View Full Version : Any dream experts out there

03-12-2010, 08:46 AM
Morning everyone.... Both me and my husband both dreamt last night that our own grandmas had both died......... Is there any meaning to this?? We both woke up in the night and he said he had just had a really strange dream and he started to tell me and i was like no way i dreamt that my grandma had died too!! I am so freaked out by it. Just think it is so much of a coinsidence that we both dreamt that our grandmas had died. Wasnt as if we both dreamt that the same grandma had died - i dreamt mine had and he dreamt that his had.......

Any meaning to it???????

03-12-2010, 09:09 AM

Oh that is weird

I have no idea what it means though.

I did read once though that more than likely, dreams like this are not a premonition but rather your psyche’s way of dealing with current events.

Angel xx

03-12-2010, 09:16 AM
The only reason why i would of dreamt about my grandma dying is that last night i was thinking that it would of been my grandads birthday on monday if he was still here (her husband) but then with dh dreaming about is grandma who has no connection to my grandma was all a bit too wierd for my liking!! xx

03-12-2010, 09:27 AM
The only reason why i would of dreamt about my grandma dying is that last night i was thinking that it would of been my grandads birthday on monday if he was still here (her husband) but then with dh dreaming about is grandma who has no connection to my grandma was all a bit too wierd for my liking!! xx

Maybe its just all on your mind though

I dont think I would look to much into it

Could end up giving you nightmares otherwise

Angel xx

03-12-2010, 09:59 AM
as it's both of you i can guarantee at 80% that it's something you heard or saw on TV. did someone talked about their g-parent dying? an advert for life insurance .... it must be.

don't worry about it. :D

03-12-2010, 09:59 AM
OK - now this is going to sound a little bit 'out there' but our thoughts are just electrical energy..... thats fact.
So I believe its a case of your grandma was on your mind and in your dreams and in a relaxed state your hubby also psychically picked up on your wavelength.
The same way as you go to pick up the phone to ring someone and as you do so they ring you - you've picked up their electrical energy pattern of them thinking about ringing you, which triggers a thought in your head to call them.

If you look into quantum physics this actually is a proven fact, its a fascinating subject.

03-12-2010, 10:25 AM
OK - now this is going to sound a little bit 'out there' but our thoughts are just electrical energy..... thats fact.
So I believe its a case of your grandma was on your mind and in your dreams and in a relaxed state your hubby also psychically picked up on your wavelength.
The same way as you go to pick up the phone to ring someone and as you do so they ring you - you've picked up their electrical energy pattern of them thinking about ringing you, which triggers a thought in your head to call them.

If you look into quantum physics this actually is a proven fact, its a fascinating subject.

Thats interesting

Seems spooky sometimes when that happens but it explains it I suppose

Angel xx

03-12-2010, 11:51 AM
dont they say if you dream of death it usually means a birth is going to happen??

Mollymop is good on dreams and stuff:thumbsup:

03-12-2010, 02:02 PM
yerah thats very interesting to know. I never mentioned to him either last night when i thought it would be my grandads birthday in a few days. mmmmm .....

Thanks for your replies! xxx

03-12-2010, 06:55 PM
dont they say if you dream of death it usually means a birth is going to happen??

Mollymop is good on dreams and stuff:thumbsup:

I also thought that dreaming of a death meant a birth :thumbsup:

03-12-2010, 07:00 PM
dreamimg of a death is suppose to mean a birth oooo fabby you having twins :D

03-12-2010, 08:17 PM
well as long as he doesn't come too soon! got another 12 weeks of baking to do yet in my tummy! xx