View Full Version : My hubby's adventures

10-12-2010, 02:23 PM
I thought I would post a link to his blog (http://nejsantarcticantics.blogspot.com/) again as my last one isn't easy to find.

The ship is currently about 52 degrees south and his final destination is Halley Research Station which is 75 degrees south (I can't help comparing with that programme 71 degrees north!!). This lies on the Brunt Ice shelf in the Weddell Sea.

I think he looks a little unkempt in his recent photos but he assures me it is the done thing! Apparently as there is no ozone layer over Antarctica then you need as much facial hair as possible to stop yourself from burning:rolleyes:

We did get to speak to him on the phone yesterday so that was nice although it has unsettled my ds slightly!

I will keep you updated with his progress x

10-12-2010, 03:04 PM
He's a bloke without a nagging woman behind him.. of course he's going to look unkempt! :rolleyes: :laughing:

10-12-2010, 03:28 PM
I read today's entry this morning! He sounds so much happier now the sickness has worn off!

10-12-2010, 03:29 PM
He's a bloke without a nagging woman behind him.. of course he's going to look unkempt! :rolleyes: :laughing:

Are you implying I am a nag???;)

10-12-2010, 03:45 PM
Are you implying I am a nag???;)

Pots and kettles :D

10-12-2010, 08:47 PM
Glad you posted blog again, i had lost it.

Really interesting to read x

You must be so proud, and miss him at the same time xx

10-12-2010, 08:59 PM
Glad you posted blog again, i had lost it.

Really interesting to read x

You must be so proud, and miss him at the same time xx

yes thanks for posting again. i agree its v interesting.

would love the link to his blog to be a sticky? then we can keep up with his adventures easily.

10-12-2010, 09:10 PM
Photos are great!

10-12-2010, 09:19 PM
Just watching the photos flashing in and out made me feel sea sick :laughing:

10-12-2010, 09:22 PM
Just watching the photos flashing in and out made me feel sea sick :laughing:

I am quite shocked that some people pay for the pleasure of the cruise! At least Neil is getting paid to do it:rolleyes:

10-12-2010, 09:28 PM
I am quite shocked that some people pay for the pleasure of the cruise! At least Neil is getting paid to do it:rolleyes:

Personally can't think of anything worse, I feel sick crossing the solent to the Isle of whight :D
I suppose it is a chance in a life time though!

10-12-2010, 09:37 PM
I am quite shocked that some people pay for the pleasure of the cruise! At least Neil is getting paid to do it:rolleyes:

it llooks amazing i am off to read the rest of it

can it be stikied please

my sil did the cruise to the antarctic this year said it was a amazing not something that appeales to me though

10-12-2010, 09:43 PM
you need to get Neil to stand in front ( well as in front as he can get with ouy going for a swim) of the webcam and get him to wave to J

10-12-2010, 09:50 PM
you need to get Neil to stand in front ( well as in front as he can get with ouy going for a swim) of the webcam and get him to wave to J

Lol! I have suggested that but he wasn't too eagar! Don't think he fancies hanging off the tower;)

11-12-2010, 08:29 AM
Glad it's going well.

He sounds as though he'll be quite domesticated when he gets back!

Miffy xx

11-12-2010, 09:45 AM
I have stuck it for us all :D

11-12-2010, 10:47 AM
Glad its going so well

Its interesting to read - pics are great

Angel xx

11-12-2010, 01:42 PM
Wow!!! I have never been stickied before:D

He did email me last night to say he was shattered. Apparently his taskmaster for the day was a bit of a tyrant and made sure he did plenty of work. His penance for being a smoker was to clean the ceiling of the smoking room. So maybe that will teach him a lesson:rolleyes:

The captain had changed course so they could take a look at Bouvet Island which is supposed to be the remotest place on earth and they were due to get there about 5am this morning! I do hope he will continue to be an early riser when he gets home.

Chatterbox Childcare
11-12-2010, 02:10 PM
Wow just read it all and it sounds like he is having a "whale" of a time - pardon the pun

How long is he away for and why is he doing it?

11-12-2010, 02:21 PM
Wow just read it all and it sounds like he is having a "whale" of a time - pardon the pun

How long is he away for and why is he doing it?

He is away til March Debbie and I have no idea why he is doing it:laughing:

No seriously he just applied for the contract to work on a new research station the British Antarctic Survey team are building and he won it so off he went. We did lots of soul searching before he made the decision but he is so supportive of me in everything that I do and this really is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

It's gonna be tough though for all of us over Christmas!

11-12-2010, 04:37 PM
Ahhh manjay poor you and family without him at christmas and for sooooo long:(

I have only just seen this but wow how exciting for him:thumbsup:

I will look forward to reading his blogs.

I think he is very lucky to have you supporting him because a lot of ohs wouldnt.

11-12-2010, 09:00 PM
thank you so much for sharing, our whole family are following the blog, ds 13 is fascinated.

11-12-2010, 11:54 PM
The chance of a life time, the lucky man.

Now when do they find the frozen alien life form in the ice ! What do you mean that only happens in films :panic:

12-12-2010, 09:52 AM
thank you so much for sharing, our whole family are following the blog, ds 13 is fascinated.

I have a 13 yr old nephew who is also fascinated. He is watching as avidly as I am:D

12-12-2010, 10:00 AM
It is very interesting.
Thank you for sharing with us.

14-12-2010, 02:12 PM
I think he is very lucky to have you supporting him because a lot of ohs wouldnt.

I think you are probably right!!! It did take us a long time to make the decision but after speaking to him yesterday and hearing the excitement in his voice I know we made the right one. I think life can get a bit humdrum sometimes and you have to grasp opportunitues like this with both hands. He supports me in everything I do both with work and studying so I was quite happy to support him in this trip.

The phone call we had last night was very strange!!! You could hear the ship trying to break up the ice! Very weird noise:rolleyes:

18-12-2010, 09:46 AM
Gosh this is hard!!! I'm not as tough as I thought I was:rolleyes: It has only been 2 weeks and we have another 12 to go:(

I wrapped the childrens christmas pressies on my own last night which is something we usually do together on christmas eve. I think the whole thing would be much easier to deal with if christmas wasn't in the middle.

To make matters worse communication is getting much more difficult the further south they get. He is even struggling to get enough internet connection to send an email.

It's a times like this I wish I drank:D

18-12-2010, 09:57 AM
oh amanda big hugs to you, you know we're here for you if you need us

how are the kids i have been meaning to ask about how J (dd) is doing anyway, but i hope she is supporting you through all of this.

18-12-2010, 10:01 AM
Oh hunny come on chin up!

This is the toughest bit and you're doing really well.

Doorbell fitted, essay written, presents wrapped, tree up, boiler fixed... you even asked for help! :eek: :laughing:

Once you get past Christmas you'll be on the home run to spring.

Sending big hugs xx

18-12-2010, 10:07 AM
oh amanda big hugs to you, you know we're here for you if you need us

how are the kids i have been meaning to ask about how J (dd) is doing anyway, but i hope she is supporting you through all of this.

J is doing fine thanks Mandy. She is very grown up and mature nowadays:D Trouble is that now she is working she has to spend most of her time at her Dads as he lives much closer to work. It would be nightmare to get from here everyday. So we only tend to see her at weekends:(

I think last night was worse because E had gone out on a sleepover. She has been fab and we support each other great. Jay is in a little world of his own so not really sure how much it is affecting him. He thinks he saw santa last night so that is all he is talking about!!! we were out in the car and he spotted what he thought was santas sleigh in the sky! Now I have to admit if I didn't know better I would have thougt it was too!!! However I think it was more likely to be a small aircraft coming in to land at the small airport near us;)

18-12-2010, 10:08 AM
Oh hunny come on chin up!

This is the toughest bit and you're doing really well.

Doorbell fitted, essay written, presents wrapped, tree up, boiler fixed... you even asked for help! :eek: :laughing:

Once you get past Christmas you'll be on the home run to spring.

Sending big hugs xx

yeah I guess I am not doing too badly am I???:D

18-12-2010, 10:34 AM
You sound like you are both such a brave couple to support each other, just think of the memories and the stories and how alive he is feeling, that is a great gift to be able to give to someone!

Must admit the timing makes it harder, but it is one year from many more with fantastic memories to look back on, you will be so much stronger too, which will be great!

Christmas is a couple of days and then 2011 he will be home again!

18-12-2010, 11:10 AM

what are your plans today?

18-12-2010, 11:21 AM
You are doing brilliant Amanda

Dont think I could be so strong

Big hugs to you

Angel xx

18-12-2010, 11:30 AM

what are your plans today?

Me and my 4yr old ds are sorting out toys:rolleyes: Should have finished work yesterday but I have agreed to do a few hours on Monday as a favour but have told Mum it will have to be the TV;) So I am de-childminding my house:clapping: Then I have bought myself some new icing toys from Lakeland so we are going to be making some cupcakes

Carol M
18-12-2010, 02:48 PM
Loving the blogs:thumbsup:
What a smashing man you have!
Hugs to you
Carol xx

18-12-2010, 03:25 PM
Loving the blogs:thumbsup:
What a smashing man you have!
Hugs to you
Carol xx

Ah thank you! He has just updated the blog and sent me an email. He is gutted that he can't do anything with his photos. We are trying to come up with another way:D

20-12-2010, 08:11 PM
Hey hun! How you doing today? Loving the blog - please send him our love xx Feel like I know him even though we never met :)

20-12-2010, 08:15 PM
Hey hun! How you doing today? Loving the blog - please send him our love xx Feel like I know him even though we never met :)

Good thanks hun:thumbsup: have been talking to him on facebook as the telephones are not working at the moment. I think he is more frustrated than anything as they are not making much progress:rolleyes:

20-12-2010, 11:16 PM
Sam and I are loving the blogs. She says she's going to do the sam when she goes to the Bahamas!! 2 different weathers!!

21-12-2010, 12:36 PM
Good thanks hun:thumbsup: have been talking to him on facebook as the telephones are not working at the moment. I think he is more frustrated than anything as they are not making much progress:rolleyes:

Yay for facebook :clapping: must be a real pain for him being stuck like that. Glad you in touch though xxx

21-12-2010, 07:38 PM
Amazing, just read his last few entries. I would love to do something like that. Many years back one of my friends spent 2 years with the British Antarctic Survey just after he graduated.....I was jealous then.

Somewhere in my boring body there is an adventurer waiting to crawl out:laughing:

21-12-2010, 07:52 PM
just catching up with this, its amazing what an experience to have, and what an amazing person you are too for backing him through it ;)

21-12-2010, 08:10 PM
just catching up with this, its amazing what an experience to have, and what an amazing person you are too for backing him through it ;)

Ah thank you:blush:

21-12-2010, 08:12 PM
Sam and I are loving the blogs. She says she's going to do the sam when she goes to the Bahamas!! 2 different weathers!!

Fab idea:thumbsup: I have so many people wanting to know how he is getting on so this way everyone can follow without me having to relay the same message millions of times:D

21-12-2010, 08:29 PM
Photo's are great

Dawn xx

Happy Christmas and a Happy New year

21-12-2010, 10:08 PM
Just took a look at his blog and it sounds amazing! I'm now a follower! Hehe.

My ex was/is at sea a lot so I know how hard it is being left behind while he has such amazing adventures :( It's not easy. I think he is in antarctica at the moment too :laughing: Small world. xx

23-12-2010, 06:30 PM
Just took a look at his blog and it sounds amazing! I'm now a follower! Hehe.

My ex was/is at sea a lot so I know how hard it is being left behind while he has such amazing adventures :( It's not easy. I think he is in antarctica at the moment too :laughing: Small world. xx

Everyone we speak to seems to know someone who has been!:rolleyes:

They are clebrating Christmas tomorrow as the captain thinks they should reach their destination on Christmas Day! they are still making slow progress and the captain has said if they don't arrive by Tuesday they will have to go to the Falklands to refuel. He just wants to get there and start work now!

23-12-2010, 09:14 PM

it sounds & looks & reads amazing.


27-12-2010, 02:20 PM
For those of you not on FB I wanted to share that Neil has now arrived and the hard work has begun:rolleyes:

They arrived at 11:30 our time on Christmas morning so it was lucky they had their christmas celebrations the day before. He is all settled into his new accomodation and says he is quite happy with his room mates. He worked a short day yesterday and has started normal days today. He will be working 6 days each week so won't be able to contact us as much plus the fact that there is no wireless connection on the base so he has to use one if their 3 computers. When you think he will have to take his turn with about 70 others you can see why time on them is limited.

I have just been reading the history (http://www.antarctica.ac.uk/living_and_working/research_stations/halley/index.php) of the base which is fascinating. Made me laugh though where it says that it was 1996 before the first female stayed over winter! Hmm maybe it is my turn to go next year;)

amanda x

01-01-2011, 12:25 PM
:laughing: go for it Manjay

Hope alls still well and you didn't miss him too much yesterday


01-01-2011, 12:33 PM
Just read his christmas day ( 24th) entry and that brought a tear to my eye

It does all sound like an amazing adventure tho x

18-01-2011, 07:24 AM
Just catching up again

Enjoying this

Hope you are ok A bet you are missing him soooo much

Angel xx

01-03-2011, 08:29 PM
Just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone from here who has supported me whilst Neil has been away. It has been really tough and I wouldn't have got through the last 3 months without my frineds (real and virtual)

He is back on the ship now and is heading for the Falklands. He has let me know tonight that he is now scheduled to arrive back in this country on Wednesday next week which is nearly a week earlier than expected.

He is gutted that he wasn't able to keep up with his blog once he arrived at Halley but computer access was limited and connections sporadic. He did say that most work days were the same but he got to try out some extreme sports whilst he was there. Unfortunatley he sustained a couple of injuries withing a few days of each other about a month ago. He slipped on the ice and cracked his coccyx and he fell off some ladders and chipped a bone in his arm:rolleyes: However there is no way he wanted to be sent home so he has struggled on with the help of some very strong painkillers.

For the last week he was there he was part of the team that moved the newly built pods to their new destination. Facilities there were pretty basic with no showers, sleeping in tents and an outside loo:D . He has also warned me that he has left some of his tools out there for when he goes back next season!!!!

Anyway, thanks loads everyone. You have all been fab:thumbsup:

amanda x

01-03-2011, 08:39 PM
Just wanted to say a massive thank you to everyone from here who has supported me whilst Neil has been away. It has been really tough and I wouldn't have got through the last 3 months without my frineds (real and virtual)

He is back on the ship now and is heading for the Falklands. He has let me know tonight that he is now scheduled to arrive back in this country on Wednesday next week which is nearly a week earlier than expected.

He is gutted that he wasn't able to keep up with his blog once he arrived at Halley but computer access was limited and connections sporadic. He did say that most work days were the same but he got to try out some extreme sports whilst he was there. Unfortunatley he sustained a couple of injuries withing a few days of each other about a month ago. He slipped on the ice and cracked his coccyx and he fell off some ladders and chipped a bone in his arm:rolleyes: However there is no way he wanted to be sent home so he has struggled on with the help of some very strong painkillers.

For the last week he was there he was part of the team that moved the newly built pods to their new destination. Facilities there were pretty basic with no showers, sleeping in tents and an outside loo:D . He has also warned me that he has left some of his tools out there for when he goes back next season!!!!

Anyway, thanks loads everyone. You have all been fab:thumbsup:

amanda x

:thumbsup: thanx for the update amanda, it's great to hear he is ok, well apart from the injuries and how exciting for him to be back next week, i admire you for coping so well, xx

11-03-2011, 07:36 PM
Just wanted to say Welcome Home Neil! :clapping: