18-11-2010, 07:34 AM
Morning Everyone

Hope you are all ok ?

Not so cold today but still windy and it has been raining although stopped now

What are you all doing today ?

Hope you all have a great day

Angel xxx

18-11-2010, 07:38 AM
I had 2 little visitors in the night so I'm exhausted and they are dismantleing the Igloo in our living room!!! Which I'm going to have to put back together as I have a childminder friend coming round to play in it today (with children of course). I love Thursday/Friday as I don't have anyone until 9.30am so only my children to get ready which means I'm still sat here on the computer in my bathrobe, kids haven't had breakfast, need to find the uniform and its school photo day :blush:

18-11-2010, 07:43 AM
Morning Angel and Singlewiththree

A tad chilly here but at lest it's not raining, at least I don't think it is.

Lo won't be here till 10.30 so not sure what we are doing yet, he does need to finish off his Pudsey picture though. Thought about making some bread rolls with him, yummy :thumbsup:

Have a great day everyone

Carol xx

18-11-2010, 07:56 AM
Miserable here too. Everyone is tired here as it dd's show at the theatre and we didnt get in from rehearsals till 11;10 :eek:

My ds2 is not very well so he will just have to stay in bed. Only got before and after schoolies so he can stay in bed.

Got my do coming this morning as well :thumbsup:

Then its opening night of the show tonight so another late one for us :thumbsup:

18-11-2010, 08:07 AM
Morning all!

It's the morning after the day before...........post inspection day and wondering what to do as I have missed all the groups this week waiting in for inspection :rolleyes:

DD has a day off college so might get her to help with crafts before she goes Christmas shopping :)

christine e
18-11-2010, 08:20 AM
Hi everyone

Taking three to school then got rest of day off for DS graduation ceremony in Sheffield, think I might need to take a brolly!

Have a good day everyone


18-11-2010, 08:28 AM
Freezing here:(

Off to the library, its warmer than the park!

have a great day all....and keep warm


18-11-2010, 08:34 AM
Am not working today which is a nice treat so am going to spend the day at the yard with my Horse.

Hope you all have a good day:)