View Full Version : Sad anniversary, but some nice news.

10-12-2010, 09:29 PM
Well yesterday was the second anniversary of my dear mil passing, a day that we had dreaded more than last year, so this year we decided to take the day off as holiday from childminding.

We took our puppy that we have had for 2 1/2 months out for a walk just the two of us while our kids were at school, and then went out for lunch and some xmas shopping for our kids.

I was supposed to be out last night, but thought it not a good idea and for the first time in a long time I saw my dh smiling a real smile at our puppy laying on the sofa, a smile that i really thought he didnt have left in him, (even our kids are seeing an unhappy side of him), but we are now hoping that this little puppy who has brought so much to us will help heal dh and the smiles will return for all of us.

Mind you the puppy is soooo cute it is easy to smile at him!

10-12-2010, 09:36 PM
Long may those smiles last, sometimes you feel guilty at being happy when you think you should be feeling sad, hopefully that puppy will see him turn the corner into happiness :)

10-12-2010, 10:25 PM
I knew the anniversary was coming up soon

Hope you are ok you and hubby xx

Glad you had a good day with the puppy and glad to hear your smiles are slowly returning

Sending love and hugs

Angel xx