View Full Version : Tomorrow is the day that Delilah changes our lives :D

03-12-2010, 07:26 AM
Dp bought me a Labrador puppy :D :clapping: i was in touch with various rescues re. rehoming a dog but was struggling as many would not rehome to me, being a childminder and i dont have 6ft high fences! :rolleyes: and the fact that my own boys are so small - regardless of the fact that they are very dog savvy and my own doggy history...so anyway, i was quite upset about it all and dp felt sorry for me :thumbsup:
He did his research really well, had obviously listened to every word i had said about choosing breeders and picking puppies and found Delilah - he even remembered that i wanted to call her Delilah and had the man add that in to her pedigree name :thumbsup: :D
she was supposed to be a surprise but of course i had to be told, in case i managed to find a rescue willing to rehome to me (gutted about that because i KNOW that i can provide a dog with a safe, secure and happy home!)
Anyway, after many tears and a bit of heartache...
Here she is....

03-12-2010, 07:31 AM
aww shes beautiful so cute and cuddly makes me want another, she looks so like our 1st dog called princess enjoy her..

03-12-2010, 07:38 AM
:thumbsup: :jump for joy:
i most certainly will!
:thumbsup: :clapping:

03-12-2010, 07:42 AM
She is gorgeous and I love the name.

I used to work at Battersea Dogs Home and we rarely rehomed dogs with very young children, which was quite upsetting for everyone. I think rescues are often over cautious, but I suppose they have to be careful.

At the moment I have 2 very , very old dogs, sadly I dont think I will have them much longer due to poor health.

Then I will be in the position u have been in, passionate about rescue work, but would probably have to go to a breeder which I really would not want to do. Such a shame, Rescue dogs need people like us !:rolleyes:

03-12-2010, 07:49 AM
She is gorgeous and I love the name.

I used to work at Battersea Dogs Home and we rarely rehomed dogs with very young children, which was quite upsetting for everyone. I think rescues are often over cautious, but I suppose they have to be careful.

At the moment I have 2 very , very old dogs, sadly I dont think I will have them much longer due to poor health.

Then I will be in the position u have been in, passionate about rescue work, but would probably have to go to a breeder which I really would not want to do. Such a shame, Rescue dogs need people like us !:rolleyes:

yes, of course it makes sense as you really can never be sure of a dogs background and safety of both children and animal is paramount but as you say - i didnt want to choose a breeder over a rescue but i lost my dog early this year and i needed another dog in the house. I think that sometimes rescues overlook the obvious because they have their strict guidelines that they must adhere to...so it left me with no option

but as someone said to me the other day, i have no need to feel guilty, Delilah was already born and she could easily have found herself in a rescue after being bought as an unthoughtout crimbo present - so i have saved her in a way :D :thumbsup:

this baby will never find herself in a rescue :thumbsup:

03-12-2010, 08:01 AM
Yes I agree,

Just because people get dogs from breeders, a lot of them still end up at rescue centres. Sometimes due to circumstances beyond their control,
but often because people have not realised the responsibility.

So pleased you and Delilah have found each other.

Have a wonderful time enjoying your new puppy !!!!!!

Dawn x:)

miss mopple
03-12-2010, 08:03 AM
She is adorable! Enjoy her x

03-12-2010, 08:09 AM
She is gorgeous and I love the name.

Feeling very jealous! :)

Miffy xx

03-12-2010, 08:10 AM
What a little beauty.

Looks like Bailey when he was a pup.

Enjoy having her as part of your family.

03-12-2010, 08:11 AM
Love the name :thumbsup:
She is a lil cutie


03-12-2010, 08:12 AM
yes it is true, sadly :(

but as you say, Delilah and i have got each other and what a happy pair we will be!

the only blip is that due to the snow, her crate, bed and other bits haven't arrived! So much for crate training, but it isnt a biggy because i would need to train her in to it anyway...will make do im sure :D

03-12-2010, 08:13 AM
thanks folks! :thumbsup:

03-12-2010, 08:25 AM
She's gorgeous, hope your family have many years of joy with her.

03-12-2010, 08:53 AM
She is fab !!! :clapping: I love her.

I get so annoyed at rescue place that have a totally inflexible policy .

We have a farm. We have 15 acres and a secure field to excersise in should we wish. We also have an under 5 so 90% of rescue people won't even consider us as suitable. We have rescued 4 dogs so far, but they are sooooo picky as to which ones they will let us see.

Breeds like labe they say are too bouncy for under 10's !!!!!! Hanny has been used to dogs since birth and two of my friends have lab pups and one has even satyed and we had NO probs.

I know they say they have a responibility ot he dog, but if you know your kids and environments etc etc. Somtimes I think they should at least think about it?????:thumbsup:

03-12-2010, 08:56 AM
Oh she is gorgeous

Looks just like our Jessie did when she was that age - she is 9 now

You will have so much fun with her and they are sooooo loving

Angel xx

03-12-2010, 11:40 AM
Aww - he's lovely:)

03-12-2010, 11:50 AM
What a face:( :( :( you will not be disappointed with a lab:thumbsup: and with a face like that you will not be able to say to to it for anything:D

our lab jack is 12 and he used to look like your delilah now hes grey and distinguished and growing old grace fully:D :D

03-12-2010, 12:05 PM
She is fab !!! :clapping: I love her.

I get so annoyed at rescue place that have a totally inflexible policy .We have a farm. We have 15 acres and a secure field to excersise in should we wish. We also have an under 5 so 90% of rescue people won't even consider us as suitable. We have rescued 4 dogs so far, but they are sooooo picky as to which ones they will let us see.

Breeds like labe they say are too bouncy for under 10's !!!!!! Hanny has been used to dogs since birth and two of my friends have lab pups and one has even satyed and we had NO probs.

I know they say they have a responibility ot he dog, but if you know your kids and environments etc etc. Somtimes I think they should at least think about it?????:thumbsup:

our local rescue would not let me have an adult dog and we got to puppies ..

hope you are all happy together such a cutie xx

03-12-2010, 12:15 PM
What a lovely partner you have!!!!!!!!!

03-12-2010, 02:38 PM
She is gorgeous, what a sweetie!

We have had our 19 1/2 week old english springer for 10 weeks now and i was soooo not a doggy person before but i have changed so much in the 10 weeks and love the little fella to bits!!!

We didnt consider a rescue because although our children are 8 and 12 we knew that having other peoples little children around we would not be sure of a full history so immediately went for a well bred puppy and at least know as best you ever can be sure of any dog nature that he will have been well cared for in a loving home, so hopefully avoiding any issues that spring up for an unknown reason.

It is a shame that there are so many dog in rescues, but especially with our jobs let alone any young children of our own it is probably for the best and what a cute little thing puppies are, so you will get to see a huge difference so quickly.

In fact my little pup has just dive bombed me with kisses!

03-12-2010, 02:45 PM
Oh my goodness she is sooo cute!! I am so jelous, I have always wanted a Lab but we already have a Jack Russell and the house just isnt big enough.
What a fantastic Christmas Prezzie!!

03-12-2010, 03:17 PM
If she gives you even half the pleasure I get from my Delilah then she will make you very happy indeed! Been on the phone half the morning to the RSPCA in Liverpool after Liz told me about a cavi there that is in need of a home. Doesn't help the woman was really snotty. Been trying to phone the local branch and they are not answering the phone. After all of that they will probably turn us down too but childminding doesn't have any impact on my two, apart from it pays for their upkeep!