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View Full Version : disaters,solutions and dvds

23-12-2010, 07:05 AM
Well last night water poured through the ceiling in to our spare room so this morning my partner is going up in the loft to sort that,,, a couple of weeks ago the conservatory people came to fix one of the small windows that wouldnt open,dropped the glass which didnt break but cut the new lino so today thats being replaced and my christmas shopping from asdas being delivered!!
so have decided that this afternoon when one child goes at 1pm we will walk to the local shop , get some sweets and pop corn and watch dvds till home time cause its also my last day till the new year:clapping:

23-12-2010, 07:07 AM
Sounds like a fantastic plan! Hope it all arrives for you :)

23-12-2010, 07:12 AM
my older mindees love having popcorn and a movie , its great as i get a coffee too

The Juggler
23-12-2010, 09:03 AM
oh no hope you get the problem sorted hon. We had a freaky bit of disaster/luck on Sat. DH decided to sleep on bed settee in cellar - I told him not to it was freezing in there but he did. Good job he went down to water pouring through the ciling narrowly missing all the xmas pressies. Our radiator in teh living room had split it's seam and the carpet (new carpet I might add) was soaked all under the sofa.

If he hadn't slept there god knows what would have happened:eek:

23-12-2010, 10:46 AM
Good plan

Hope all disaters get sorted and shopping arrives.

Penny :)