View Full Version : Father Christmas - would you tell them?

23-11-2010, 12:14 PM
I've got a bit of a dilemma and want some opinions please!

My older two children have just turned 13 and haven't said they don't believe in Father Christmas to me - although I'm pretty sure my son doesn't but isn't letting on and I don't really know about my daughter.

Do you think I should tell them the truth - I think they could get the mickey taken out of them if they talk about Father Christmas now that they're at high school.

I have another daughter who will be 3 on the 15th December so obviously I want to do the whole Father Christmas thing for her for several more years so I'm wondering if it would be better to tell the other two while she is still young enough not to realise what we're talking about (not that I would say it in front of her!). I'm sure they'd be okay keeping the pretence up for their little sister's sake.

The older two wouldn't miss out anyway because I'd still leave a present from Father Christmas for them so that it all seemed genuine to my youngest daughter. And of course they'll still get a stocking.

I know when I found out about Father Christmas, I kept it to myself in case I didn't get any presents and then one year I made a comment about who was going to be Father Christmas in a family friend's house and my mum picked up on it! I've been waiting for them to make a slip up like this but they're obviously too smart!!

What do you think? Is it really mean to tell them or do you think it would be for the best so they don't have fun made of them?

23-11-2010, 12:17 PM
my son (almost 11) still believes but will be telling him before next year as he starts the comp and i dont want him to be bullied for it.

My daughter is 14 and she hasn't believed since she was 9, and she actually enjoyed getting her brother excited for christmas and helping me shop for his gifts :thumbsup:

23-11-2010, 12:21 PM
my son (almost 11) still believes but will be telling him before next year as he starts the comp and i dont want him to be bullied for it.

My daughter is 14 and she hasn't believed since she was 9, and she actually enjoyed getting her brother excited for christmas and helping me shop for his gifts :thumbsup:

That's my thinking as well.

It could well be that neither of them have believed for quite a while but are good actors!!

My son said a while back that the tooth fairy is me so the next time a tooth fell out I didn't put any money under there so I think he's got the message about that one. He did also make a comment about there always being a satsuma in the bottom of the stocking and we always have satsuma's in the house at Christmas time. :laughing: I probably should have had the conversation at that point but didn't have the heart and decided I'd think about it later!

23-11-2010, 12:22 PM
My dd is 11 and has said to me that she knows that it is me and dad who are santa. But she was warned if she ruined it for the others she would get no pressies :eek: Not that she would and I think she would have still believed if it hadnt been for her big mouthed friend.

I think that 13 they probably do know but are kepping the pretence up for you :)

miss mopple
23-11-2010, 12:23 PM
I think it's sad to ruin the magic if they still believe. My daughter is 11 and 'thinks' he doesn't exist but isn't sure. Think she's hedging her bets :laughing:

I say keep the magic as long as possible :clapping:

23-11-2010, 12:24 PM
What are you saying?! Santa doesn't exist?!!!


23-11-2010, 12:28 PM
My dd will be 13 in feb, she doesnt believe anymore, she just laughs at us when we ask her to write santa a list :laughing:

This is only recent, well as far as we know it is :rolleyes:

I say let them believe as long as poss :thumbsup:

23-11-2010, 01:01 PM
My son was 9 in September.

He told me last night that he knows its not Father Christmas who delivers the pressies! :(

They'd been having a chat about it at school lunch apparently.

I think a lot of children will not admit to not believing - just incase! :rolleyes:

Its nice whilst they still do though!

Rachel x

23-11-2010, 01:16 PM
The only conversation I had was if you believe then he will leave you presents - if you don't then he won't...I still have a pressie from Santa under my Mum'stree every Chistmas (Santa doesn't do stockings for grown ups) & I am 31;)

My DD is 11 - before she goes to seniour school (this is the last Christmas of believing) I will explain about St Nick & that the tradition has been carried on...so it's up to her - if she wants to "believe" then Santa will still give presents if not then he won't!:thumbsup:

23-11-2010, 01:25 PM
Ds who's 10 in Feb came out and told me that he knew it his dad and I who get the presents. Something to do with some1 getting him an accessory for the xbox who shouldn't have known cos it was Santa that brought it. I can't even remember.

Anyway I said he'd better be careful as he may not get anything if he doesn't believe. He now talks like he believes but I'm not so sure.

I just wanted one yr when dd 2.5 understood and he still believed :(

I think they prob do know at 13 just don't want to say xx

23-11-2010, 01:30 PM
Dd used to say to me we have the same wrapping paper as santa :laughing:

23-11-2010, 01:31 PM
What are you saying?! Santa doesn't exist?!!!


No SaijaM , Don't listen to them! He does, he does!!

23-11-2010, 01:42 PM
Thank goodness!! I was starting to get really worried aswell!!!:clapping:

23-11-2010, 01:56 PM
I would think at 13 they know what's what and are playing along with you.

My kids were much younger - about 7 or 8, people talk at school. When they asked, I did not lie and DD loved being 'in the know' before DS knew! DS is so down to earth and not a believer in much at all - tooth fairy was a farce :rolleyes: he was happy to know as long as presents still came :laughing: they could both be trusted not to tell anyone unless I had OK'd it with parents.

We then started new family traditions going - we all get stockings now :thumbsup: So you never know :D ;)

23-11-2010, 01:59 PM
My eldest two don;t believe - Rob announced when he was 10 - told me he knew for a couple of years but just didn't want to upset me! lol - Harry told me last year he was 9 then.
I have requested of them they do not ruin it for younger children, own 5yr old brother included. They still get a 'santa sack' to keep the facade going for James.

mr man
23-11-2010, 02:21 PM
mine are 7 and 8 -getting told things in school but I just say its all very magical and exciting. they are happy with that. :D

23-11-2010, 07:19 PM
You know what my eldest is 23 next month and i have never told him santa doesnt exsist always the opposite and he still gets stocking by his bedroom door!!!:blush: ( usually trips over it coming back from a night out).
Children arent silly they get to a certain age and they know, i dont think there is any need for special talks, I have never heard of a child in secondery school getting bullied or teased because they still believe in santa claus.

23-11-2010, 07:25 PM
E (11) hasn't believed for over a year. She keeps the magic alive for her 7 year old sister.

I wouldn't say to her that if she didn't believe she wouldn't get anything, that'd be mean!:D

She loves Christmas just as much without believing in a big fat man in red.:thumbsup:

( that breaks into your house, dd 2 worries about this!:eek: )

23-11-2010, 08:58 PM
I dont see why there is any need for a talk about it.

DS nearly 13 doesnt belive as such but believes in the mnagic of christmas, which is very important to us, DD-7 is at a magical age and we all make a really big deal of it for her.

I dont know why children are so young now when they stop believing, i think its a real shame and would encourage any child to beleive as long as possible!

23-11-2010, 09:13 PM
I had a chat with my DD as she said last year he wasn't real so we talked about the magic of christmas, about St Nicholas and what he meant and the reason he delivered presents and how we need to keep the magic going and she pretends to believe for her little sisters. I would explain about the need to keep the magic alive.

23-11-2010, 09:21 PM
both my daughters now 24 and 21, told me when they were 3 and 31/2 years that there wasn't a santa. B told me that I bought the presents that she told me she wanted and P said she didn't think he was real because he could not have got the big box that her present was in, down the chimney. She wasn't taken in by the magical expansion of the chimney so I left it as that. Funny how they still want their stockings filled though, even this year!

23-11-2010, 09:37 PM
my son has always known that we buy the presents but we put them wrapped up under the tree and santa comes and collects if you have been good you will get them back on xmas day if not other little ones get them... cant remember what age he was when he said he didnt beleive but i just said to him if santa dont exist then who brings the presents back on xmas eve, got him thinking as he trys evey year to find our hiding place been a good one hes now 18 lol...

24-11-2010, 01:38 PM
So general opinion seems to be that I shouldn't have "the conversation"!!

Still not sure but will see if they say anything over the next couple of weeks.

Thanks :thumbsup:

24-11-2010, 01:43 PM
So general opinion seems to be that I shouldn't have "the conversation"!!

Still not sure but will see if they say anything over the next couple of weeks.

Thanks :thumbsup:

Can't decide whether I would come right out and say it but I think at 13 they are definitely playing along for you. I have two non believers in my house and then a 4 year who very much believes. His big sisters make just as much of Santa coming as I do and I know they would never dream of spoiling it for him:D

24-11-2010, 11:01 PM
Can't decide whether I would come right out and say it but I think at 13 they are definitely playing along for you. I have two non believers in my house and then a 4 year who very much believes. His big sisters make just as much of Santa coming as I do and I know they would never dream of spoiling it for him:D

No, my two wouldn't (intentionally!) spoil it for my daughter either.

I think you're right - they're just like I was and daren't come out and say they don't believe because they think that'll be the end of santa pressies and stockings!