View Full Version : sore throat & ear ache?

07-12-2010, 07:35 PM
me! :(

DS and i went to dr on friday with coughs & sore throats ... to be told just viral, etc etc - which is exactly what i thought! i also had ear ache, dr looked and said ear totally clear, not red etc.

DS just has cough that comes & goes, but is fine, i still have a hacking cough which can (sometimes) produce ( sorry if TMI :blush: ) a little yellowy/green cattarh, other times its just a dry cough. i still have a sore throat coming & going, and although my tonsils look red, definately not inflamed! and i STILL have intermittant earache. i'm having to hold my nose and blow hard to 'pop' it, and then it still hurts a bit.

i can't take ibuprofen as it makes me sick, so just on paracetamol, cough medicine and a chloraseptic spray to numb my throat! oh so much lemon and honey,i can hardly bear the smell anymore! i don't feel ill as such, just fed up with it all!

i will make a dr appt, but tomorrow, have childrens christmas party, followed by DD school play in the afternoon, a hour or so afterschool and then taking DS & mindee to their school play ( evening ) and watching! there just isn't time, as our dr isn't open over lunch :(

anyone got any wonderful suggestions? (also tried gargling with salt water, but i'm not very good at gargling and it makes me sick :rolleyes: )

thank you!

07-12-2010, 07:44 PM
Aw poor you, this same virus has been doing the rounds in our house too. Both girls have had it and DS and OH have it at the moment. Took DD1 to the docs as she takes medicine which lowers her immune system and even she wasnt allowed antibiotics! It sounds exactly the same as you.
She does inhale a few drops of Olbas or Karvol in hot water-towel over head type thing, as she often gets catarhh which makes hers ears very painful, it really helps. Morning and eve works well and maybe lunch time if its really bad. Other than that we just do the whole chicken soup thing(only because we like it tho!) Keep warm and I hope you are feeling better soon. x

07-12-2010, 07:55 PM
thank you.

forgot i am also using karvol, and yes chicken soup! ( i love it too! )

hopefully we will all get better soon!


08-12-2010, 10:20 AM
Pop some warmed olive oil in your ears and it will make the earache go. It really does work.


09-12-2010, 02:39 PM
thank you.

was in chemists today and spoke to the pharmacist - he says it sounds like i've got laryngitis !!! could be 3 weeks till my voice comes back as normal, and i don't have any throat or ear pain:( and all i can take is paracetamol!

09-12-2010, 04:36 PM
Poor you :(

I'd have a go with some echinacea. We use the throat spray and very often if I'm feeling run down at the end of the day I'll use some before bed and wake up feeling ok again :). Not so keen on the drops myself but they're more readily available, as well as lozenges, which I like.

Health food shops are likely to sell some version or other.

Hope you feel better soon :)
bws, Wendy