10-12-2010, 08:03 AM
So what are you like for wrapping the presents?

Do you wrap once you have a gift?

Do you wait till you have all of your gifts and then wrap together?

Do you wait till Christmas Eve then spend half the night wrapping?

Do you forget what gifts you have if you wrap early ?

How do you wrap them?

Do you wrap them all posh with bows etc ?

Do you like your tags and wrap matching?

Do you not care because it gets wrecked anyway ?

Do you start off with good intentions all nice and neat then get bored half way through and they end up not so neat ( sounds like me :laughing: )

Angel xx

10-12-2010, 08:11 AM
Do you wrap once you have a gift?
- NO, I usually wait until I have bought a few, unless something has to be posted.

Do you wait till you have all of your gifts and then wrap together?
- see above

Do you wait till Christmas Eve then spend half the night wrapping?
- I used to! We'd run out of tape or wrapping paper or something else and the last few pressies would have been wrapped under the influence of a lot of vodka but these days I'm organised and boring and do it well in advance.

Do you forget what gifts you have if you wrap early ?
- Yes, I have been known to unwrap a corner to check what it was!

How do you wrap them?
- with wrapping paper! No seriously, very carefully, I am a perfectionist.

Do you wrap them all posh with bows etc ?
- not all but a lot of them...

Do you like your tags and wrap matching?
- no

Do you not care because it gets wrecked anyway ?
- that breaks my heart, lol! All those wasted trees!

Do you start off with good intentions all nice and neat then get bored half way through and they end up not so neat ( sounds like me
- depends on my mood but usually no, I'm a perfectionist and like it wrapped neatly!

10-12-2010, 08:13 AM
I love wrapping!!

I do it over 2 or 3 nights the week before christmas. Grown up presents are wrapped with lovely matching paper and curling ribbons and look very special - kids presents wrapped without so much care!!
I always end up with neck and back ache from doing it :(

I havent even bought let alone wrapped most things yet though!

10-12-2010, 08:30 AM
Do you wrap once you have a gift? No, Im lazy and wait until I have all the present

Do you wait till you have all of your gifts and then wrap together? Yep, cant stand wrapping

Do you wait till Christmas Eve then spend half the night wrapping? Yep, again, hate wrapping and put of to the last minute:laughing:

Do you forget what gifts you have if you wrap early ? No, as never that orgainised

How do you wrap them? As quickly as possible:laughing:

Do you wrap them all posh with bows etc ? No chance

Do you like your tags and wrap matching? Nope

Do you not care because it gets wrecked anyway ? Exactly

Do you start off with good intentions all nice and neat then get bored half way through and they end up not so neat ( sounds like me ) Not neat in first place, after about 10 minutes, ive had enough and leave and go back later:laughing:

Do you get I hate wrapping:)

10-12-2010, 08:35 AM
I hate wrapping presents so I tend to leave them to the last minute and its as quick as i can get them wrapped the better.

This year Santa is being Eco friendly and not wrapping the kids stuff, just putting them into a huge sack and they can pull them out :clapping:

10-12-2010, 08:38 AM
I loooooooove wrapping :clapping:

I have a different colour scheme each year and I also have a different paper for Adults and Children.

My colour scheme this year is Gold and Chocolate Brown for the Adults and Silver and Purple for the children.

All my gifts are wrapped as I buy them to stop my DD's snooping.

I use lots of silk/organza ribbon on mine.

I also co-ordinate the colours on the tree and my table decorations to match, so this year it is going to be Gold, Chocolate Brown and Cream.

My DH thinks I'm mad :laughing:

10-12-2010, 08:38 AM
i wait till ive got them all...:)

stick on some christmas music or a christmas film...:D

put a long line of sticky tape on the coffee table:(

usually use tags left from the year before so they don't match...:blush:

first few might get bows and curly ribbon.... kids ones never do! :p

get fed up after ten mins...:rolleyes:

as im wrapping i wrry i havnt bought them enough:panic:

like the feeling tho when they are all done :thumbsup:

Chatterbox Childcare
10-12-2010, 08:42 AM
I do mine in sections per person.

I keep all my presents together in a bag/box per person and then wrap all my main presents for 1 person, then the next and then I do everyones tree presents and then stockings

Usually takes me a couple of weeks as I have to find time during the day for my own two.

10-12-2010, 09:13 AM
I usually wrap when ive got them all :thumbsup:

Its a bit like ironing i can never get motivated to do it but when i get going im ok :laughing:

Hubs is the worst, all his pressies have to match ie mine ;) must admit looks lovely but he is a perfectionist :D

I think they all look just as nice in different paper with ribbon and a bow :thumbsup:

10-12-2010, 09:29 AM
I love to wrap pressies too :)

Do you wrap once you have a gift? No i stick them in the cupboard

Do you wait till you have all of your gifts and then wrap together? yes cant be bothered , do them all in one go .

Do you wait till Christmas Eve then spend half the night wrapping? are you mad :laughing:

Do you forget what gifts you have if you wrap early ?i forget what i have bought full stop

How do you wrap them?

Do you wrap them all posh with bows etc ? has to have a bow and ribbon

Do you like your tags and wrap matching? of course

Do you not care because it gets wrecked anyway ? depeneds who its for :blush:

Do you start off with good intentions all nice and neat then get bored half way through and they end up not so neat ( sounds like me :laughing: )

I do start off with good intentions when wrapping but as i do them all at the same time , i get a little bit lazy too ssshhhh dont tell anyone :D

10-12-2010, 09:34 AM
So what are you like for wrapping the presents?

Do you wrap once you have a gift? No I wait until I have them all as I often swap presents between my girls depending on how they look as they are still at an age where quantity and size means more

Do you wait till you have all of your gifts and then wrap together? yes

Do you wait till Christmas Eve then spend half the night wrapping? nope I'm doing it this weekend as its the last weekend children free before christmas

Do you forget what gifts you have if you wrap early ?I can't wrap early as I forget what is in it and have to unwrap it :laughing:

How do you wrap them?

Do you wrap them all posh with bows etc ? I'm rough and ready and its what they get I try and use material for the larger presents such as a kitchen etc

Do you like your tags and wrap matching? Nope everything is as it is whatever I grab first

Do you not care because it gets wrecked anyway ? Thats me!

Do you start off with good intentions all nice and neat then get bored half way through and they end up not so neat ( sounds like me :laughing: ) I'm hopeless at wrapping so its never neat :-)

Angel xx
but its fun with christmas music on and the tree

10-12-2010, 09:50 AM
I hate wrapping our children's presents: 5 kids = lots of wrapping!

We always used to do them on Christmas Eve, but one year DH went out on his works do in the afternoon. I was over 8mths pregnant with no.5, DH had invited friends round for the evening...and he just went to bed at 5pm and didn't get up again!
I had to entertain the friends, look after 4 very excited children, try to get them off to bed and then sit & wrap hundreds of presents. I finished off about 3am and was so angry and uncomfortable I could have cried.

Needless to say, DH lived to regret it & every year since then he has wrapped the children's presents :ROFL1: :ROFL1:

I wrap other family & friends' pressies & have a colour theme - black, silver & white this year. They're always beautifully wrapped & people comment on that more than the presents :laughing: I have stopped wrapping like that for secret santa's though, because everyone can guess which presents are from me :p

10-12-2010, 11:24 AM
I love wrapping presents. We have bought all our presents now just waiting for the last few to be delivered. I tend to wrap in groups of presents - so yesterday did mindees presents - however, DS1 and 2 decided they wanted to help! As a result wrapping is not up to my usual standard, but am hopeful DS1 and 2 will learn to wrap their gifts, unlike DH who haa proudly presented me with a carrier bag every christmas and birthday since I have known him!

10-12-2010, 11:29 AM
i pass them to steve and he wraps them:clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

i do write on the tags though:)

10-12-2010, 12:39 PM
I wrap as i go along. The main pressies have better paper and bows. The stocking presents are not wrapped so neatly.

My friends pressies (as they get more than 1 each ) are wrapped in tissue paper and then placed in a fancy christmas bag.

My mindees have theirs wrapped in cheaper paper, but i pop them in a christmas bag with a chocolate and a cracker each. :)

10-12-2010, 01:21 PM
Do you wrap presents.....No.

10-12-2010, 04:08 PM
I hate wrapping and I am always short of wrapping paper or sellotape right at the last minute (xmas eve)

and I always lose my scissors!!!

10-12-2010, 07:48 PM
I quite like wrapping but only when I can sit and do it in peace, I can't deal with DS (22 months) trying to 'help' me!
I try to make them neat-ish but don't usually bother with bows or ribbons unless it is something special. I don't worry about things matching but do use the nicer paper for adults and cheaper stuff for children.
I can't stand tags, they always fall off/ get pulled off then nobody knows who the present is for/ from....I use sticky labels instead, (not plain white ones, proper christmas ones)
I have to wrap DP's presents too (apart from the ones for me) because he would happily hand them over to the recipient in a carrier bag, lol!

sonia ann
10-12-2010, 08:26 PM
21yr old dd has wrapped all of ours this year........she loves it..........:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:

10-12-2010, 10:32 PM
I hate wrapping and I am always short of wrapping paper or sellotape right at the last minute (xmas eve)

and I always lose my scissors!!!

I always lose my scissors too :laughing:

Think I throw them out with the scraps of paper by mistake ha

Angel xx

10-12-2010, 11:08 PM









10-12-2010, 11:25 PM
I always lose my scissors too :laughing:

Think I throw them out with the scraps of paper by mistake ha

Angel xx


I usually just lose them while I am wrapping. A "where have they gone??..." moment everytime i wrap!!! grrr! Where do they go I would like to ask?

10-12-2010, 11:31 PM

I usually just lose them while I am wrapping. A "where have they gone??..." moment everytime i wrap!!! grrr! Where do they go I would like to ask?

they like to play hide and seek,,,:clapping:

even scissors play games like children we childmind,,,,,,,,,,,,,:D

10-12-2010, 11:34 PM
they like to play hide and seek,,,:clapping:

even scissors play games like children we childmind,,,,,,,,,,,,,:D

:laughing: I think they do! as we look everywhere for them but they are just NOT THERE!!:panic: :D ... then they are:eek: How strange:o

11-12-2010, 09:07 AM
Do you wrap once you have a gift? no

Do you wait till you have all of your gifts and then wrap together? as many as possible then have a wrapping day, which is today

Do you wait till Christmas Eve then spend half the night wrapping? no, too busy drinking and eating!

Do you forget what gifts you have if you wrap early ? sometimes forget ones I bought earlier in the year or at least where I put them!

How do you wrap them? cheap paper for stockings, nice paper for others - use sticky fixers/tabs not rolls of sellotape - drives me nuts!

Do you wrap them all posh with bows etc ? sometimes. One year I used brown paper, tinsel to tie and had bells on them :D

Do you like your tags and wrap matching? sometimes. For presents I send and for kids I use white sticky labels as the tags can come off. Stocking presents are wrapped in a different colour for each family member so I don't have to label and they don't get mixed up on the bed :thumbsup:

Do you not care because it gets wrecked anyway ? :eeeek: well I know it gets wrecked but I enjoy it too much to be slapdash

Do you start off with good intentions all nice and neat then get bored half way through and they end up not so neat ( sounds like me ) I am a neat wrapper :) I also do friends wrapping cos she hates it, she supplies the wine for the evening :thumbsup:


11-12-2010, 03:43 PM
I loooooooove wrapping :clapping:

I have a different colour scheme each year and I also have a different paper for Adults and Children.

My colour scheme this year is Gold and Chocolate Brown for the Adults and Silver and Purple for the children.

All my gifts are wrapped as I buy them to stop my DD's snooping.

I use lots of silk/organza ribbon on mine.

I also co-ordinate the colours on the tree and my table decorations to match, so this year it is going to be Gold, Chocolate Brown and Cream.

My DH thinks I'm mad :laughing:

omg you sound like my sister.. lol we always gotot my sisters and mums at christmas and this year we have been told only to wrap presents in silver or purple paper with matching bows no other colours allowed. the tree is also this colour as is the table decs i have made crackers for each person 14 of us...

12-12-2010, 10:38 AM
Do you wrap once you have a gift? No

Do you wait till you have all of your gifts and then wrap together? MOstly, yes. I put them in boxes in the loft until then - I start buying really early in the year so would be bit odd wrapping presents in the summer!

Do you wait till Christmas Eve then spend half the night wrapping? No i would be scared of running out of selotape etc as some people have said

Do you forget what gifts you have if you wrap early ? Sometimes I forget as I finish wrapping 1, lol. I go to write a tag and think who on earth have I wrapped this for?! Think I am just losing my marbles though!

How do you wrap them?
Do you wrap them all posh with bows etc ?I like the look of that and think it would like lovely under the tree but no I don't

Do you like your tags and wrap matching? The only thing I do to match is wrapping ds from Santa in 1 wrapping paper and dd in another and then make sure I don't use that paper for anything else as Santa has different paper in the north pole you know?! Tags are always last years cards cut up

Do you not care because it gets wrecked anyway ? Like others have said I do tend to wrap more neatly for adults and make sure there's not too much tape on childrens so they can open them more easily.

Do you start off with good intentions all nice and neat then get bored half way through and they end up not so neat I like wrapping :)

12-12-2010, 11:21 AM
haha you lots are so funny!

I haven't started wrapping yet! I need ot get more paper and dd found the paper and keeps asking if Father christmas is real:( ds 8 is showing signs, but not sure (hopefully we can get through this year without his mates spoiling it lol! He is home on Weds from boarding) !

Cammie Doodle
12-12-2010, 03:00 PM
I loooooooove wrapping :clapping:

I have a different colour scheme each year and I also have a different paper for Adults and Children.

My colour scheme this year is Gold and Chocolate Brown for the Adults and Silver and Purple for the children.

All my gifts are wrapped as I buy them to stop my DD's snooping.

I use lots of silk/organza ribbon on mine.

I also co-ordinate the colours on the tree and my table decorations to match, so this year it is going to be Gold, Chocolate Brown and Cream.

My DH thinks I'm mad :laughing:

:clapping: :clapping: :clapping: Yes that sounds like Carolyn and I
all our Mindees gifts are wrapped in Green as they are going under my tree in my lounge (as Carolyn still has her boys at home so therefor no room under hers lol) and as my lounge is green and cream they have to match :rolleyes:
When wrapping all the gifts going to each house/ family they have to match, and have matching/ coordinating gift tags ribbons and bows, my son and hubby think Im mad, but I love it.
I also do colour themes gold for the lounge and silver for the dining room, lol Think I may have way too much time on my hands, reading this you would think I was very tidy!!!!! I wish ;)

12-12-2010, 03:17 PM
Wow! I think we have some members with OCD problems:D

I tend to have different paper for adults and children and then another type for santa! Most get wrapped as and when I am going to see someone to give it to them. Sometimes tags match sometimes not!

Santas pressies get wrapped on Christmas Eve when the children have gone to bed! and I have OCD about scissors and sellotape so I know I will never run out:p

Chimps Childminding
12-12-2010, 10:39 PM
I didn't realise I was sooooo sad until ds' girlfriend asked if they could put the presents they had bought under the tree in our lounge - ds told her yes but only if they matched the colour of my lounge (ie red, cream, gold) as I would hide them right at the back otherwise :eek: !! Bless her she went out and bought red and gold paper :thumbsup:

And yes, unfortunately I am that sad :blush: the presents I am putting under the tree will be wrapped to co-ordinate with the lounge, together with MATCHING bows and tags :eek:

The first ones are done neatly, love wrapping anything boxes, hate wrapping awkward shaped pressies. Nearer I get to christmas (and the more I have bought) the worse the wrapping gets :panic:

13-12-2010, 12:21 PM
father Christmas always uses Christmas paper with himself on of course! i wrap in the week running up to Christmas, i use separate wrapping paper for my two dds so i can tell who's who i don't wrap until i've brought everything because having two daughters things get moved from one pile two another to even them out. my birthdays the 18th and i expect birthday wrapping paper instead of Christmas paper because I'm mean i also share birthday with my mum.

14-12-2010, 01:21 PM
Do you wrap once you have a gift? No
Do you wait till you have all of your gifts and then wrap together? i do a mass wrapping when i really can't avoid it anymore! preferably when Dh is out and the children are out, so i can spread out and take my time!
Do you wait till Christmas Eve then spend half the night wrapping? no, only wrap & fill stockings on christmas eve. father christmas has his own paper though!
Do you forget what gifts you have if you wrap early ? don't wrap early enough! and i forget what i have bought even when i look at it!
How do you wrap them?
Do you wrap them all posh with bows etc ?i used to tae great care, now i add a few bows, but can't really be bothered!
Do you like your tags and wrap matching? i think about it, but always use tags made from last years cards, so no, they don't match! father christmas has his own paper (and i had to go and buy more this year as DH came downstairs waving it saying 'did you lose this? i found it in the spareroom, shall i put it with all the christmas stuff?' :rolleyes:
Do you not care because it gets wrecked anyway ? i take a bit more care with adults pressies, but a little as possible with the childrens!
Do you start off with good intentions all nice and neat then get bored half way through and they end up not so neat? depends how much i have to do, and how long to do it and how often i get disturbed!

just wrapped everything i need to post, and wrapped mindees pressies, as realised that some of them finish tomorrow !!!! as mindee asleep, i did think i could get on and wrap some more, but feeling left me! :D

17-12-2010, 03:00 PM
I didn't realise I was sooooo sad until ds' girlfriend asked if they could put the presents they had bought under the tree in our lounge - ds told her yes but only if they matched the colour of my lounge (ie red, cream, gold) as I would hide them right at the back otherwise :eek: !! Bless her she went out and bought red and gold paper :thumbsup:

And yes, unfortunately I am that sad :blush: the presents I am putting under the tree will be wrapped to co-ordinate with the lounge, together with MATCHING bows and tags :eek:

The first ones are done neatly, love wrapping anything boxes, hate wrapping awkward shaped pressies. Nearer I get to christmas (and the more I have bought) the worse the wrapping gets :panic:

Remind me never to be your secret santa Carolyn ha ha

:laughing: :laughing:

Angel xx

Chimps Childminding
17-12-2010, 03:56 PM
Remind me never to be your secret santa Carolyn ha ha

:laughing: :laughing:

Angel xx

Its ok Angel, you will be able to make sure you dont get me :D

17-12-2010, 04:43 PM
Its ok Angel, you will be able to make sure you dont get me :D

I am the lucky one ha ha


Angel xx

19-12-2010, 11:38 AM
i hate wrapping:blush: but my dd is coming round soon to help wrap the 2 lo santa pressys so may take a while lol. then il have to wrap everyone elses i did all minded kids and friends and sent them home, i usually havE A FIGHT with selotape lose sciccors etc i quick wrap santa pressys but family i try and make a effort with bow ribbons etc.
been so ill for over a week so am behind evan my hose needs a good clean so thats tommorrows job:)

19-12-2010, 12:28 PM
So what are you like for wrapping the presents?
With much swearing and losing of tape!!

Do you wrap once you have a gift?
This year, yes

Do you wait till you have all of your gifts and then wrap together?
I tend to shop in bunches and then wrap that bunch together

Do you wait till Christmas Eve then spend half the night wrapping?
I used to be th emug up til 3 a.m, wrapping girst and swore never again. This year, I've done it as I've bought it.

Do you forget what gifts you have if you wrap early ?
I've got teething problems with my new system, yes. Next year, I shall likely keep a list of what has bene wrapped so I don;t forget

How do you wrap them?
I like multi-coloured, riotous papers but I do match bows to the curling ribbon and paper. I am very higgeldy-piggeldy with paper colours because I think it looks very festive. If I run out of gift tags, I use a marker pen to put name on

Do you wrap them all posh with bows etc ?
Oh yes!! Matching bows and curling ribbon on all gifts!!!

Do you like your tags and wrap matching?
Not fussed about tags at all.

Do you not care because it gets wrecked anyway ?
Yes, I care!! It's all about presentation and adds to the excitement.

Do you start off with good intentions all nice and neat then get bored half way through and they end up not so neat
Yes, definitely!! Another reason why I now wrap in bunches, so I'm fresh for each round.

And now I've got to go upstairs and tackle the latest bit of gifts.:clapping: