View Full Version : All ideas welcome

02-12-2010, 10:21 AM
Grace is 8 1/2 months now, she slept through from about 13 weeks for about a month now it getting worse, she let me sleep 3 hours roughly last night and thats a good night lately, ive tried everything, controlled crying, pick up put down, extra blankets, less blankets, swaddling, taking dummy away, even put gloves on her other night, offered milk when she woke, if anyone has any ideas what I can try think i will give anything a go!
She has a nap in morning and longer one in afternoon most days, sometimes gets interupted if were out

02-12-2010, 10:32 AM
Can you put something in her cot that smells of you? Some clothing you've had on during the day?

Obviously you need to make sure it's not something she can get herself tangled up in, but sometimes it helps if babies have the smell of mum next to them :thumbsup:

Or try some lavender aromatherapy oils. You'd have to check what you can use on a baby, but again, it's worth a try. I have terrible trouble sleeping & opten use lavender sleep therapy sprays. I spray them on my pillow, but they might be a bit strong for a baby. I'm sure if you googled it, you could fiind out what's suitable for a baby.

Or, soothing music? You can buy lots of CDs, or even download music from I-Tunes etc. If it's playing quietly in the background it can help.

Good luck!

02-12-2010, 10:57 AM
I tried my clothes before and did work for a couple nights so may try that again, just for 1 decent nights sleep, I was thinking about recording the hoover going and putting that on cd as a couple of times and when she was newborn that helped her go to sleep, thanks for the ideas

02-12-2010, 11:11 AM
I've always had this problem with my dd and she is 2.5 now but sleeps through most nights now. I am a great believer in babies sleeping in the day but I have found that by restricting her sleep in the day, she slept longer at night. I had tried everything else and was at my wits end.

Maybe try letting her sleep in the morning but only letting her have 45mins or 1 hour in the afternoon and then waking her up. This worked for me.

Good luck :thumbsup:

02-12-2010, 12:47 PM
My Grace & my eldest DD did this - I found that on the days she got out (fresh air) she slept much better - not what you want with the weather this way!

02-12-2010, 07:09 PM
Thanks for the ideas, I will give them a go, tonight she's had an early nap, 6.15ish she had 45 minutes, the plan is to let her play til around 8.30 then bath feed and bed

02-12-2010, 08:37 PM
oh my i think you need to rename her...
Gracie my great niece don't sleep and never has, shes now 2 1/2 she has even been referred to the sleep clinic that said no dummys, take bottle off her, dont go in if she wakes till she has stopped crying etc all of which didnt work she was about 12 months at time, she has just started sleeping though for roughly 2 or 3 nights a week seems like she rechargers her batteries then goes and goes ( hmm she has red hair too:laughing: ) niece has stopped her having a sleep in day but nursery let her have one theses are the days she dont sleep... if she does fall asleep here or at home or nanny's then we wake her after about 30 minutes so she has no more than hour in day... heres hoping it gets better for you or like our gracie she starts to grow outof it.. good luck

02-12-2010, 08:45 PM
I've always had this problem with my dd and she is 2.5 now but sleeps through most nights now. I am a great believer in babies sleeping in the day but I have found that by restricting her sleep in the day, she slept longer at night. I had tried everything else and was at my wits end.

Maybe try letting her sleep in the morning but only letting her have 45mins or 1 hour in the afternoon and then waking her up. This worked for me.

Good luck :thumbsup:

i was going to say this :thumbsup:

02-12-2010, 09:33 PM
Thanks for the ideas, I will give them a go, tonight she's had an early nap, 6.15ish she had 45 minutes, the plan is to let her play til around 8.30 then bath feed and bed

6.15 would be too late for my dd and she would not sleep through the night. The latest i let her sleep is 3-4 pm. She has just gone to bed now 9.30 but I dont think she will sleep yet, but when she does go to sleep fingers crossed for all night.

I am often posting on this forum at midnight cos my dd is awake so If you see a post from me late at night you know why lol :laughing:

03-12-2010, 08:36 AM
I know you've probably checked for health issues, but just in case, have you checked for reflux, or tried her on a different milk in case it is giving her tummy cramps while she lies flat.

Maybe you could try propping one end of the cot up a bit so she is not completely flat. Some kids don't like to be flat. Hope you figure it out soon, you must be going out of your head with tiredness :(

03-12-2010, 10:29 AM
being french the first thing that comes into mind : FOOD!!!

when does she last eat? around 9months they have a growth spur, she's maybe just hungry?

i wouldn't put her to sleep after 3, and she should be awake by 4.30pm,

babies need about 12h sleep a day depending on the kid lol my son rarely did 12 my daughter rarely did under13! so if you monitor how much sleep she has during the day you'll see how much is left for the night lol.

i would try to have her to have a morning nap and a smaller one in afternoon about 1-1.30 then by 7 she should be asleep.:D