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candy cat
20-12-2010, 06:33 PM
Don't expect gifts,but a card would be nice! Mindee went home with a present and a gift bag full of special things for mum and dad.....just upset me! that they couldn't even send me a card!:(

20-12-2010, 06:34 PM
Hugs :group hug:

20-12-2010, 06:43 PM
I think the more you do for some parents the worst you get treated.

Mine will be the same, going home with present and all kinds that they have made and I know some of it will be put in the bin as soon as they get home :angry:

I do usually get a present, but if I didn't I would feel the same a card would be nice.

20-12-2010, 06:44 PM
i didnt even get a ''merry xmas'':(

:group hug:

20-12-2010, 06:46 PM
They'll maybe call round later with something special:)

20-12-2010, 06:46 PM
i agree a card would of been the least they could have done :( :( :( :( :mad:

20-12-2010, 06:48 PM
One family makes an effort.... I get a basket of apples and pears from an orchard and had a bottle of bubbly last year, as well as a card.......

the other family give a card and sign it x and family without any other comment......

i just think it is some people's way...... they weren't brought up to do 'thanking' at Christmas, so they don't do it........

I'm sure they do appreciate you, don't be too upset...... enjoy the peace now!!

jen x

20-12-2010, 06:55 PM
No card from one of mine either :-(

20-12-2010, 07:04 PM
I've got one finishing for christmas tomorrow. I get on really well with her parents & they're lovely people, but I don't think I'll get anything from them. I just don't think it'll occur to them. I know they'll love the stuff I send home with mindee and i expect I'll get a nice thank you in the daily diary like I did when it was lo's birthday. It doesn't bother me - I know it's not because they don't care, more that they don't realise they could send something, IYSWIM.

20-12-2010, 07:09 PM
your not alone.....iv got diddly aswell! :rolleyes:

20-12-2010, 07:10 PM
nothing here either - no card, no money, no show....


sue m
20-12-2010, 07:13 PM
I've had from one family, a big box of Black Magic and a bottle of red, a lovely red Christmas bauble with Merry Christmas 2010 on and a tree decoration Mum had made and a lovely card and they said 'you deserve it for looking after this one so well'. :o :littleangel:

How spoiled am I! :clapping:

candy cat
20-12-2010, 07:18 PM
oh well glad it's not just me then.....I just think I have done so much as lo was so hardwork to start with and I persevered and have to say I love her to bits ....now such a pleasure.....just felt a card would have been nice.....think I need to just not expect anything from now on.....hope they enjoy their biscuits.... lol:laughing:

20-12-2010, 07:18 PM
i have had a pressie (not opened it yet) from one family
nothing from two others
and Bri has said to my L has got me something because he had to dissuade her from getting something else..... mystery and intrigue lol........

must admit I don't expect anything tbh and I am not a great card giver..... would rather save a tree and donate some money to charity instead.

20-12-2010, 07:50 PM
Don't expect gifts,but a card would be nice! Mindee went home with a present and a gift bag full of special things for mum and dad.....just upset me! that they couldn't even send me a card!:(

Out of 4 families, I have had 1 christmas card and 1 box of chocolates both from the same child who comes 1 day a week!

karen m
20-12-2010, 07:50 PM
out of all the children i have looked after in 6 years there has only been 1 family that never gave a card or present ,just said "you should not have bothered" when lo took there present home

20-12-2010, 08:08 PM
I had a tub of celebrations and a xmas flower arrangement and 2 pressies to put under my tree so far. I don't expect anything but it is nice to feel they have thought of you

20-12-2010, 08:27 PM
Some parents do and some don't. Don't let it get to you hunnie or it'll eat away at you.

20-12-2010, 08:35 PM
some do some don't, after 16 years I don't let it bother me - at least the mindees go home with things made for parents. I have done my bit :)

3 have finished for Christmas so far. One is just settling in and I had a present and card, another gave me large bouquet of flowers and wine with card, the third a present for me and tin of biscuits for the family with a card.

I am a lucky CM, but TBH as long as they can say Happy Christmas and thank you, I don't fret.

20-12-2010, 09:26 PM
This is my 1st xmas as a childminder. When I was nannying I always bought the children a present and they always got something for me and my children and a xmas bonus - I was sooooo spoilt by them. They took the mick all year but made up for it at xmas lol! I just automatically bought little presents for my mindees this year. Last week a mum gave me and my kids presents and a lovely card. I was really touched. I have only had her lo 2 days a week for 7 weeks! On the other hand anothe mindee's family didn't even say happy xmas to my children who were standing at the door waving saying "have a lovely xmas"! People are just so very different aren't they? Like people have said, I don't expect gifts etc but I did feel upset for my children as they were being so sweet!

20-12-2010, 09:34 PM
This is my first xmas childminding and last monday my baby mindees mum gave me a box of shortbread, a big tin of celebrations and a lovely card, I was really touched and then tonight when they collected her they said again have a lovely xmas and thanks so much for taking such good care of baby. My other 3 mindees I'm not sure if I'll get anything, no cards yet, they are all finishing on wed so will wait and see.

20-12-2010, 09:38 PM
I've been minding for twenty years and used to get lovely presents, some parents even bought for my children.

The last few years presents seem to have got much cheaper with a last minute feel to them, even though I do far more for the children now with EYFS paperwork:( I wonder if it's the lack of money and time we all seem to be suffering from?


20-12-2010, 09:39 PM
As it's my first Christmas minding I didn't know what to expect so gave both my mindees a present and a card. I wasn't expecting anything back but one of the parents came round the next day with a card and present for my DS (my DS and mindee were friends before I started minding). My after school mindee parents have given me a present and two for my DS!
I'm very touched that they got me something and I feel a bit guilty for not spending a bit more on their presents.
You never know, they may surprise you! Hx

20-12-2010, 10:09 PM
:littleangel: I feel so blessed now.
1 mindee brought a big box of Thorntons and a litre bottle of Baileys, another brought me a bottle of wine and a Next gift card for £20, another produced a big box, but its all wrapped, ****** ****** ! and I still have 2 til the end of the week, really really touched :blush:
I love my job, hang in guys Santa will come good !:thumbsup:

20-12-2010, 10:42 PM
Interesting! I had one mindee finish with me and have a large pressie under tree for DD (just a card for me though but I'm OK with them buying for DD in my place ifyswim) but I think I'll be seeing them again.

Rest are still with me the next few days. Will see what happens... Prob nothing but I'm used to that being a teacher for a long time. The kids have all made lovely cards for me already though. One saying "I like what you do in your home" from a mindee of a couple of weeks. That counts.

21-12-2010, 07:22 AM
Only had 2 mindees go (brother and sister), but I only have them 2 days a week and have been minding them for only 6 weeks!!! I wasn't expecting anything from them but got a tin of Roses (which my 2 have nearly finished!) , so was touched by that. It's another mindees last day today, and another finishes on Thursday, so will report back if the parents get us anything!!!

it's funny - probably all of our parents get Xmas night outs, paid for by their company, and possibly an Xmas bonus plus presents from bosses, but we get hardly anything by comparison. I just think they don't think of us in that way!!!!

Lady Haha
21-12-2010, 03:37 PM
Still got today and tomorrow to go yet so will see....!

I got two pressies last week from seperate parents, both for me and my son! Nice!!! Oh and cards too! One mum I gave a card to said she wasn't giving cards this year....

Saving my pressies til Xmas day as I don't get many pressies (everyone say awwww!)

Got one picking up tonight who won't be back til after christmas so might get another then!:thumbsup:

21-12-2010, 04:03 PM
I must be really lucky cause so far all my parents have given me a pressie, sitting under the tree

I don't expect either but it is nice to be appreciated.

I know that my children are getting presents of one of the mindees, cause they let it slip.

Like you say, a card or even a note on the daily diary would go a long way, but thats people for you

I say it for them "You do a brilliant job, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year" xx

Chatterbox Childcare
21-12-2010, 05:32 PM
Some parents do and some don't. Most of the ones you do more and more for you get less from.

I don't look for things but it is nice when you at least get a card.

Toay I had one leave for 3 weeks and got paid 2 weeks early but nothing else but that was a present in its self.

You are not alone!

21-12-2010, 05:59 PM
I don't honestly mind not getting anything, (although i have been lucky with boxes of chocs and wine before) and would be happy with a thankyou and a merry christmas, and I don't give pressies and expect lots of gracious praise for it but it did really hack me off last year when I spent a lot of time making a calendar of one lo with a photo for each month, which if I say it myself was gorgeous, and never even got a thankyou.
In fact she never mentioned it at all, and I even sneakily asked the mindee about it one day but not a word from the mum. And I know she got it because I put all the presents into a bag for her.

Still, looking good this year, a big bag of pressies for me and my kids from one, another has said she will pop down and even had a little pressie from my lo who only started a few weeks ago! Think she will be getting a calendar next year, lol!

21-12-2010, 05:59 PM
This is my first Christmas minding and both sets of parents got presents and cards for my 2 children and me!! I must be lucky but its nice to feel they remember and appreciate you.

I always get the 5 staff at DD's nursery a little present I'd feel mean if I didn't x

candy cat
21-12-2010, 06:44 PM
Well my other mindees parents made up for it .....a lovely little letter,lovely card and money in an envelope:blush: .......I just was so chuffed with the card and the lovely note...the money is for the family to have a meal or something....I NOW FEEL APPRECIATED!!! YEH!

21-12-2010, 07:47 PM
nothing!....not a sausage :o

2 finished today and all i got was a swift goodbye...after dragging mum in to ask for my overdue fees she took £20 out her pocket & said thats all she had on her:rolleyes:

i gave mum 2 large bags of goodies (cost on average £20 each) and told her id be coming to see her on christmas eve as the late fees are mounting up & i wouldnt want her to pay more than she needed ;) (she 2 weeks late)

have become good friends with other mindee's mum, im off out with her tomorrow, we are taking the kids to see santa at tropical birdland (leicester), its all done in the evening by candlelight, very traditional, she said she had some pressies for my kids :thumbsup: .

21-12-2010, 11:08 PM
I didn't even get around to buying cards this year, let alone writing them out & posting them!!:o I do hope I haven't offended anyone :blush:
I think I will just give the money to charity, as it's a bit late now :laughing:

Wishing you ALL a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year :D :D :D

Lady Haha
22-12-2010, 10:25 AM
Still got today and tomorrow to go yet so will see....!

I got two pressies last week from seperate parents, both for me and my son! Nice!!! Oh and cards too! One mum I gave a card to said she wasn't giving cards this year....

Saving my pressies til Xmas day as I don't get many pressies (everyone say awwww!)

Got one picking up tonight who won't be back til after christmas so might get another then!:thumbsup:

Not even a card off of that one picking up last night! I hope she feels guilty when she's looking through her lovely big A4 photobook I did of her daughter! This is one of the two mindees who got caught stealing too, so you would think a little something of appreciation wouldn't go amiss!!!! The other parent wrote in the card 'Thanks for looking after E all this year' and I have a nice pressie from her too.

22-12-2010, 10:35 AM
me neither ive got nothing yet and probably wont i have 8 sets of parents that regularly attend and i may get one box of chocolates out of that yet ive been and put a lot of effort and thought into buying every child a prezzie 11 in total
like you say a card would be nice , the one parent ive got who has 3 children with me for 4 yrs now sent me a card 2 christmas's ago saying how much she appreciated my effort as i do tend to break my neck to accomodate her , and it brought a tear to my eye as it was so nice but other than that i get nothing

22-12-2010, 10:38 AM
Had a card and a 'thank you for this year' from one parent and the other is here tomorrow so we shall see...I think it will just be a card though. Both LO's went away with a big bag full of crafts-cards, several pictures, calendar, biscuits and sweets they have made, a card and present each from me, present from my Mum and present from my Gran, and a large canvas for the parents painted by LOs.

22-12-2010, 10:40 AM
I had one finish yesterday & wasn't expecting anything, but mum turned up with a card & little box of chocs, so that was nice.
I have another one finish today & don't think I'll get anything. I've aso got one finishing tomorrow, though his mum thought it was today. She didn't bring anything and as she thought it was his last day today, I doubt she'll bring anything tomorrow!
My other one finishing tomorrow will get me something because they always do.

I really don't mind as I just don't expect anything from these parants. They are lovely, but just wouldn't think to get something. DH tends to get annoyed about it. He sees all that I do with the children (sending home a big bag of Christmas crafts) and doesn't like it if the parents don't show their appreciation!

22-12-2010, 01:11 PM
I pick one little girl up from school and most weeks we dont make it home before mum catches us up. I have had some choccies and a card from them. Another mum arrived this morning and gave me a family gift and something for DS. Two last week didnt bother, one gave a card. Waiting for another to collect, but dont think she will bring me anything and another coming tomorrow, not sure, but know this mum appreciates me.

22-12-2010, 01:17 PM
Well, my mindee from across the road had her last day yesterday, and nothing, not even an Xmas card. Mum went off with her big bag of 3 pressies for mindee, plus the gifts that I made with mindee for her parents.

I honestly don't expect much, but just even a box of chocs or a selection box for my kids would make me happy. :(

22-12-2010, 05:17 PM
Oh well not even a card, from the one who picked up today, but she did wish me happy xmas and did pay, so thats not so bad

22-12-2010, 05:40 PM
Some people are so rude!

I get cards from all my parents (often made by the children) and most of them get me a present as well (chocs of biscuits normally with the odd bottle) - some of them even buy my sons a gift.

I think I am quite lucky with my parents by the sounds of it.

22-12-2010, 06:31 PM
I don't expect anything but manners and a Christmas Wish cost nothing:rolleyes: . I am very lucky with my families. All have sent something of varying degrees for me and my children.

I guess some people just don't even think of us in that way.

22-12-2010, 06:47 PM
I had a lovely gift of £60 meal vouchers for us to use at a lovely place we go to :clapping: :clapping:

Not sure what we'll get from my other family, just hope it's not another gum ball machine like last year :eek: Sorry that makes me sound ungrateful :blush:

Carol xx

22-12-2010, 07:08 PM
Feel very lucky as I have had a present from each of my mindees (so far) including one who is only coming today and tomorrow as their regular minder is on holiday.

Sara :)

22-12-2010, 08:40 PM
So, 3 out of my 4 families have all given me something...

1 family gave me a card and my DD a present (as yet unopened it's under the tree)

Another family gave my family a card and box of choccies and DD a present

Third family gave me a box of choccies and DD a present and a card.

Fourth family's last day tomorrow. Only been with me a few weeks. Wonder if they will give a card. I understand if they don't. But pretty chuffed for such thoughtful parents so far.

Lady Haha
22-12-2010, 11:30 PM
Well, all finished for Christmas now and 4 out of 7 got me a pressie! :D

The one today gave me a card as well and it said 'Thank you for all your support this year, you're a star!' and that was lovely enough on it's own, but she got me a really nice pressie too which she had obv thought about as it was all sparkly! I had to open it today cos I'm going on hols tomorrow and she said it was fragile and best not to take it in the car!

Merry Christmas to all you wonderful childminders! I appreciate you, even if the parents don't!

23-12-2010, 07:48 AM
Well it's made me feel a little better reading that I'm not the only one that get's *** all!! All I got yesterday from one mindee's mum was "What you played out in the snow!!"

I just think that we do so much for their little dear's throughout the year dya's out etc. and all my little ones have all gone home with a lovely box of goodies that we've been doing over the last couple of weeks, plus presents. I thought a little christmas card would of been lovely, but I guess I'm wrong.

Well anyway, I'd like to wish you all a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year, not been on here for quite a while, been a busy bee.


23-12-2010, 10:01 AM
Out of 6 parents, I got 3 pressies and 4 cards, so probably not bad. The card this morning was the best though. I work with a young family, mum is the same age as my DD and I have supported them the best way I can. She bought a bottle of something and a lovely card which means a lot more thanking me for all my help and support and that they are grateful that LO loves me....will tell her tonight what it meant to me