View Full Version : Which pram?

Mrs Pootle
23-11-2010, 07:58 AM
Morning all, I need to get a pushchair, up to now I've managed without one as have had children over 3 yrs old.
Which one do I get? What do you all recommend? I am considering a double, although I will only need a single seat at the moment. If I get a single it must have two handles rather than a bar type handle as I have a buggyboard & from experience they don't go well with the pushchairs that have a bar handle as it nearly throttles the child standing on the buggyboard.
I've been keeping an eye out on local for sale adverts for a pushchair in good condition, but if I could afford to go out & buy one brand new, what do you suggest?

23-11-2010, 08:03 AM
Ive just bought the Chicco Multiway and must say its fab.

Was in Mothercare for £99 reduced from £150.

Its an umberella fold and comes complete with cosytoes and raincover

23-11-2010, 08:32 AM
I still love my Maclaren Volo. It's lightweight, easy to put up and down, I also have the double Maclaren Triumph which I bought recently as I liked my single so much. If you're having children under 6 months, Volo would be no good as it's for 6 months plus. Triumph can be used for younger ones though. Hx

23-11-2010, 08:36 AM
Don't know which type but I would recommend getting one that lies flat - then you are sorted from birth, and lie flat works better for naps.
Re the bar handle, if you get one that the handle sticks far enough out on, the child can stand within the handle so no risk of throttling - and it always feels safer to me.
Also, make sure the seat part, the bit the kid actually sits on, is quite deep. Some seat units, the sit-on part is so short that by the time the child is 12 months they are sliding out of the pram. And make sure you don't choose a quick release harness - the kid will figure out how to quick release it before you do lol.

23-11-2010, 11:12 AM

i have loads of prams lol.

i like my mothercare mpv double and was only £100 and my icandy cherry best though x

just wanted to say my icandy cherry is a bar handle and is fab with my lascal buggy board as ds1 goes inside the handle and is completely safe and not in my way :) works best when i have the pram parent facing though xx

23-11-2010, 12:04 PM
I have got my eye on this one


My hubbie travels to America for work alot and its 1/2 price over there so might try and persuade him to bring me one back ;).

Anyone know someone with one of these and if they are any good?

23-11-2010, 01:35 PM
I was looking at one of those a while ago. There is a seller on ebay, who sells them new, and will ship them to the UK. Very reasonable prices.

26-11-2010, 09:25 AM
Argos have a page on ebay and I was looking yesterday and there is a Koochi double pushchair new for £40.99 and £2.99 postage.

C x

26-11-2010, 09:43 AM
Argos have a page on ebay and I was looking yesterday and there is a Koochi double pushchair new for £40.99 and £2.99 postage.

C x


The feedback for the argos on ebay is awful, 464 negatives this month already. xxxx

26-11-2010, 02:24 PM
Really glad I did not order one, just having a browse and it popped up.

c x

26-11-2010, 04:03 PM
I have used Argos on Ebay loads of times and never had a problem with them :thumbsup:

26-11-2010, 10:36 PM
I just got a jane powertwin pro off ebay cos I have seen them around and they are really good, cost £60. Obviously this is a double and quite sizeable too but great for bumpy tracks etc

29-11-2010, 08:43 AM
I bought an icandy pear because you can use it as a single as well as a double and it was great for in the shops as it was narrow like a single and not as long and hard to push as a tandem.

The seats sat better than a phil and ted's for the lo's to look out.
It was very expensive though, I paid £400 on ebay.

I borrowed a double 'out and about nipper' and It was an absolute dream to push. It is narrower than other doubles and fits through my front door, but not my internal doors. I loved it so much that I sold my icandy on ebay (i got £550 for it :eek: ) and bought a nipper for about £120. (If any one is buying one on ebay be careful as older models have a fixed front wheel but look like the newer model and people were bidding the same amount as for the newer model)
I love my nipper so much I also bought a single:thumbsup: