View Full Version : how do you defrost your car?

30-11-2010, 08:26 AM
just wondered ho everyone does it.

i usually et in put the heaters on full just use a scraper, i hate de-icer as it just makes a slushy mess which soon freezes over again! the only time i use it is when the frost is very thin.

if its bad i have resorted to using a kettle of warmisish water, but then you get people saying that the windscreen will crack! has that ACTUALLY happened to anyone?

30-11-2010, 08:33 AM
Deicer sometimes if Dh is around - but if he isnt I must admit I use the lukewarm water method - so far so good . He is adamant it will break the windscreen - hope I never prove him right!!

30-11-2010, 08:40 AM
i just start the engine and put the heaters on, my neighbour uses a kettle and from the cursingat 7am this morning i would say she cracled her windscreen!!!! :eek: :eek:

30-11-2010, 08:42 AM
I use the heater and scraper method. Saves buying deicer, plus I never find it that successful as the windows always steam up!
You're not meant to use hot water but I can't see that if it almost cold water that it would be a problem as the smaller the difference in temperature between the water and glass the better. I don't park near my house so no point in me doing this though. Hx

30-11-2010, 08:43 AM
we bought pre-icer from tesco for £2.... amazing stuff. It stops ice properly forming so all you need to do is put on your wipers first thing and its all gone. soo easy and warm! :thumbsup:

30-11-2010, 08:51 AM
i dont use de-icer as its bad for the environment

i use water...... NOT hot just room temp, all it needs to be is warmer than the ice and poof it's gone

soooooooooooooooooooo much easier and quicker :thumbsup:

30-11-2010, 09:11 AM
Hubby cracked our windscreen but then he did use a just boiled kettle and he did do it for a while before it actually went. I did tell him but he wouldnt listen :D

little miss chatterbox
30-11-2010, 09:37 AM
mine has cracked in the past :blush: so now i use the heater and de icer!
I had heard of pre-icer but never seen it!

30-11-2010, 10:01 AM
no no no - never use water from the kettle - boiling or hot as yes it WILL (could) crack your windscreen/windows :panic: :panic:
the water should be lukewarm - erring towards cooler rather than warmer IF you have to use water.

30-11-2010, 10:10 AM
I ran out of deicer yesterday so this morn I just let the car run with heaters on for 20min. I use water out the cold tap sometimes. Never use hot as it cracked neighbours screen at the weekend :-S although she did have a chip in it so that may have been the reason x

30-11-2010, 10:26 AM
always use water never done my windows any harm in fact only time i have ever had a cracked window was from a lorry last winter and i had my heater on full and the crack went right across screen, i asked window repair guy about water he said its fine as long as its not boiling or too hot but best use cold water cause its warmer than ice anyway and will defrost screen...

30-11-2010, 10:28 AM
always use water never done my windows any harm in fact only time i have ever had a cracked window was from a lorry last winter and i had my heater on full and the crack went right across screen, i asked window repair guy about water he said its fine as long as its not boiling or too hot but best use cold water cause its warmer than ice anyway and will defrost screen...

exactly, i shudder when i see people with the kettle in their hand :panic:

even cold tap water is warmer than the ice and will defrost your car :thumbsup:

Chimps Childminding
30-11-2010, 12:29 PM
I usuually leave my car running, but since I read someone had their car stolen the other week after they went back into the house leaving it running (not round here) I am a bit more cautious. Tend to use de-icer or scraper and then start engine just as I am loading the car up!

miss mopple
30-11-2010, 01:10 PM
I dispatch DH and he does it :laughing:

Chatterbox Childcare
30-11-2010, 01:27 PM
I let the car run for 20 minutes on the driveway and the ice and snow melts away and the car is warm when we get in it.
Apart from Tuesday this week when I forgot and we were 10 mins late for school!

30-11-2010, 01:50 PM
Even cold water can crack your windsceen. It depends on how cold the glass is to start with and the difference in temperature you are causing as a result of it. When things get cold they contract (as the atoms of glass move less), warming them up causes them to expand (as the atoms move faster). If this happens very quickly the particles do not have sufficient room for their increase in movement, causing a crack as the resulting build up in energy is released.

My friend cracked her windscreen years ago with cold water. I make DH do mine with a scraper before he leaves for work!

30-11-2010, 02:19 PM
I too join the ranks of the non-environmentally friendly! I leave the engine on and turn the heater up!! Cant be out de-icing and scraping with a house full of LO's! Then the car is warm when we get in it!! :D

30-11-2010, 02:23 PM
But isn't leaving the engine running for such a long time bad for the environment?

30-11-2010, 03:13 PM
When I was in Boston last Feb my friend had a car that she could start from inside her house by pressing a remote. The car was always lovely and warm when we went out. If you forget about the car it turns it's self off after 10mins or so. I thought it was a great idea.


little chickee
30-11-2010, 03:48 PM
I know someone with a Kia Sedona that has the remote heat up thingy.

As for being bad for the environment leaving your car running to defrost it - too bad i'm afraid! I recycle, i turn off lights and electricle equipment when not in use, never leave things on standby, use collected rainwater for my hens and ducks, etc etc - we all do what we can but cannot do every little thing the "green" way.

Anyway its bad for your car to drive it straight from cold.

30-11-2010, 03:50 PM
DP starts the engine on my car and his van and leaves them to defrost themselves but it really annoys me- it can't be good for the envirmonments and also anyone could just drive off in it (thats me being a worrier though, it's on our driveway in a very quiet road!) If im doing it myself I tend to use de-icer in a pump bottle rather than in an aerosol can. Or if im in a rush i'll use water- always cold though...well, luke warm....hate doing it though.