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View Full Version : Behaviour change to new baby??

16-12-2010, 02:54 PM
My little mindee's mum has just had a new baby - he is 6 days old. Mindee is still being sent to me for 9 hours a day despite both mum and dad being at home with his baby brother. Mindee is almost 2 and a half and I think he realises that mummy and daddy are at home as he will say 'mummy home; daddy home; baby home' wheras before it was 'mummy work, etc'

I've seen a change in behaviour these last few days towards my other little mindee who is 15 months. When I first had baby mindee my other one was very jealous and would take stuff off him, etc. Over the last 3 months we have been working on this and things have improved considerably.

However over the last few days he has been taking Le's dummy off him; pushing him; sitting on him and generally not being very nice towards him.

I have spoken to dad about this change in behaviour and that it seems to have coincided with the arrival of the new baby.

He only has 4 days left with me before he finishes but I just feel that his behaviour is getting worse towards Le and I think he is reacting to being sent to me whilst everyone else is at home together. What would you guys do? Would you suggest that perhaps he would be better at home or just grin and bear it for the rest of this week and the 3 days of next? I have no idea what he will be like on Monday after spending a weekend at home with them all.

16-12-2010, 06:51 PM
I'd grin and bear it to give the child continuity of care if that's what the parents want for him.

Otherwise he might be pushed from pillar to post of relatives and friends.

At least with you he is getting the love and attention he so clearly needs. xx

16-12-2010, 07:30 PM
As long as you feel you can deal with it I'd carry on, it's only a few more days!

People are strange though, you think they'd want him to be getting to know the new baby and adjusting now while dad's still at home to help and give him some extra attention, sounds like the mum is going to have her hands full after Christmas.

16-12-2010, 10:11 PM
I agree with the others, as it's only a few more days I'd just try and get through it.

If his behaviour continues after the holidays then you'll have to talk to mum and dad again.

Miffy xx

17-12-2010, 11:05 AM
Well thats what I was thinking - after I posted I realised that the little mindee he picks on finishes for Xmas today so they have only got this afternoon togther and he seems fine with my own children

People are strange though, you think they'd want him to be getting to know the new baby and adjusting now while dad's still at home to help and give him some extra attention, sounds like the mum is going to have her hands full after Christmas.

This is the bit that baffles me - I can't understand why they don't want him at home with them, especially as dad flies out to Australia straight after Xmas. Oh well their reasons are theirs I suppose and its not place to question him and as you say Pauline he has all the care and attention from me.