View Full Version : Snoring

16-12-2010, 01:50 AM
Hi Guys,

I am not normally an insominac but as my husband's weight goes up so does the volume of the snoring and as he is currently using our spare bed as a desk I have no where to escape, any remedies that work for snoring?

Result my duaghter has just woke up and climbed in next to daddy so I have a bed to go to!

Looking forward to your advice and more sleep .

Best Wishes


16-12-2010, 04:07 AM
Sorry, no advice

My DH very poorly - so I am sleeping downstairs on sofa not the best for a good nights sleep - but as I do not sleep much anyway ok for me.

Penny :)

16-12-2010, 08:45 AM
Sorry Claire I can not help either

I only sleep 4 or 5 hours anyway

Hope you get more sleep soon

Penny hope hubby gets well soon too

Angel xx

16-12-2010, 09:50 AM
Sorry Claire I can not help either

I only sleep 4 or 5 hours anyway

Hope you get more sleep soon

Penny hope hubby gets well soon too

Angel xx

Thanks Angel - nice to know I am not the only one who sleeps for just a few hours - and that's when hubby not poorly and I sleep in bed!

Penny :)

Happy Bunny
16-12-2010, 10:37 AM
I regularly sleep on the sofa lol
You can hear my husband from downstairs!!!!!!

16-12-2010, 10:38 PM

I cant comment as i sleep like a log,

i nap on sofa in afternoon to,(obs when no kids here, when i finish early)

and i still sleep ALL night, an earth quake or bomb could go off in the night and i would still be sleeeping,,,lol

so someone snoring next to me wouldnt be a problem, i should swap,,lol

good luck,

maybe a few extra drinks would help you go into a nice sleep.......

maybe thats it, i need more............:jump for joy:

16-12-2010, 11:16 PM
my hubby is going into hospital next month because I CAN NOT stand the snoring any more to have a operation on his throat. There is a 98% chance that it will work :clapping: :clappings

17-12-2010, 12:05 AM
i have started not sleeping on sunday nights for some reason????:panic:

17-12-2010, 12:18 AM
I was about to divorce dh 10 years ago his snoring was sooooo bad. He went to the doctor and was refered to a sleep clinic. He spent a couple of nights wired up to be assessed. Bliss-I got a couple of good nights sleep :laughing: :laughing:

ANYHOW THE RESULT IS THAT HE WAS PRESCRIBED A (sorry caps on) thing called a C Pap Machine. He has to wear a mask in bed at night and it passes air through it all night and so he doen't snore anymore. The machine is provided free and it is easy to get replacement parts which are just sent to him.

He does look a bit like an elephant in bed but at least we both get a good nights sleep.

My BIL has one too. He rang not long after dh got his and asked because my sister had threatened divorce if he didn't do something.:laughing: :laughing:

Definately go to your GP.

17-12-2010, 12:50 AM
I can't offer any advice but I'm so relieved to know I'm not the only one with this problem!

I have to admit my hubby sleeps most nights on the sofa downstairs :blush: because I just can't sleep with his snoring. When he's asleep he's almost dead to the world and wouldn't hear a thing which is why he goes downstairs as we have a 3 year old who wakes sometimes in the night and I need to go into her so earplugs for me are not an option any more which is what I used to use before we had her.

My hubby has been to the doctor and he told him to try losing weight, not drinking much and sleeping on his side :rolleyes: He has lost some weight recently but is still snoring, he only drinks once a week when he goes out with his mate on a Sunday evening (and he definetly sleeps downstairs that night! I normally end up going down though because he still keeps me awake!) and as for sleeping on his side - well he starts off like that but it doesn't last despite an elbow in the ribs!

I've been asking him to go back to the doctors to see if they can do anything but he won't entertain the idea of surgery as I had to have an operation on the inside of my nose years ago and ever since I've had really bad sinus problems - he says he's not going to risk anything like that!

I wish he would though because I feel bad that he has to sleep on the sofa and I worry about the impression it must give to our children (2 x 13 yrs and 1 x 3 yrs) if they go downstairs in the morning and see him there - I don't want them thinking that there's problems in our marriage (well the snoring is!) and that we're going to split or anything.

17-12-2010, 06:38 PM
I can't offer any advice but I'm so relieved to know I'm not the only one with this problem!

I have to admit my hubby sleeps most nights on the sofa downstairs :blush: because I just can't sleep with his snoring. When he's asleep he's almost dead to the world and wouldn't hear a thing which is why he goes downstairs as we have a 3 year old who wakes sometimes in the night and I need to go into her so earplugs for me are not an option any more which is what I used to use before we had her.

My hubby has been to the doctor and he told him to try losing weight, not drinking much and sleeping on his side :rolleyes: He has lost some weight recently but is still snoring, he only drinks once a week when he goes out with his mate on a Sunday evening (and he definetly sleeps downstairs that night! I normally end up going down though because he still keeps me awake!) and as for sleeping on his side - well he starts off like that but it doesn't last despite an elbow in the ribs!

I've been asking him to go back to the doctors to see if they can do anything but he won't entertain the idea of surgery as I had to have an operation on the inside of my nose years ago and ever since I've had really bad sinus problems - he says he's not going to risk anything like that!

I wish he would though because I feel bad that he has to sleep on the sofa and I worry about the impression it must give to our children (2 x 13 yrs and 1 x 3 yrs) if they go downstairs in the morning and see him there - I don't want them thinking that there's problems in our marriage (well the snoring is!) and that we're going to split or anything.

Please get him to go and ask directly about C-Pap. The goverment anounced last year that it is committed to this surgery free treatment because it saves many lives reducing accidents in cars and at work due to poor sleep and lack of sleep that can be avoided. My BIL had to push hard and he got it. Believe me it changes lives and marriages.

17-12-2010, 08:16 PM
I have a similar problem

but its my dog :blush: :laughing:

love him sleeping next to me, but he snores for england :D

17-12-2010, 08:27 PM
Hubby used to snore but lost 4 stone when diagnosed diabetic a couple of years ago and stopped snoring! He since put on some of the weight back on but not snoring yet - in fact, it's me at the moment as seem to have had a cold since September (darned lo's) :laughing: