sexy in them lol

oh I have seen those----- I sooooooo want some they look amazing

actually I have a bit of a thing for boots and I adore my thigh highs - but sadly they aren't an every day boot...... think my kids would die of embarressment if i wore them out down town shopping.....:D

28-12-2010, 06:41 PM
actually I have a bit of a thing for boots and I adore my thigh highs - but sadly they aren't an every day boot...... think my kids would die of embarressment if i wore them out down town shopping.....:D

Wow, bet hubby likes your 'bit of a thing' too! :D

Growing up in Northampton, I had loads of DM's,mostly from the factory shop. :thumbsup: Tartan, lime green, white patent to name a few.:)

28-12-2010, 06:44 PM
Think I am missing out here! I have never had a pair:rolleyes:

28-12-2010, 08:12 PM
Wow, bet hubby likes your 'bit of a thing' too! :D

Growing up in Northampton, I had loads of DM's,mostly from the factory shop. :thumbsup: Tartan, lime green, white patent to name a few.:)

ooh my kind of heaven....:)

28-12-2010, 10:03 PM
[QUOTE=The Juggler;837493]

this post is fab lol just to change subject a little i too am a huge fan and proud owner of several pairs of dm , my fav are a pair of black knee high with rose tattoo pattern down the side i feel really sexy in them lol

Ohhh - will have to hunt for a pair of those - they sound right up my street!

28-12-2010, 10:13 PM
From my mil i got this black vase, with a bunch of plastic flowers , twiggy like things they were black an grey too, nothing in or house is black and grey :rolleyes: dunno what she was thinking :laughing:

Also got some flufy pens from her , made for a 4 yr old :rolleyes: , hubs got some too but extendable ones that you put on your belt :laughing: we couldnt stop laughing !

Dd got some slippers from her 3 sizes too small :panic: and they looked like something my nan used to wear :ROFL1: :ROFL1:

28-12-2010, 10:36 PM
Matbe your MIL was thingking of my house - we have a black, white & silver halkway & kitchen!:rolleyes: :D :laughing:

28-12-2010, 10:43 PM
Matbe your MIL was thingking of my house - we have a black, white & silver halkway & kitchen!:rolleyes: :D :laughing:

Do you want it ? :laughing: :laughing:

28-12-2010, 10:51 PM
Do you want it ? :laughing: :laughing:

oooh swop shop Forum:laughing:

29-12-2010, 09:41 AM
I only received 1 gift from the mindees this year (have 7 sets of parents).

A floor mat for the back door playroom.

oh, just remembered I also received a mug with a Disney character on it.