View Full Version : So angry with socail services!!!!!!!!

01-12-2010, 09:16 AM
Hi guys! Just need to vent my anger!!!!!!!!:angry: :angry: Have been supporting a family for six months and socail services can not pay me on time!!! I invoiced them on the 21st of October and have stilll not recived any money and I have done extra hours costing £160 aaahhhhhhhh!!!! Feel so let down when I have bent over backwards to support them and the family I am working with!! To top it all off in this weather my car is in the garage and I can't collect it till I am paid! Has anyone eles experienced this? If they sign a new contract I will have to put some thing In place for late payment but what? Any Ideas? Lorn x x

01-12-2010, 10:56 AM
I used to foster and do some day care for social services. I packed it all in because I was constantly nagging for late payments and just didn't need the stress. Just keep phoning them, perhaps speak to the social workers team manager. I found that worked.

01-12-2010, 11:00 AM
I used to foster and do some day care for social services. I packed it all in because I was constantly nagging for late payments and just didn't need the stress. Just keep phoning them, perhaps speak to the social workers team manager. I found that worked.

thanks hon ringing her now!! x

christine e
01-12-2010, 11:00 AM
I did some work recently for my LA. I sent my bill in at the end of the month and waited and waited and waited. I rang and they informed me that it was being processed but that they wait 30 days before making payment, I told them I was a small business and could not afford to wait for that length of time. They suggested I changed to submitting my invoice at the begining of the month and put in big bold letters 'payment in 7 days please' and low and behold I got my payment in just over 7 days.


01-12-2010, 11:02 AM
I did some work recently for my LA. I sent my bill in at the end of the month and waited and waited and waited. I rang and they informed me that it was being processed but that they wait 30 days before making payment, I told them I was a small business and could not afford to wait for that length of time. They suggested I changed to submitting my invoice at the begining of the month and put in big bold letters 'payment in 7 days please' and low and behold I got my payment in just over 7 days.


good advice! thank you x

01-12-2010, 11:04 AM
I did some work for social services a few years ago & it was a nightmare getting paid. I had to complete my forms, send them off to the family's social worker, who had to sign them & send them onto the next person up the chain...and so on and so on forever.
If one person was late sending the forms on, or was off work, the whole process just ground to a halt.

All you can do is keep on at them. Find out what the process is, where your forms are etc & be a complete pain. They'll soon want to get rid of you & will hopefully send your money!

01-12-2010, 11:08 AM
or do what i did and complain to downing street :thumbsup:

01-12-2010, 11:21 AM
I found 'one off' contracts - such as a 6 week placement were a nightmare and took months and months. However if regular work for same family once first payment through - then did get better.

As advised keep phoning - make sure you are filling in the right information (it is right if don't ask for 7 day payment - they will assume you happy with the 30 day policy)

Penny :)

01-12-2010, 11:41 AM
Tell them that you are going to withhold care until you are paid - enough is enough.

Tell them (and do it) that you are going to make a formal written complaint - can you have their procedure

You are going to inform your local MP and start shouting it from the rooftops

you are also going to start billing them late payment charges....

01-12-2010, 01:24 PM
Tell them that you are going to withhold care until you are paid - enough is enough.

Tell them (and do it) that you are going to make a formal written complaint - can you have their procedure

You are going to inform your local MP and start shouting it from the rooftops

you are also going to start billing them late payment charges....

Like your style!!! I have now rang to speck to manager of early intervensions team, oh shock she is busy, my contact at payment dep is on A/L and the family support worker is passing the buck!!! My co-ordinator has emailed them and phoned and I have been calling and emailing for three weeks so stressed!! Right I think its time to ask how I complain! and I have canceled the care tonight as the weather is to bad to be walking home with 7 mindees and I still can't collect my car!!!:angry: I want to keep good working partnership but how do they expect me to feed, care and provide activities with no payments since the 4th of october and that was for care provided in Aug and sept!! Its for three children 6,7 and 8!!!! AAAAHHHHH!!!!:angry:

01-12-2010, 01:28 PM
Just invoiced for November - added to September and October, which haven't been paid yet, that's £1250..... I'm very much looking forwards to that coming!!

01-12-2010, 01:35 PM
Just invoiced for November - added to September and October, which haven't been paid yet, that's £1250..... I'm very much looking forwards to that coming!!

Good luck! I hope you get paid before christmas, on average mine is taking 9 weeks but my LA are one of the last to begin working with socail services!! I worked in residentail care for years and it cost for one child around £2,500 a WEEK to place them in care and to not be paying us Child minders the low wadge we take for doing a amazing job makes me sick!!!!!!!!!!!:angry: