View Full Version : Plumbing advice pleeeassse!

04-12-2010, 07:42 AM
We are due to have a new bathroom fitted at the beginning of january and our boiler is playing up so we think is going to need to be replaced. Our problem is we have a power shower running with a pump, hot water tank etc.

I am wondering if you can replace the boiler with something that will still work this combination, or do you have to have a combi boiler that heats the water as you go along, cos if you do I wont be able to use the power shower I am due to have fitted.

So i was wondering if anyone or their oh's had an idea of what i can do cos i need to speak to the bathroom people asap if my existing purchase isnt going to work!!!!

Any help would be appreciated immensely!

04-12-2010, 08:28 AM
I had this problem and I know that you can't put a power shower on a combi boiler.

However I took the decision to have a combi because of the constant hot water and I've never regretted that decision.

Then when they removed my power shower bit and just had the combi for the shower I found it was better anyway because it was more efficient coming through a new boiler.


04-12-2010, 08:40 AM
the problem we have is we have bought and paid for a power shower to be fitted through bandq in exactly one month! So need to move quickly to sort out what we can do!

What type of shower do you use with a combi then, and if we are forced to go with the shower that we have bought can we get a new boiler that will make it work still!!!!!!!!!!!

04-12-2010, 09:07 AM
My hubby works for a plumbers merchants, he will be home at 12.30, will show him this thread and ask him to post what would be suitable. He knows his stuff pretty well, so sure he can help you

04-12-2010, 12:24 PM
Hubby is a bit confused by what sort of shower you have and different types have different feeds. He suggest you contact the supplier or fitter and find out what sort of systems your shower requires, they should then be able to advise on the correct type of boiler for your shower or an alternative if you want a combi boiler. A power shower is generally only cold water fed, so he says there are several different types that to the general public would be known as power showers. :D and they each are fed in different ways, thus needing different types of showers.

We had one on holiday that wasnt a power shower but was pretty good and they had a combi boiler, hubby said it was thermostatic controlled, and that came straight from the combi boiler

04-12-2010, 01:15 PM
MY hubs us a plumber , sent him food shopping but should be back soon x :-)

04-12-2010, 05:20 PM
Ours uses water from a hot water cylinder, so apparently a combi boiler is no good! Not sure what the alternative is, but we dont have much time to sort it!

Carol M
04-12-2010, 09:56 PM
Sorry, can't help. My plumbing is in tip top condition even tho I'm an old Boiler:blush:
Carol xx