View Full Version : Need advice

24-12-2010, 07:57 AM
Alfie will be 7wks on Sunday. I'm feeding him cow and gate no1 milk and he seems hungry. He has between 3-4oz (wont take any more) each feed but is waking after 2hrs crying and nothing will settle him so obviously wants more milk, which i give him but then he'll only drink 1 or 2 oz. It's not too bad on the day but from 2am each night he wants it this often and i'm knackered as i'm not getting any sleep. Have tried changing his routine but not working. What do you all think about hungrier baby milk??? HV says shouldn't give it as when he gets to 3mth and still hungry then what will i do but she's not the one who has to have little sleep with an unsettled baby and a 3 1/2yr old.

The Juggler
24-12-2010, 08:22 AM
Hi hon, sorry to hear he's not feeding so well. It's just a thought but my mindees mum has been having some feeding problems (baby wanting to feed all the time). It turns out that baby has tongue tie and was not feeding properly which is why she was hungry all the time.

I'm not wantign to worry you and it might not be this but her first child (my mindee) was the same as a baby and was never diagnosed and they have now told her that he too has tongue tie which is why he probably had feeding problems.

On the question of the milk though honey, hungry baby milk does tend to cause bad constipation in v. young babies.

Sending hugs

24-12-2010, 08:38 AM
Hi hun,

I used hungrier baby milk right from the start with my ds, i was very poorly after having him so oh was doing everything for the first 2 weeks and bought the wrong milk. but he was fine with it and at 3 months when he started to get hungrier we just gave him more. we did start to wean him at 5 months though. hth:)

24-12-2010, 09:33 AM
Are you sure he is hungry and its not wind or colic? Infacol saved my life when ds2 was a baby, he cried all the time in the evenings and night, often would try feeding and have a bit but it wasnt hunger so didnt help

24-12-2010, 10:52 AM
My son fed every 1-2 hours as well - through the night as well as in the day - he was diagnosed with reflux at about 12 weeks and infant gaviscon absolutely changed his feeding patterns. He woke up wanting milk because his heart burn was making him want something cool to soothe it (he never took to warm milk.)

Might be worth talking to your HV or GP to give it a go. Also I think hungry baby milk is thicker so helps to stop it coming back up as reflux - so worth a try as well. You'll need a stage 2 teet though if you use the gaviscon as it makes the feed thick and it clogs up the hole.

24-12-2010, 11:14 AM
i used hungrier baby milk with my dd she used tio wake every 2 hrs and want a full feed :eek: after switching to hungrier baby she slept for 4 hours solid :) i had to wean her at 4.5 months by just giving her a little baby rice morning and evening (was 9 years ago when was advised to wean around 4-5 mths)

24-12-2010, 12:46 PM
i used hungrier baby milk with my dd she used tio wake every 2 hrs and want a full feed :eek: after switching to hungrier baby she slept for 4 hours solid :) i had to wean her at 4.5 months by just giving her a little baby rice morning and evening (was 9 years ago when was advised to wean around 4-5 mths)

My dd had sma for hungrier babies, she was over 9lb at birth and wanted more, weaned her earlier too :blush: but she needed it and was so much more settled :thumbsup:

on the other hand it could be wind etc, i would speak to your hv or doctor, hope you get some much needed sleep x

25-12-2010, 05:38 PM
Thanks for the advice given but i have now gone back to his other milk. He only had the hungrier baby milk for a day but last night he was in pain with constipation and didn't poo at all yesterday. Now he's back on his other milk he's had 2 poos today. I'd rather be up every couple hours throught he night than see him in pain.